How to kiss your boyfriend so that he likes it

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Signs He Wants to Kiss You: Do You Know It?
Video: Signs He Wants to Kiss You: Do You Know It?


If you feel comfortable in your body, kissing your boyfriend the way he likes is easy. Guys actually love it when their girlfriend takes on the leadership role and turns him on during a hot kissing session. If you want to learn how to drive your boyfriend crazy in just a few minutes, just follow these steps.


Method 1 of 2: Starting a Hot Kissing Session

  1. 1 Find a comfortable time. Seriously. You are unlikely to create the right mood in the parking lot behind the supermarket. Go to a dark room where only the light from the TV will illuminate your bodies, or find a secluded alley in the park where the thought of being caught will drive you even more. Even the back seat of a car will do. In fact, go wherever you feel is right for hot kisses.
    • Both of you should be comfortable. No stress, no need to go and you're ready to have fun.
  2. 2 Soften your lips. To make kissing your boyfriend even more enjoyable, soften your lips with lip balm or simply lick them. You can do this fifteen minutes before kissing to make him even more aroused and pay more attention to your lips. Just don't apply the glitter thickly, or he'll feel it when he kisses it.
    • If you are applying a thick coat of glitter or scented glitter, do it at least an hour or two before kissing.
  3. 3 Flirt. Show your boyfriend that you are in the mood. Be playful, but pull him towards you. Tease him by gently pushing away, squeezing his shoulder, making a cute joke, or just playing with his hair and making him want you even more. You can't just go from hugs to kissing - you need to flirt with him a little to get the mood right.
    • Give your man a little compliment while flirting. He needs to know what looks good.
  4. 4 Bring him to you. Let him know that not everything is under his control. He'll be glad you took the lead instead of waiting for him to take the first step. Most likely, he will be grateful for the opportunity to take a break from constant control over the situation. Grab him, smile sweetly, and pull him closer until your bodies touch.
    • Maintain eye contact while pulling it towards you - control it.
  5. 5 Tease his. Don't give up too easily. Get close to him almost completely, and then stop. Pause in movement for a second will make him stop, realize how excited he is, and want you even more. Then wait for him to pull you closer, and begin a soft, gentle kiss without any unnecessary vulgarity. When you feel comfortable, use a little tongue and then move on to a full fledged French kiss.
    • Don't put your tongue in his mouth right away. First, stick only the tip of your tongue into your mouth until you touch your tongues and start moving them in a circle, or one of the tongues is on top.

Method 2 of 2: Raise the Degree

  1. 1 Explore his body. Remember to slide your hands over your man's body while kissing. Touch his shoulders, chest, waist, neck, arms and any part of his body above the belt. And hey, if you're comfortable, there's nothing wrong with putting your hands on his groin to turn him on, as long as you're in a close enough relationship.
    • It is important to always pay attention to his body with your hands. Don't be too active. Slowly study his body with your hands as you approach.
    • Remember, if you and your boyfriend don't go further than kissing, and you are uncomfortable moving to the next level, you do not need to touch his entire body and allow him to touch you everywhere. Otherwise, he will decide that you are ready for more.
  2. 2 Bite or suck on his lips gently. If you are in a playful mood and comfortable together, then gently bite your boyfriend or suck on his lips. Remember to bite first very gently, and then gradually intensify - nothing kills the mood like blood from a partner's lip.
    • Not all guys like this trick, so don't be discouraged if your man doesn't like it. But if he likes it, he will already like it for real.
  3. 3 Whisper in his ear. Words are very important. Whispering into your boyfriend's ear in the middle of a kissing session will make him feel your tickling hot breath, which will turn him on even more. Plus, whispering is just sexy - if you know what to say.
    • Don't overcomplicate. Just say something like, “I want you,” “You kiss so well,” or, “You’re so sexy,” it will probably work.
    • If he does something that drives you crazy, you can say, "I like it when you ..."
  4. 4 Kiss him on the neck and earlobe. It is important to constantly do something new and not only kiss, kiss, kiss on the lips. After you've kissed for a few minutes, get to your boyfriend's earlobes and neck.Kiss his ears and neck gently, and if he reacts positively, you can bite them down a little.
    • You can also kiss his neck and lick it a little, and then blow to make your man tremble with passion.
  5. 5 Play with his hair. The head is one of the most sensitive parts of the body in men, so don't ignore it. Run your hands through his hair, caress his hair gently, and continue to play with his hair while kissing or during breaks. It will be great if at this time you look into his eyes. Just caress his hair gently, fingering it in your hands.
    • In general, you should always keep your hands occupied, not on your knees, so if you want to take a break from exploring his body, touch his hair and vice versa.
  6. 6 Saddle it up. Guys adorewhen girls take control of the situation and sit on them in the middle of a kissing session. First, make sure that both of you are already hot and ready for this, that you caress each other and are in a comfortable place, for example, on a sofa or standing near a chair, so that you can comfortably saddle it without slowing down the process.
    • Climb on top of him while you kiss and place your hands on his neck.
    • You shouldn't do this during the first kiss. Get to know your boyfriend better before trying anything like this!
  7. 7 Suck on his finger. If you and your boyfriend are comfortable together, don't be afraid to suck his finger while looking into his eyes for just a second or two. This is all it takes to turn your boyfriend on and show him that you are fun and comfortable enough with him to try something new and a little vulgar.
    • Don't overdo it. One kiss per session will be enough.
  8. 8 Change constantly. Whatever you do, remember to change activities from time to time. Don't sit on a guy all the time, kissing his neck, whispering in his ear, or doing whatever you like best. Everything from body position to kissing style needs to be changed. You can kiss him only on the lips, kiss passionately, kiss him gently biting his lip, kiss other parts of his body, or do all of the above, but so that you both do not get bored.
    • Do not get hung up on passionate kissing, during which you do not move your hands or change your position. This can get bored quickly.
  9. 9 Show him how much you liked it. Do not be afraid to smile afterwards and show him that you liked everything. Kiss him gently on the lips, stroke his hair, or just tell him how much you enjoyed it so he feels confident and knows that you really enjoyed spending time with him. You don't have to be too humble or pretend that nothing happened. In fact, guys seem sexy if the girl admits it.
    • Smile playfully and say, "It was fun."


  • Some guys find it cute when girls control them by grabbing a T-shirt, pulling them in and kissing them passionately. In this case, you should not rush, so as not to collide with noses. You should not go over to such things right away - first you need to kiss a little and understand how comfortable you are with each other.
  • Always start slowly and then gradually accelerate.
  • Talk afterwards to make sure you're not embarrassed.
  • Some guys like to have their breasts rubbed.
  • Check out his impressions to see what should or shouldn't be repeated in the future.
  • Try kissing in French if all goes well.
  • Feel free to tell him you want to kiss. If he doesn't take the hints, be blunt.
  • If you want to raise the degree of kissing, but have never done it before, hint the guy that he takes the first step.
  • Place his hands on your waist and slide your hands over his neck and back.
  • Flirt before the meeting. So he will go crazy with anticipation. Give a hint of what you are planning to do. Guys love to be teased this way.


  • Do not tell him that today you will be in charge, as this is contrary to the idea.
  • Kiss as long as it feels good to both of you (people don't like being forced to do something they don't want to).
  • Don't move too fast.