How to be influential

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 6 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips to Be More Influential And Gain People’s Respect
Video: 5 Tips to Be More Influential And Gain People’s Respect


Influential people are more likely to be listened to and respected, and they are also quicker than others to bring change to life. Influence can be the result of wealth, status, or notoriety, but it is also a strength that can be developed through daily deeds, hard work, communication, and reciprocity. Diligence and focus will help you become a more influential person.


Method 1 of 3: How to Increase Influence

  1. 1 Follow your passions. It’s hard to convince people to believe in you and follow your advice if they don’t see your passion for the cause or issue. In order to influence others, it is important to seek inspiration that motivates you to gain experience and take action in work matters and important issues.
    • For example, influential teachers are usually deeply convinced of the importance of their work and strive to improve the lives of their students. If a teacher only works for money, then he will not be able to have a significant impact on the lives of students.
  2. 2 Become an expert in your industry. Improve your skills like basketball, social services, coding, accounting, or any other hobby that you would like to devote to for many years. Influential people often have a lot of seniority and experience, to which they go for a long time. Choose a hobby or job that you will not lose interest in over time.
    • Younger and less experienced people can also become influential, but gaining experience with time and effort is a more proven way.
    • Get a good education and expand your knowledge on topics that interest you.
    • Develop your talent. Often, talent and influence go hand in hand. Show yourself in action to earn a reputation as someone worth listening to.
  3. 3 Be a hardworking, reliable, and consistent person. This will help you earn the trust and respect of those around you, which will allow you to influence people. For example, spare no effort at work to get a promotion or earn respect in the company.
    • For example, if you are part of an activist group advocating better working conditions for low-wage workers, then do your best. Come to all meetings and events, help in every possible way, share your enthusiasm.
  4. 4 Expand your circle of acquaintances from colleagues and employees. Loners rarely become powerful. Connect with others in your profession or area of ​​interest and build a reputation for being reliable and knowledgeable. Over time, you will become more influential in your social circle and possibly among the acquaintances of your acquaintances.
    • Find opportunities to connect with people who share your interests and goals. Always attend conferences and parties, or become a member of a community organization.
    • Use the Internet to expand your professional and social circle of contacts. Add acquaintances from social networks to your contact list.
  5. 5 Become interesting and sociable human. A respected and outgoing person usually has more influence than a quiet person because he is able and willing to create and use his connections. It's hard to make an impact without connections.
    • This does not mean that a calm person or an introvert cannot become influential. You should find ways to interact with people on a personal level.
  6. 6 Exude genuine optimism. Pessimists and skeptics can also be influential, but people tend to prefer a positive attitude and excitement. Feigned enthusiasm is easy to recognize, but don't hide your genuine optimism!
    • An influential coach would rather reward players and say that today is “a good day to win” than constantly repeating mistakes in the previous match.
  7. 7 Check your goals. Ask yourself often, "Why do I want to be influential?" and "What impact do I want to have?" It is important to understand what you want out of social situations, board meetings, meetings with leaders, and other people. Move towards your goal so as not to be sprayed on the sides.
    • If you want to be influential for fame, fortune, or power, you need to accept the lack of guarantees and the likelihood of never having to satisfy your desires.
    • If you want to be influential in order to bring about positive change, then you also need to understand that the results may not always bring complete satisfaction, but efforts can also be a reason for pride and joy.

    “Thinking about how to build your career should take into account the relationship between work and personal life. This way you can balance your goals. "

    Chloe Carmichael, PhD

    Licensed Clinical Psychologist Chloe Carmichael, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in New York City. He has over 10 years of experience in psychological counseling, specializing in relationship problems, stress management, self-esteem work and career coaching. She also taught courses at Long Island University and worked as a freelance faculty member at the City University of New York. She received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Long Island University and completed clinical practice at Lenox Hill and Kings County Hospitals. Accredited by the American Psychological Association and is the author of Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety.

    Chloe Carmichael, PhD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Method 2 of 3: How to Apply Influence

  1. 1 Seize opportunities to show leadership skills. Benefit people and soon they will start to turn to you for advice. The advisor always has influence.
    • This is especially important if you do not yet have the proper status or reputation. Leadership is a great way to get the opportunity to influence those around you.
    • Volunteer to be a team leader on difficult projects or become a leader in a community group. Don't miss out on opportunities to show off your leadership skills.
  2. 2 Interact with your social circle regularly. Start saying hello to coworkers in the morning or chat in the break room and don't eat alone. The ability to stay connected with people allows you to have weight in society. Find opportunities to keep in touch and build your influence.
    • Call an old friend every week. It's not nice to only call when you need something.
    • Become a member and often interact with the charities that your friends are affiliated with.
    • Write personal, thoughtful, thank you and congratulatory letters by hand to colleagues and friends.
    • Start an annual event such as a summer picnic, holiday party, or a meeting of friends to invite people from your friendships and business circles.
  3. 3 Grow and leverage your social media subscriber base. Having a large number of Facebook friends and Twitter followers can be proof of your influence potential. Interact with people regularly to create and maintain pathways for your influence.
    • Respond to publications and inquiries, and share your views and experiences in a friendly manner.
    • Monitor social media regularly as it grows and loses popularity easily, especially among young people.
    • Also make sure you are part of a community that suits your role and goals. For example, create a Facebook Company Page to build influence in the business world.
  4. 4 Use existing connections to create new ones. Always find ways to expand your circle of friends, colleagues, and followers. In real life and on social media, keep a record of names and important information about new people. This will allow you to build rapport and gain influence in the future.
    • For example, join your university alumni group. Being actively involved will also help you expand your network of acquaintances and spread your influence.
  5. 5 Show courtesies and ask for courtesies. It is impossible to influence people if you are afraid to reach out to them. Also, you will lose all your influence if you always refuse requests. Exchange small services so that you can influence important decisions later.
    • Along with mutual courtesies and developing connections, your influence will begin to grow.
    • For example, offer to help colleagues with a difficult project, and then ask them to help you.
  6. 6 Adapt to changing circumstances. For example, you can gain influence from a leadership position at work, and then lose it after a company reorganization. Online influence can decrease as users churn to other platforms. Never think of influence as a constant. Nothing is eternal under the Moon.
    • Maintaining influence is as difficult as becoming influential. Continue to showcase your enthusiasm and experience, expand your circle of acquaintances and build relationships.

Method 3 of 3: How to Use Influential Conversation Tactics

  1. 1 Strive to please people. Smiles, laughter and compliments are effective terms for influencing people. If people are comfortable with you, then they will be more willing to listen to your advice.
    • Effective salespeople often disarm potential customers with their charm and tact. You too should disarm people in order to “sell” your wisdom and leadership skills.
    • To look good and behave while interacting, exercise in front of a mirror or with friends and family.
  2. 2 Maintain eye contact when speaking. Look at the people you talk to and who are reaching out to you. Show your attention with nods and other visual or verbal means.
    • Look at the person, but you don't need to constantly stare at the other person. Move your gaze briefly to the side about every 15 seconds, and then look into your eyes again.
  3. 3 Repeat important information to demonstrate understanding and established connections. Briefly summarize what you hear will show your attention and broaden the connection between you. You can't influence people if you act like you don't care what they say.
    • When the person has finished speaking, say something like, “So you feel like our HR department pays little attention to the needs of working mothers,” and then move on to your thoughts on the matter.
  4. 4 Use other people's names wisely. A thoughtful approach involves offering dating within your social circle. If at a party you want to meet new people or introduce people to each other, then use names that are already in this circle.
    • Don't name names outside of your current social circle. This behavior can quickly escalate into bragging when it comes to meeting politicians, celebrities, and musicians who are not good acquaintances of yours.
    • Correct behavior: “I have to introduce you to Andrey. Here he is, at the next table. Andrey deals with environmental issues. "
    • Inappropriate behavior: "You know, when I was on an internship with the Minister of Finance ...".
  5. 5 Look for common ground. In any conversation, strive to bond with the person based on common interests, hobbies, or experiences. Mention such moments to find common ground.
    • This does not mean that you need to limit yourself to communicating with people who are as similar to you as possible. Be open-minded about differences or diversity of views, but strive to notice the similarities between you.
    • You may find that you are a fan of the same football team, passionate about conservation or innovation, despite small differences of opinion.
  6. 6 Maintain communication. Your chances of having an impact on the person will increase if you call or text them after the conversation. Depending on the circumstances, you can clarify how events are developing or what questions a person has. It is important to show that you have not lost interest and will not refuse help.
    • It is important not to bother you. One call in a few days is enough. Then follow the signals and hints that come from the person.
    • You can call and say: “Hi Denis, I just wanted to ask how the meeting you mentioned went. Did you manage to share new sales statistics? "