How to be alone

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Alone
Video: How To Be Alone


All of us sometimes have to remain in splendid isolation - and some people like it much more than others. According to research, spending time alone (without anything to distract you) is a kind of stress on the body, as humans are social by nature. However, spending time alone can be a glorious way unwind, work on yourself and look at the situation as a whole, as if detached. If you find it difficult to be alone with yourself, then this article will open your eyes to the benefits of spending time alone. With a little practice, you will learn how to spend your time alone with benefit and enjoy it!


Method 1 of 2: Spending Time Usefully

  1. 1 Don't stay on social media. Are you lonely? Social media is not the solution! Yes, social media may seem like a good substitute for old-fashioned communication, but it only heightens the sense of isolation and does not give us the slightest opportunity to usefully spend time! If you really need to spend time with someone close, call a friend or go somewhere where you can at least talk to someone!
  2. 2 Don't rely on television as a substitute for interacting with people. People who find it difficult to make new acquaintances can often look for some kind of replacement for human communication. However, communicating with virtual people, rather than real ones, can be incredibly harmful to humans. Alas, spending the day watching a marathon of your favorite TV show or watching several films late is not a problem, but when it becomes a chronic behavior, then you should think about getting yourself out of this state of isolation.
  3. 3 Avoid being too dependent on friends and family. If this is your first time experiencing loneliness, it will be easy to deal with that feeling by constantly filling your time with family and friends. Also, if you've recently become single, you may want to start dating new people frequently to avoid spending time alone altogether. None of these behaviors are normal, since at certain periods of life it is necessary to be alone. Spend time with family, friends, and go on dates from time to time, but make sure you spend most of your time for yourself.
  4. 4 Stay away from drugs and alcohol. Loneliness and alcohol (or other substances) are a sure road to mental breakdown in the future. Time spent alone should not require alcohol to be pleasant or tolerant. If you rely on drugs or alcohol to manage your time alone, then you need to self-medicate for deeper reasons. If you feel like you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, you should visit a psychologist or psychotherapist for personalized help and advice.
  5. 5 Spend time alone with a purpose. Make regular plans for how you will spend your time! By the way, you should not spend time alone only when all your friends suddenly change plans (or something like that). Try to devote at least 30 minutes a day for yourself, your beloved, and do what you want. At first, of course, the very idea of ​​making plans for spending time alone will seem strange to you, but over time you will get used to it and get involved.
    • Start small. Let's say, from a walk around the area or a trip to a coffee shop in those very cherished half an hour. Alternatively, you can go to lunch alone at work a couple of times a week.
  6. 6 Make good use of your time alone. You do not have to waste your time of loneliness, sitting in a dark room and indulging in idleness (unless, of course, this is what you were striving for with all your heart). Better do what you enjoy doing - at least set a goal for yourself.Remember that spending time alone is a chance to get to know yourself better and improve your skills in something, maybe something completely new for you!
    • Make a list of things you'd like to do and go!
    • Think about what you wanted to do with someone, and consider whether you could do it alone.
    • Try a new hobby - a sport or craft that you have admired for a long time.
    • Don't be afraid to pick a hobby or project that takes a long time to complete, because you must allow yourself enough "lonely" time to complete the project.
  7. 7 Watch your thoughts. It can be difficult, especially when alone, but it will get easier with practice.
    • Learn to drown out internal dialogue and concentrate on sensations, on each of them.

Method 2 of 2: Realizing the Importance of Time Being Alone

  1. 1 Remember that being alone and being lonely are two different things. Although people may tell you differently, “being alone” and “being alone” are different concepts. Being lonely means being alone with yourself, while loneliness is a feeling of longing for a person or people, resulting in feelings of sadness and anxiety. When you are alone, you should feel happy and enjoy being alone. For those who are lonely, it will be much more difficult to feel happy.
    • It is normal to be on your own; you need to make sure you don't feel unhappy or sad all the time.
    • Feelings of loneliness can appear after a long time spent alone, but they are still two different concepts.
  2. 2 Think about the benefits of spending time alone. Yes, spending time alone may not be your top priority, but it’s rewarding! So don't think about why you don't like being alone, think about how you can spend that time for your body and mind!
    • Take care of yourself. This time can be spent on self-care or other personal needs - like reading a book, listening to music, or even a hot bubble bath!
    • Get to know yourself better. Being alone, it is quite possible to think about your dreams, hopes, needs and desires, without being distracted by the pressure of others. You can, as it were, open yourself - for yourself! Try keeping a journal and writing down your thoughts and feelings.
    • Relax and develop. We are all human, and we are all under stress, and we all waste energy ... But the time you spend alone with yourself will allow you to rest and replenish your strength! Meditation or breathing exercises - why not spend this time on them ?!
    • Work on your productivity and mental clarity. Mindfulness is what can help you enjoy your time alone. Alone, you can spend enough time thinking deeply and finding optimal solutions to pressing problems. Sit and think!
  3. 3 Know that fear of being alone is normal. What's already there, it is useful to remember that people tend to dislike loneliness. This is our nature, we seek, we crave interaction with our own kind. There are many theories that the human desire for affection, love and social interaction is a reflection of the fact that we were not created to spend all our time alone. It is only important to strike a balance between the time you spend with others and the time you can spend alone with yourself.
    • Fear is okay. Avoiding loneliness with all your might - no. If you do not solve the problem of fear, then one day you can get into a bad company or even start to be afraid to be alone. Here's an example to make it clearer: there are people who have a lot of passing acquaintances who constantly spend time with someone. And yes, this behavior is fraught with problems.
  4. 4 You need a healthy relationship. All the rest are unnecessary. And all of this is equally important! You must both maintain normal relationships and get rid of bad relationships in which you feel unhappy. Research shows that some people in harmful relationships are only held back by fear of loneliness - but such behavior and harm is much more than good.
    • Seek help if this is about you. A loyal friend, spiritual leader or therapist - that's with whom you can discuss this problem.
    • Make sure you don't forget about those who can support you. If you always have someone to turn to for support, then you will never be alone.
  5. 5 Assess if you are alone and in need of help in this regard. Loneliness is not a fear of the time that will have to be spent alone, it is a feeling of isolation, detachment and detachment. You can passionately crave communication with other people - but at the same time feel that it is not available to you. If this is about you, then seek appropriate help from a psychotherapist.
    • Consider the symptoms. Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, depression, suicidal thoughts, alcohol abuse or drug use are common symptoms of loneliness.
    • Consider if something has happened recently that could make you feel lonely. Maybe a break in relations? Or the death of a loved one? Even childhood trauma can provoke this!


  • Consider starting a big project or a new class so you can actually get something done over a long period of time.