How to deal with lust

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 19 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Two Strategies to Win the War on Lust
Video: Two Strategies to Win the War on Lust


Do you feel that you cannot overcome your desire for some person or many people? Fighting lust is a personal choice; it is not something that can be used against you, or that you can easily turn off. Rather, you will have to work on a result that distracts, replaces, or softens your vulgar thoughts. Here are some approaches that might help you.


Part 1 of 4: Dealing with the cause of the problem

  1. 1 Stop tempting yourself. Learn not to seek out what makes you want. This basically means you need to train yourself to deal with the temptation of pornography, but it can also mean not going to the movies or driving on certain sections of the road. It's difficult, but lustful habits are like all other bad habits, and you can get rid of them. Be persistent!
  2. 2 Learn to respect yourself and others. If you allow lust to be the stimulus in your daily relationship, then you do not fully understand yourself. If you allow the desires of your body to determine who you are and how you behave, rather than letting your mind and personality give a little thought. Also, you don't respect people if you only see them in a lustful light. If you really have feelings for the person, you will need to work hard to deal with those feelings and do everything right for that person (and for yourself!).
  3. 3 Avoid drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol lift inhibitions, which means it’s harder for you to fight lust. If you do this, then quit. This will help you a lot! You can still go to bars with friends, just order water or apple juice (they both look like alcohol so you won't feel uncomfortable).
  4. 4 Realize your needs. Most of the scriptures recognize that sexual desire is normal, so you shouldn't blame yourself for having sexual needs. Become aware of them, because otherwise you may create very unseemly thoughts, and your feelings will only intensify! Allow yourself to have sexual feelings, but don't give in to them.
  5. 5 Look for alternative philosophies. There are many different kinds of desire and many different points of view on desire. If your desire is or may be causing physical harm to someone, then yes, this is a problem that needs to be dealt with.However, if your sexual feelings arise between two adults, then that's okay. Sexual feelings are natural, and if your concern is solely based on religious teachings, then it might be time to investigate other religious teachings. Different sects have very different positions on this score.

Part 2 of 4: How to Distract Yourself

  1. 1 Be ready. If you are not ready, then, of course, you will have problems. Realize that you have a problem with lust and then prepare yourself when you know you will be visiting a place with temptations. Moral preparation and game plan are half the battle.
  2. 2 Run your eyes. If you find yourself in a place where the temptation is strong, try using the practice of running with your eyes. This means that if you see something that might appeal to desire, immediately find something to look at. This is a very handy trick and can help you.
  3. 3 Focus on your hobby. Another trick you can try is to focus on an activity we enjoy. This is a great technique for those cases when lustful thoughts arise in your home or elsewhere, where it depends on you whether you are seduced, and not on an external cause. Especially to have a mobile activity, as these thoughts can arise at any time.
    • Consider doing decorative weaving or other creative hobbies that can be done easily anywhere.
    • You can also try to memorize as much of the scripture as possible.
    • Another method is to become a volunteer. This is an activity that can not only distract you, but also help you do a godly work.
  4. 4 Pray or review the studied verse. Another way to distract yourself is to repeat, either out loud or in your mind, any verse you know. It can remind you of God's love and help you stick to his laws.
  5. 5 Avoid the reasons for your temptation. The best way to avoid lust is to get rid of the reasons for your seduction. For many people, the main reason for seduction is pornography. If you realize that you can't focus on the important aspects of your life, and your porn collection is growing like pyramids in Egypt, then maybe it's time to take a break. Install a filter on your computer so you stop looking at pictures.

Part 3 of 4: Finding Better Ways to Communicate

  1. 1 Spend time with companies. If you cannot avoid the person who makes you desire, then you need to find a healthier way to communicate with him. One option is to spend time with him only in the company of other people. This will help you not to say or do things that you shouldn't.
  2. 2 Spend time together in safe places. Even if you only spend time with companies, another way is to only spend time together in places like a church, temple, or other holy place. God will protect you and help you focus on Him and not on your lustful thoughts.
  3. 3 Look him in the eye. When you look at him, make sure you only focus on his eyes and not on the part of the body that makes you want to. The eyes are said to be the mirror of the soul, so focus on his eyes to see the soul. This will help you gain respect and remind yourself how God wants you to treat people.
  4. 4 Participate in friendly activities. Do only what respectful friends would do. Don't do what looks like a date. Just look at the situation you are in and think about what your grandmother would say about what you are doing. If she approved, then probably everything is in order.
  5. 5 Don't touch this person. Touching, even if you only touch it in sensible places like your palm or hand, can sometimes intensify your lustful thoughts. Try not touching it at all if you are having trouble with it. This can help you a lot.
  6. 6 Behave properly with the object of your sympathy. If you really can't control the behavior around your boyfriend or girlfriend, then maybe it's time to get married.This is God's intention, and for this he created husbands and wives so that they can translate these feelings into life in a way that pleases him ...
    • Just remember that you must marry someone who suits you spiritually, physically, and morally, and only marry if you are willing to be serious with each other. If you do not want such a serious relationship, then you may not be ready for a sexual relationship.
    • If you want to get married just to deal with your sexual feelings, then this should be the last decision. Marriage is a serious decision and should not be taken lightly.

Part 4 of 4: Help

  1. 1 Realize that you need help. If the option of getting married is not possible, and other methods do not work, you will need to admit that you need help. You know what they say, "Acknowledging a problem is half the battle in solving it."
  2. 2 Talk to your spirit guide. Talk to a local priest, pastor, imam, rabbi, or other spiritual guide. They can give you advice and help you stay on track. That's what they are for! Don't be shy: they are trained to deal with problems like these, and they also know that it can be a problem even for the most dedicated and faithful.
  3. 3 Isolate yourself. Remove yourself from temptation as much as possible. For men, this could mean joining the army. For women, this can mean going to a women's university or school. Your family will understand and support your decision. Be surrounded by your gender until you learn to overcome your feelings.
  4. 4 Remember the problems lust creates. If you obey these lustful thoughts, you will be punished accordingly. STDs, infectious diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and other punishments await you if you cannot control yourself. Be careful and behave responsibly!
  5. 5 Pray for help from God. He will help protect you from these unwanted feelings, but you must work with him. He will send you help, but your eyes must be open and look for the solution he sent. It can be difficult at times, but with the help of your friends, family, and spirit guides, you will get the help you need.
    • "You have been tempted by no other than human; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength, but when tempted, he will also give relief, so that you can bear it." - 1 Cor. 10:13


  • Learn about late pleasure; lust is its opposite. A person who can master it will feel the benefits in all areas of life, including financial, emotional, career, etc., as well as love.


  • If your lust makes you unhappy, do something about it. If your desire only makes someone else unhappy, you need to think about the fact that this is your business, and not someone else. It will remain between you and God.