How to be a freaky person

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 20 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be More Freaky & Spontaneous |  Kissyface454 | Naked Sunday
Video: How To Be More Freaky & Spontaneous | Kissyface454 | Naked Sunday


Being "quirky" isn't just a fashion statement. It is a way of life, always to shock people who do not know what to expect from you and to excite them with your expression of your widespread surprise at the world and its people. Creating a quirky personality and interests should come naturally to you; It's impossible to force yourself to become quirky, but if you're already leaning towards a different vision of life than the people around you, and you're interested in celebrating, then you're already ready to become a quirky person and maybe you just need more confidence to express yourself on that side.

To amplify your quirkiness, you need to focus more intensely on your unique qualities and find ways to make them shine, even if you felt a little shy when you did before.


  1. 1 Understand what "quirky" is in your mind. At least this article assumes that being quirky means being an unusual and unexpected person who knows his place in the world. Basically, quirkiness is focused on celebrating your own unique perspective on the world without bothering to stick to any trends, quirks, or "typical" messages from the media if none of these approaches are relevant to who you are. Determination to show the world who you are and what you are worth, ignoring the chatter of ill-wishers (there will always be ill-wishers) is the main part of a bizarre person's life, as well as breaking all sorts of tendencies.
    • Note that a number of alternative cultures such as hipsters, punks, beatniks, etc. can also be considered quirky. This is most likely true, but you don't have to join any alternative group to be quirky. You can even create your own quirkiness style. Freaky people are often on their own and do not belong to the ironic attempts of alternative groups to differ from others, while they are all the same.
  2. 2 Don't change to please someone. The quirky person will surely grab people's attention and some of them are unwanted, some of them are unkind. Build a solid foundation early on and understand that there will always be those in this world who see the difference and have the power to stand aside from the threatening crowd. Remember that those who complain or tease the loudest have low self-esteem and tend to conform to the crowd and the ideas of what they “should do” rather than follow their heart. Does this suit you? Not if you want to be quirky and celebrate everything that is unique about you! So don't let them put you down and definitely don't change for them, because such a freaky person is like only half alive.
  3. 3 Glorify those parts of your personality that separate you from the "norm." Who Said This Is "Normal"? However, there are always people who are determined in their attempts to be normal, and group together and act the same, look the same, and do everything the same. They independently determine normality and treat others, in their opinion, not normal, as “alien”, and therefore “suspicious”. It is sad and you understand it; such people miss so much in life - in fact, they live life in black and white and miss the color version with their limited vision and thinking. Love those parts of your personality that rebel against "normal" and "be like everyone else." Why follow the line of life that someone else has chosen for you if you not only want to try a different path, but you know that this path will be right for you?
  4. 4 Be yourself. What makes you feel quirky? You can never learn too much about yourself, so spend some time writing down how you think you are different from other people and why you consider it an important part of yourself. For example, you can always stop to notice how meticulously the architect has designed the structures on the building, while all your friends rushed through the front door cheerfully, completely oblivious to anything. Or when dressing in the morning, you may like some colors that others find uncombinable. Perhaps you prefer to visualize accounting problems at work by drawing graphs and arrows that connect everything together. Regardless of the ways in which you see the world differently, pay attention to them and do not judge them - just accept them and add them to your list of self-discovery.
  5. 5 Prepare methods to protect your species from the world. Being quirky probably means that you are going to express opinions and points of view that are markedly different from others, you are most likely dressing according to "your" fashion, and not as the current trends, and you do many different things differently than other people. This can lead to a protective feeling and burning bridges to keep out people who criticize you. Instead of letting this happen, consider ways to deal with criticism and protect yourself with light-hearted rejections that put other people in their place. Defensive responses will always get potentially more criticism because people know they've been hurt, so don't let people know they are upsetting you. Learn to ignore, ignore, or just laugh politely at ridicule directed at your other way of behaving and perceiving things. Best of all, keeping a sense of humor and being easy on other people's misunderstandings is good for both your own happiness and to take away their sense of satisfaction from the hurt you have done.
    • Write down a list of answers for people in case you get a lump in your throat when someone criticizes you. Over time, a stock of standard approaches with polite responses to people will become second nature to you. The more you show that their attitude doesn't affect you, the better.
  6. 6 Live to the fullest. Unleash your quirkiness and develop the unique elements of your life that matter most to you. Freakiness traits cannot be slavishly listed in the article - this is something that is peculiar to you personally. This list may or may not include what the other person views as quirkiness - after all, you don't want to end up ironically "matching" the ideal of quirkiness! Be prepared to show the world those aspects of yours that do not necessarily easily correlate with current trends and expectations, and it does not matter - it is your style, your musical taste, your political views, your opinions in general, your lifestyle, your hobbies and other interests, and even your relationship.
    • Say what you think. As long as you are clear about your thoughts, considerate and respectful of human dignity, saying what you think is an important part of being a freaky person. Some people may be shocked when the words are spoken directly and truthfully, but the freaky person is not shy about the expressions - the freaky person talks about things as he sees them.
    • Get in the habit of clearly expressing thoughts on controversial topics. If you believe in something that many other people deny, you need hard facts, good clarity, and the determination to explain well to take your point of view seriously. Avoid teasing, yelling, or being forced to agree with your opinion; just be very well educated, be factual and persistent to convey your alternative points of view.
    • Watch trends without letting them upset you. This can be a daunting task for quirky individuals who often want to get away from popular things, but if you don't know much, you won't be able to hold a conversation and won't understand what you really don't want to be a part of! And know that being too upset about things that are popular in society means being upset about things beyond your control, so it will take a lot of your energy. Instead, accept the fact that there are popular trends and that it fosters your quirkiness and allows you to be so clearly different from others.
  7. 7 Enjoy your time alone and don't be afraid to be alone when everyone else is with someone. Being a part of another person's life is not a race and it is not a necessity.Quirky people often take time to develop trusting close bonds with real people, as they need to know that these people will be there even during difficult times. Freaky people dislike unreliable friends, and will not tolerate people who are inherently two-faced. Look for simple, direct, honest, and caring people who can be your friend or couple.
    • Learn to enjoy being alone if you don't already know how to do it. Social messages tend to be lonely, suggesting that those you love must be weird or lonely. The truth is that every person needs a little loneliness from time to time, and some need it more than others in order to reflect, contemplate, think about the broader meaning of their life and just understand the issues of everyday life. Defend your right to be alone by helping others understand your worth and ignore negative talk about it.
  8. 8 Love other quirky people and quirky things. Support others' quirkiness and help them see the value of their unusual nature. And look for unusual things in life, like quirky houses you want to live in, quirky garden plants, a quirky car, and a quirky animal to be with you. Live your quirkiness and spread her love!

Method 1 of 1: Developing Your Quirkiness

  1. 1 If you would like to develop certain aspects of your quirkiness, this section provides some suggestions to help you know yourself.
  2. 2 If you want to open up your love of music more, try the following (with an open mind in each case):
    • Ask family members, friends, and acquaintances for recommendations on music they like. Listen to it and see if there is anything you particularly like.
    • Go to the library or thrift store and grab a few songs - whether on CD, record, or cassette.
    • Use the Internet! Look for people you can admire, read their blogs, and find out what they are listening to. Or better yet, just head over to YouTube!
    • Make it a rule to listen to different radio stations for at least one hour every day for a week. In the United States, FM radio stations in the 88-92MHz frequency range tend to have very different formats compared to the rest of the stations available.
    • Use iTunes to download 2-3 new songs per week for free in a variety of styles ranging from Renaissance music to hip-hop. Download them to expand your musical horizons and keep up with trends. The less others around you have heard of this music, the better!
    • Pandora Internet Radio is a great resource for new bands.
  3. 3 For some people, the "quirkiness" comes down to the clothes, nothing else. Check out old movies with particularly eye-catching clothing styles - some examples are: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Girl in Pink, Something Wonderful, etc., or even look back at earlier eras from the 1920s to the 1960s. And don't be afraid to change and vary styles between eras and fashion houses. If you want to develop your fashion, then you should completely depend on your own sense of style and preferences. Be very careful with any advice you are given about what you can and cannot wear - it has always been wondered where such advice comes from and why these fashion questions are so important that they can be pressured!
    • To find amazing clothes, go to thrift stores, shop on eBay, shop sales - wherever you can find them. Don't forget to check the trash in the attic.
    • If you don't have a lot of money or things just don't look the way you want them to look, just sew it yourself. For example, an old pair of jeans can be cut, shortened, or bleached. Change, change, change anything to get the way you want.(Hint: The fancy person usually knows how to sew better!)
    • Learn to decorate clothes. Items such as beads, sequins, ribbons, badges, and feathers are suitable for decorating shoes, hats, and bags.
  4. 4 Decorate your world with anything you want! Whether it's old gum wrappers, Superman stickers, old movie posters, or just plain weird collage, you can decorate or transform study books, bags, walls, pet food bowls, laptop cover, skateboard, household items, your car or scooter. and everything else to make it unique. Treat your life as living art and decorate this huge painting every day of your existence.
  5. 5 Find an unusual hobby that interests you. Quirky people like to do things that regular people often find weird (remember to be positive and read “quirky” instead of “weird” every time). Unleash your desire to pursue hobbies or interests that others will look at with disinterest or disbelief. Whether it's collecting old TV shows, growing a tomato on your porch or balcony, listening to national radio, joining activists on issues you believe in, writing a web comic blog, making your own soap, remodeling old computers - anything goes as long as it interests you and fills you with a sense of well-being. Being passionate about something unusual is one of the many traits that many quirky personalities share, and often this passion can lead to extraordinary discoveries, create long-term value for others in the world, or lead to long-lasting collections that no one else has. never thought of collecting. If it makes you enjoyable, makes you happy, and stays within your budget, go for it.
    • Avoid copying someone else's hobby unless you are truly interested in the topic or activity.
  6. 6 Expand your consciousness. Self-discovery is a journey that everyone must take, regardless of how they see themselves in this world. This is no exception for the quirky person, and by exploring your inner self, you will get a greater sense of fulfillment, and learn more about who you really are. What you can do to start this process is to do yoga, keep a diary, and become help other people or things... You will have a much better opinion of yourself.


  • Remember that there will be people around you who will accompany you with bad comments. To prevent this, just be sure to find something quirky that people can laugh at in a good way. Entertain your audience and find out who you really are.
  • The greed and obsession with materialism is not fancy. Don't fall into the trap of accumulating things that tie you down or tie you to being competitive with others.
  • Remember, jealous people are people with problems, not you. They are tired of their own life, they have no ideas, they lack imagination, they are terrified of who they are, they are afraid to raise a wave and do anything at all; do not forget that they are angry with themselves and be merciful to them.
  • Stay positive about new things and be open to them. Even popular things now have their time and can sometimes be developed in incredibly different ways, which were never envisaged at the very beginning. And think about how, over time, you can buy back a once eccentric item and make it appear downright quirky decades later!
  • Check out indie films and indie culture. You may or may not identify with indie culture (you shouldn't), but quirky people often merge with indie culture because of its fundamental support for independent art and culture.


  • You don't have to "be" anyone if you don't like it.Don't force yourself to accept anything that doesn't reflect your own values, beliefs, and preferences.
  • Don't pressure others or force them to see things the way you do. Your quirkiness may just need to be alone sometimes; accept it. It is possible that you are well ahead of your time.