How to deal with ants

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Natural Way to Get Rid of Ants in Your House
Video: A Natural Way to Get Rid of Ants in Your House


Ants in the home are a fairly common problem among homeowners. One ant does not pose a threat, but if an anthill appears in the garden or near the house, then the situation can radically change. If you want to get rid of the ants that have infested your home, use natural, homemade, or store-bought ant insect repellents.


Method 1 of 2: Using natural remedies

  1. 1 Spread food grade diatomaceous earth over problem areas. Spread a thin layer of diatomaceous earth wherever you see ants. Inside the home, they can usually be found behind electrical appliances, in cupboards, along the edge of carpet and under rugs. Outside, they can often be seen near doorways, on the terrace, near window frames and in a flower bed.
    • Use only food grade diatomaceous earth. Some types of diatomaceous earth are used to clean swimming pools and therefore contain pesticides and other chemicals that can harm pets and young children. On the other hand, food grade diatomaceous earth is non-toxic and can be used throughout the home.
    • Diatomaceous earth is a natural substance made up of crushed, fossilized diatomaceous algae (a type of tiny marine organism).
    • This powder is very abrasive and absorbs moisture well. Once on the ant, the diatomaceous earth will eat away at the waxy protective coating of its chitinous layer, making the ant no longer able to retain water. The ant will die of dehydration, but not immediately, but only after a while.
    • The ant has to touch the diatomaceous earth for it to take effect.

    Hussam bin break

    Pest Control Specialist Hussam Bean Break is a Certified Pesticide Application Specialist and Operations Manager for Diagno Pest Control. Owns and operates this service with his brother in Greater Philadelphia.

    Hussam bin break
    Pest Control Specialist

    To prevent the ants from returning, eliminate any food sources. Hussam Bin Break, operational manager of the Diagno Pest Control pest control and pest control service, says: “There are a great many species of ants, but they behave basically the same. The task of the ants is to get food. When they find its source, they come for it again and again. Once I even got rid of ants from an apartment on the 12th floor. "

  2. 2 Spray ants and inlets with vinegar solution. Prepare a 1: 1 solution of white vinegar and water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray all points of entry into your home such as windows, doors, and baseboards. The ants themselves can also be sprayed.
    • The ants will die within a few hours of appearing on the treated areas.
    • For best results, spray the area with the solution every day for a week.
    • Remove dead ants with damp paper towels.
  3. 3 Kill the ants with a solution of dishwashing liquid and water. Mix equal amounts of water and dishwashing detergent in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle well to stir the solution, then spray any ants in sight.
    • The solution will stick to the ants, and they will die of suffocation.
    • This method will only work on the ants you apply the solution to, so be sure to spray the entire colony and queen.
    • If the ants are bothering a plant, spray the plant with this solution to get rid of the ants. The solution will not harm the plant, but it will affect the ants themselves.
  4. 4 Sprinkle talcum powder near each entry point to the house. Buy baby powder or body powder that contains talcum powder and sprinkle it liberally around foundations, windows, and doors. Sensing talcum powder, the ants will turn in the other direction.
    • The ants will not be able to pass through the powder, and therefore will not enter the house. You just have to get rid of the ants already in the house.
  5. 5 Make a sugar and borax paste to attract the ants from the nest. Mix borax with sugar in a 1: 3 ratio. Start slowly adding a little water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the inside of the lids and leave them near home entry points, food sources, and other places where ants appear.
    • Borax, or sodium tetraborate, is the sodium salt of boric acid. It is often used for cleaning purposes and is commonly sold in household chemicals and hardware stores.
    • Borax can be toxic if swallowed, so keep pets or small children away from these traps.
    • The ants will be attracted by the sweet taste of the pasta, and they will take it to their nest, where the queen will eat it. Ultimately, the borax will poison all the ants that eat it.
  6. 6 Make a boric acid / corn syrup trap. Mix 1 teaspoon (4 g) boric acid with ¼ cup (45 ml) corn syrup. Put a few drops of the mixture on wax paper and leave it where ants often pass.
    • Boric acid can be purchased over the counter.
    • The ants will carry the mixture back to their nest, where it will successfully kill the entire colony.
    • Change the trap daily until there are no ants in the house.
    • The mixture can be stored for up to two weeks in a closed container and at room temperature.

Method 2 of 2: Using store-bought products

  1. 1 Set up glue insect traps. Glue the glue traps to the edges of the walls and wherever you think the ants will walk. For best results, place traps 1.5–3 m apart where ants can appear.
    • Glue traps are also effective against other terrestrial insects such as cockroaches, spiders and ticks.
  2. 2 Place baits all over the house. Buy ant bait and place it in every room that ants visit. Place the bait where the ants tend to congregate. Change the bait periodically until the ants are gone.
    • Ant bait can be purchased at most supermarkets, department stores, gardening stores, and hardware stores.
    • Read the instructions for the bait and find out if it is safe for children and pets. The instructions may say that the bait should be placed out of the reach of children and animals.
    • The bait will kill the ants that eat it. And when other ants eat his body, they will also be poisoned.
  3. 3 Spray ants with ant spray. Buy an insect spray that says it can be used against ants. Following the directions, spray the ants and the area according to the directions on the spray can.
    • Ant spray can be purchased at most grocery stores, horticultural centers, department stores, and hardware stores.
    • It is important to strictly follow all instructions on the can. Otherwise, the substance may not work or harm you and your loved ones.
    • Make sure the product says "against ants". Some pesticides and chemical insect repellents are more suitable for certain types of insects, so a bee killer, for example, may not work on ants.
    • Some sprays kill ants instantly. Others coat the ants with a poisonous chemical that kills them gradually so that the poison can enter the nest.
  4. 4 Call a pest control officer if ants infest your home frequently. Most ant problems can be resolved with natural or store-bought remedies, but some particularly severe infestations may require a professional call. The disinsector will quickly find and kill the colony.
    • A pest control officer will be able to assess the situation and determine which chemical will best deal with the ants. The chemicals used by pest controllers tend to be much stronger than those found in stores.
    • If you have small children, pets, or are worried about something else, be sure to notify the exterminator so that he or she takes all the necessary precautions before spraying your home with an ant repellent.

What do you need

  • Diatomaceous earth
  • White vinegar
  • Artificial sweetener
  • Water
  • Bura
  • White sugar
  • Boric acid
  • Corn syrup
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Spray bottle
  • Ant bait
  • Ant spray