How to be a mermaid

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 26 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Become A Mermaid
Video: How To Become A Mermaid


If you love mermaids and want to be like them or just be a mermaid for a while, then this article is for you. To act like a mermaid, you have to look, move, and talk accordingly. Here's how to do it.


Method 1 of 3: Look Like a Mermaid

  1. 1 Your hair should be mermaid-worthy. The first thing that makes the mermaid stand out is the hair, so you'll have to work hard on this part of the look. Growing hair takes time and patience, but it's worth it. Here's what you can do to make your hair look like a mermaid:
    • Grow long hair, below the shoulders or even longer.
    • If your hair is not naturally wavy, curl it slightly for a natural look. If you don't want to use curlers or curling irons, try braiding your hair overnight while it is still damp from washing. Unwind them in the morning.
    • Give your hair a healthy shine. There are many ways to do this: you can apply a little vinegar to your hair and then rinse, you can wash your hair not with warm water, but with cold water, and you can also make a mask from eggs, mayonnaise, aloe vera, etc. Look for more information on the Internet about how to keep your hair soft, shiny and healthy.
    • If this works for you, you can slightly wet your hair, especially the ends. This will give you the appearance of just emerging from the ocean.You can make a saline solution, pour it into a spray bottle, and apply it to your hair for a beachy look.
    • Find the right hair accessories. Since you spend a lot of time underwater, use faux starfish, coral combs, or even sand your hair to look more like a mermaid.
  2. 2 Work on the mermaid's face. Your face is what will be noticed after the hair, so it must match. Mermaids have a natural look, so you don't have to try too hard, but there are a few things you can do.
    • Use cyan, green, and magenta eye shadows. To stand out, apply blue or silver mascara.
    • Apply a thin layer of glitter to your eyelids and lips.
    • Use light pink lipstick.
    • Remember, your makeup must be waterproof.
  3. 3 Dress like a mermaid. You don't need a lot of wardrobe items to do this, but they should match the look. To be a true mermaid, you have to think through every detail, from the top to the shoes. Here's what you should wear:
    • Swimsuit, but not too beachy. Choose nautical shades like blue or purple and try to find a swimsuit that looks like seashells on the top.
    • Casual clothing should be lightweight and flowy. This will remind others of the waves of the ocean. Match a lightweight, flowy shirt with jeans or a fitted shirt with a flowy skirt. Remember to wear ocean colors, blues, greens, and purples. Pink will also work in some cases.
    • Wear flip flops or shell sandals. Your shoes should be casual. Since real mermaids don't wear shoes at all, there is no need to draw attention to their feet.
    • Paint your toenails and hand nails with light pink varnish or any ocean color. If you want to draw attention to your nails and make them more mermaid-like, you can decorate them with images of starfish, anchors, or even scales.
  4. 4 Accessories. To be a true mermaid, you must have the right accessories. Mermaids are too busy swimming to get too carried away with accessories, but some elements will help you emphasize that you are a mermaid. Here are some tips:
    • Wear jewelry made from coral and seashells. Necklaces, earrings and bracelets made of coral and shells will emphasize that you are a mermaid.
    • Wear a mood ring to highlight the complexity of the mermaid's emotions. Remember that many of these rings are made from cheap material, so don't wear it too long as your finger may turn green.
    • Get a small coral handbag.
    • Start a mermaid notebook where you will write down your deepest thoughts.
    • Carry a fork to brush your hair.

Method 2 of 3: Live in a mermaid paradise

  1. 1 Spend as much time as possible near water. To be a mermaid is not enough to look like her, you need to surround yourself with a typical mermaid environment. You don't need to dive to the bottom of the ocean, but you can do the following:
    • If you live near the ocean, spend your days in the water or on the shore. Leave a trail of sand wherever you go.
    • If you do not live near the ocean, try to spend as much time as possible near the water. It can be a lake, pool or river.
    • Spend more time in the shower. Mermaids love water!
    • If you have time for vacation, head to the island, where you can spend as much time as possible by the ocean.
  2. 2 Make your home look like a mermaid house. While you must spend a lot of time by the water, you still have to work on your home. Here are some simple tips for making your home a mermaid paradise:
    • Start a large aquarium with your favorite sea creatures.
    • Hang a large number of seashells around the house. Use plates, coasters, and even shell-shaped cups whenever possible.
    • Surround yourself with images of the ocean.Paint the walls blue.
    • Place artificial corals, plants, algae, and other underwater objects near your bed.
    • Hang blue curtains to simulate waves.
    • Store your clothes in the treasure chest.

Method 3 of 3: Play the role of a mermaid

  1. 1 Become cryptic. If you are a mermaid on earth, chances are you have a double life. To be a real mermaid, you must hide your underwater life and keep personal information to yourself. Here are some tips for keeping the mystery alive:
    • Write something melancholy in your notebook. When someone approaches you, press the book to your chest.
    • Mention your underwater friends and then pretend you are ashamed of it.
    • Say such phrases: "Nobody understands the ocean like me" or "I will never eat fish. Fish is my friend."
    • Run away unexpectedly and without explanation. Just say, for example: "I wanted", and then run away towards the ocean.
  2. 2 Sing a lot. A real mermaid can kill with singing, so you should always sing: both in public and alone. This is the most distinctive feature of the mermaid, and you should use it as often as possible. Here's how to do it:
    • Even if you are not very good at singing, practice as often as possible.
    • Sing to yourself all the time. Pretend to be taken by surprise when someone walks into the room while you are singing.
    • If this is not the right time to sing, hum it softly.
    • You should look melancholy and melancholy while singing, as if you are thinking about your life in another world.
  3. 3 Swim like a fish. A true mermaid must swim flawlessly. She should be more comfortable in the water than on land. Here's how to make swimming your second nature:
    • Swim as much as possible. This should be your sport. If you are a good runner, learn to swim well instead.
    • Mermaids can breathe underwater. Learn to stay underwater as long as possible. When you surface for air, do it directly.
    • When you swim, fold your feet together. Remember you have a fishtail!
  4. 4 Be a little detached. The mermaid's house is in the sea, so on land she does not feel quite comfortable. You should be embarrassed by the most ordinary things, and you should find new uses for them. Here's what you need to do:
    • Always brush your hair with any safe object that you can reach. This can be a fork, pencil, or paper clip.
    • When you eat, pretend to be embarrassed by cups, plates, and cutlery.
    • You should be confused by technology, especially computers, cell phones and televisions. You don't have this underwater.
    • Give funny names to simple things.
    • You should be intimidated by ordinary food, especially seafood, because you are a vegetarian.
    • Marvel at your feet and walk indefinitely. If you can do it safely, fall.
    • Be horrified by acne. In your world, these are evil creatures!
  5. 5 Make friends with other sea creatures. Being a lonely mermaid is a little sad, but if you find like-minded people, you will not only make friends, but you will also be a more natural mermaid. Here's what to do:
    • Your best bet is to find other mermaids. You will look more convincing.
    • Find your soul mate, a male mermaid. Spend a lot of time together in the water.
    • Find other sea creatures like starfish, crabs or tropical fish to hang out with.
    • Get a mermaid tail. How can you be a mermaid without a tail? Go to and you can purchase a mermaid tail anywhere in the world. If this is too expensive for you, you can craft the tail yourself. This video shows you how to make a mermaid tail that's great for swimming:


  • Don't wear too many flashy items. Try not to wear plastic or cheap looking items, as real mermaids don't wear plastic.
  • If you are afraid to do it in public, practice alone before appearing to the world as a mermaid.
  • If you can afford it, then get an artificial mermaid tail for swimming (for example, from the Mermagica online store).

What do you need

  • Coral and seashell accessories
  • Blue, purple and turquoise makeup
  • Swimsuit
  • Some sand
  • Mermaid's tail