How to be a pop star

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be A Popstar - EPIC HOW TO
Video: How To Be A Popstar - EPIC HOW TO


Being a pop star means more than just smiling at the camera and going on vacation to exotic destinations. It means hard work that allows you to create music that can move people and perform it using all your voice capabilities. It also means ignoring what the tabloids are writing about and surrounding yourself with important connections, self-promotion and striving to rise to a new level. Are you suitable for the role of a pop star?


Part 1 of 3: Qualities Required

  1. 1 Be clean. Integrity is what many pop artists have in common (at least at the beginning of their career). Look at Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus early in her career, the first N * SYNC shots, or Britney Spears on the album cover ... Baby One More Time and other performers. They are characterized by purity, purity, and they manage to create the impression that they are not capable of anything bad. Although over time you will realize that this image should also be combined with sexuality, first of all you need to focus on innocence.
    • People like pop singers who are like them, not boys and girls who look too stylish or try to sound like "bad guys" who have nothing to do with real listeners. Remind your fans that you are no different from your peers.
    • Remember that pop stars are most often attracted to teens and even children. You want parents to calmly let their children go to your concerts, don't you?
  2. 2 Be sexually attractive. To be successful, you need to learn how to layer sexuality with innocence. If you want to be a real star, you should be a little sexy, or at least have a hint of sex appeal.Finding a balance between these two is difficult, so you must understand how you can showcase a little more of yourself than you could without losing your dignity. Think of Britney Spears from the time of her first album: she was dressed in a schoolgirl costume, but her belly was exposed. Find a way to look naughty, but not too grown-up.
    • Expose a little more body to show your fans your sexuality. Remember, it's important to dress in a way that makes you comfortable in your outfit. You don't have to wear clothes that make you look too revealing just to please people.
    • Sexuality is not just about having a naked belly or an enticing smile for the camera. You need to present yourself so that people understand that you are confident and that you have something to show the world. Keep your back straight, look forward, not at the floor, do not cross your arms over your chest or show dissatisfaction with your appearance.
    • Flirting is part of sex appeal. When communicating with people, whether they are journalists or colleagues in the music workshop, be a perky conversationalist. You shouldn't be completely liberated, but you shouldn't be afraid of flirting either.
  3. 3 Practice vocals to develop a strong voice. Not all pop stars have strong voices. However, if you want to become famous, you should start with vocals and develop both range and vocal strength. Take vocal lessons and work with what you have by nature, because if you do nothing, there will be no result. Of course, there are artists everywhere who are notorious for their inability to sing, for performing material to soundtracks, and for computer-pumped voices, but you deserve the best. Remember Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston - no one can blame them for their lack of voice.
    • You will need to be honest with yourself. You should also ask someone to rate you, such as friends or teachers. Of course, if you are confident in your abilities, you better not let other people upset you or define you. But if everyone tells you that you are not hitting the notes or that you have a weak voice, it is possible that you need to reconsider your plans.
    • If you are going through a transitional age or this process is just ahead of you, remember that your voice may change. In boys with gentle high voices, after withdrawal, the voice becomes deeper and deeper. This does not mean that your voice will get worse - you just need to be ready for a change.
  4. 4 Learn to dance. You don't have to dance like Michael Jackson to be a star, but you should at least learn the basics of rhythm and know how to move to the music. Just because you can't dance at all doesn't mean you won't be the new Selena Gomez. It's important to want to learn and everything else will follow. Be prepared to start with the basic exercises and continue to practice with the choreographer in the future. Remember that you will also need to learn coordination in order to be able to sing and dance at the same time.
    • The most important thing is self-confidence. If your choreographer or dance group sees that something is difficult for you, they will try to teach you simple movements that you can start with. Simple movements will suffice. Much more important is the desire to work on it and the willingness to step outside your comfort zone in order to succeed.
  5. 5 Be persistent. This quality is very important for a pop star. As with other arts, luck and determination are only half the battle. If your first attempt at promoting your music or signing a contract with an agent does not lead to significant results, this does not mean that you should step back and try yourself in another field. It is not uncommon for a person to go through many rejections before they find success, and even famous performers like Madonna started out as a waiter. If you really want to follow your dream, be prepared for rejection.
    • For this reason, you should get thicker skin. It is important for you to know who you are, what you want to offer to the world, otherwise the world will break you before you succeed. If you are sensitive, vulnerable, and unsure of yourself, you need to work on your self-esteem before taking steps forward.
  6. 6 Believe in yourself. Being a pop star means reading criticism in the yellow press to yourself (for example, because of the pounds you have gained) or accusations of cheating on your partner. You will have to deal with false information about yourself, slander and perceive it as part of the profession. If you start to doubt yourself every time someone comments on your clothing choices or your current relationship, it will be difficult for you to break through. You need to learn to accept praise, draw conclusions from constructive criticism, and cast aside everything unnecessary and unimportant. You should love yourself and believe that you will be able to come to your dream.
    • The stars really fail to cope with fame sometimes. Many people can't stand constant criticism, so you need to understand who you are and what makes you special, so as not to let the tabloids eat you alive.
    • Even the most self-confident pop stars question their capabilities from time to time. However, you should not start building a career without believing in yourself. If you know you need to work on self-esteem, try to do it before you achieve fame.
  7. 7 Get ready to work hard. Some people think that all they need to do after their success is smiling, wearing pretty clothes, and spending their evenings in clubs. However, real talent requires constant work, and if you want to become a star that will delight your fans for a long time, you will have to devote a lot of time to work every day. It's like having a regular job, only harder. It can take you up to eight hours or more a day to record songs, rehearse your dances, perform, take part in promotions, be active on social media, or just work on yourself.
    • If you enjoy long nights of sleep, messing around, and spending most of your time on the couch watching the TV or hanging out with friends, it is possible that this career is not for you.
    • If you want to grow as a musician, you should only strive for the best. You should not only hone the movements and lyrics for the songs, but also work to get to the next level. Your listeners will turn their backs on you if you record the same thing over and over. They will expect growth and something new from you, and that takes effort.
  8. 8 Try to look attractive. In order to become a star, you don't need to have a perfect body and jaw-dropping appearance, but you have to stand out from the crowd. Think of Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga and Pit Bull: it is often more important to have something special than just being attractive in the traditional sense. If you think you don't have classic beauty, look for your own flavor. It can consist of interesting piercings, trendy outfits, high-heeled shoes, or an original hairstyle. Don't try to impose an image on yourself in which you are uncomfortable, but strive to find something that sets you apart from the crowd.
    • Pop stars update their image frequently. You can find a look to help you stand out and then work on the details. For example, Lady Gaga can always be recognized, despite the fact that in order to maintain the attractiveness of her image, she often changes her hairstyle, style and overall image.

Part 2 of 3: Pursuit of the Dream

  1. 1 Surround yourself with connections. If you have data to become famous, it is important to show it to others. Talent, good looks and determination are important, but they are not sufficient for success. If you want to become famous, you have to be willing to forge connections. This may not sound right to you, but this is how it happens.Take every opportunity to meet producers, other performers, dancers, songwriters, and others in the industry.
    • Accept invitations to parties, draw attention to yourself there, try to impress people, but do not impose.
    • To make new acquaintances and promote your music, stifle your pride and hang out with people you wouldn't normally associate with. So you will be able to convey information about yourself to people.
    • You may feel uncomfortable telling people about yourself and your art, but you shouldn't think that you are above it all. Unfortunately, more often than not, talent alone is not enough, so it will take some extra effort if you want to get noticed.
    • Social media presence is an important part of PR. Start Twitter and make notes there regularly, create a Facebook page, post pictures on Instagram and use your own website. Alas, if you do not regularly remind yourself on the Internet, people can forget about you.
  2. 2 Enter talent contests. This is a great way to make yourself known and get attention. Look for contests in your area - they will make your name recognizable and give you the experience of competing with others. This will be especially useful if you live in a small town but strive for great fame. However, if you are serious about becoming famous, you should move to a large city (best of all - to the capital) and try to qualify for well-known contests (for example, "The Voice"). The harder you work, the better your chances of succeeding.
    • Of course, the first time you may not succeed, but this is not so important. More importantly, you will learn to compete with other people and assert yourself.
  3. 3 Record your music. If you want to be a star, you will need to record songs. It is not enough to just impress the jury. If you write the songs yourself, you should record them so you have something to show the producers. While it can cost a lot, it’s best to raise the money you need and still pay for a quality recording. You can record one single or an entire album if you have enough material for that. This is an important step towards success.
    • If you are planning to record music in a professional studio, rehearse to be ready to record. A visit to a recording studio will be expensive and you may not want to waste your money.
  4. 4 Send the recording to the producers. After you've recorded your music, it's important to get it into the hands of producers who can promote it. If you manage to find an agent it will help a lot, because if you decide to do it yourself, it will be harder to get it right. Ask the right people and find out which producers are looking for new talent, as well as working with performers who are similar to you, but not quite the same as you. Describe yourself as interestingly as possible and have a professional recording ready.
    • Don't back down. Just because one of the producers rejected your songs does not mean that you should stop sending out records. Quite the opposite: it suggests that you should send them out with redoubled zeal.
    • That being said, if multiple producers tell you the same thing about your music, you should consider whether their words are true. If you find that you can change the sound to make it more interesting to potential audiences and producers, you should do it by temporarily stopping posting.
  5. 5 Be present on the internet. If you really want to make a dream come true, you need to be reminded of yourself online. You can create all accounts before you become famous, so people can see that you already have fans and that many people are interested in your music. You can create interesting content, post posts at least once a day, and strive to win hundreds or even thousands of subscribers.You can link to your YouTube posts, blog, post your photos and do whatever you see fit and that will allow you to promote yourself.
    • If an agent or producer is interested in you, that person is likely to immediately search the Internet for information about you. Show him that you are a professional who already cares about your promotion and that you have already put a lot of effort into developing your image.
  6. 6 Don't drop out. Although it is very important to make your dreams come true, you should not give up your studies. You should think about achieving big goals, but at the same time be realistic so that in case something goes wrong, you would have a backup plan of action. You can continue to go to school or university, or study with private teachers. Whatever you choose, you should complete your education, despite the fact that you have other plans for the future.
    • You hardly want to be without a high school diploma when your peers will already graduate from university. Use this time for learning, because then it will be difficult for you to catch up.
    • This does not mean that you are ready to fail. It just means that you are making wise decisions and thinking about the future.

Part 3 of 3: Lifestyle

  1. 1 Find out who you consider your real friends. If you succeed in becoming a pop star, you will need to learn to understand who you can trust. You will be surrounded by many people whom you would never meet in ordinary life. Some of them will be good friends and sincere people (just like you), but there will also be "adherents" who will want to spend time with you just for personal gain. It is important to be careful not to rush to bring people closer to you and not blur out secrets if you do not know someone very well yet. This will allow you to find people who want to be close to you because they like you, not your fame.
    • You may feel that blocking yourself from new people is not entirely correct, but you need it, because it will help protect yourself. Ask yourself if your new acquaintances really know who or what you really are, or if they just want to have fun with you in clubs and take you on interesting trips.
    • This also applies to romantic partners. Make sure the person you are dating really appreciates you, and doesn't just want to get on the pages of newspapers and magazines near you or use you to advertise their clothing line.
  2. 2 Expect to work long hours. Pop stars not only travel to different countries to relax and publish photos of themselves in a swimsuit. This profession involves hard work, many hours of work and a lot of effort. If you can succeed, you will have to work as a pop star 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you will never have a real vacation. You will have to work not only on your music and choreography, but also on maintaining a positive image and reminding people of yourself. If you feel like this lifestyle is right for you, be prepared for a steady job.
    • Even if you are relaxing in a club, attending awards events, or other parties, you will always need to control yourself, since this is also work - working on your image. You shouldn't drink too much or get involved in a fight, because all this will negatively affect your career. You will have to monitor your behavior at all times, including weekends and vacations.
  3. 3 Strive to constantly update yourself and your music. It is very important to create a special image and remind people that you mean something, but you cannot do the same thing day after day, especially if you become very popular. The image of an innocent girl or a simple guy is a great way to kick-start your career, but as you grow and develop as a performer, you will want to discover new sides of your talent, and this needs to be reflected in everything you do.
    • Think of Justin Timberlake: he started out as a shy boy with bleached strands in his hair, and now he is very popular as an R&B artist. If you are tired of old songs, you need to find a new way to reveal yourself. The main thing is to want.
    • Of course, you shouldn't give up everything your fans love about you. If you change direction abruptly (for example, switch from folk to rap), you will lose fans. Find a way to stay with you while adding something new to your music.
  4. 4 Do not pay attention to what is written about you in the newspapers. If you really want to be a star, you have to be prepared for negativity, slander, and gossip. They will tell lies and nasty things about you in the expectation that it will hurt you, so you need to learn to ignore all this, even if some magazine wrote that you are pregnant or ended up in a rehab clinic, although this is not so. Some celebrities don't read the press at all, while others fight libel through social media. Whatever you decide to do, the most important thing is not to let people upset you and stop you from pursuing your dream.
    • All celebrities, even the most sincere and real, have gossip and slander. Think of it as a test of strength. Unfortunately, there are no effective ways to stop the flow of false information, but you can control your reaction to this information.
  5. 5 Be true to yourself. The hardest thing is not to lose yourself, because within you there will be millions of voices that will tell you who you are better to be and what to do. Don't forget your original dream and don't give up on your essence. At the end of the day, you should be happy with the work you've done and the positive impact you are having on your fans. Remember who you were before you became famous and you will remain true to yourself.
    • While a pop star's job is all about making new acquaintances and connections, don't forget about your old friends and family. They will allow you not to lose your roots and will remind you of where you came from.
    • Making time for yourself will be more difficult, but you should be on your own on a regular basis. Keep a journal to keep track of whether you are achieving your goals. If you are constantly surrounded by people and you are constantly moving from place to place on tour, it is quite possible that you will not be able to stop, rest and remember why you became an artist at all.


  • If you want to be a pop star, you need to feel confident in your abilities.