How to look like a Victorian girl

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Victorian Fashion Is Not What You Think It Is
Video: Victorian Fashion Is Not What You Think It Is


You are just about to change your appearance, or you are choosing your own style. This article will help you and other women who want an antique look. This article is for every girl who would like to show her passion for the Victorian era.


  1. 1 Before you do whatever you want. Know that there are many ways to express yourself and show your passion for the Victorian era
    • You can dress in a Victorian style. Follow the section "Fashion"
    • You can do Victorian hair or makeup.
    • Visit the "Image" section
    • If you want to act like a Victorian girl, follow the section "Actions"
    • If you want to do what you did in the Victorian era, follow the Hobbies, Activities section.
    • If you are pretending to BE a Victorian girl, then read the whole story.
    • But if you want to do any of this, there is one important step you must take. Study the culture.

Method 1 of 5: Victorian Era

  1. 1 Know the basics about the era. The Victorian period lasted from June 1837 to January 1901 (but the style did not disappear until 1912), from the 1830s to the 1900s, about two-thirds of the nineteenth century. Over the 63 years of the era, fashion (like many other things) has changed dramatically. The Victorian Era is named after the reign of Queen Victoria.
  2. 2 If you've been inspired by your "Victorian" interior, check out the specifications. Find out who lived in your home and take inspiration from your surroundings.

Method 2 of 5: Fashion

  1. 1 Know the basics.
    • Ladies, remember, their clothes covered ALL the body. Even a glimpse of the ankle was forbidden.
  2. 2 Wear raincoats not coat! Instead of coats, girls wore scarves or raincoats when it was cold.
  3. 3 Know the length of your skirt. It is very important. Girls from 4 years old should cover their knees, and from 16 years old, cover their ankles. Follow the rules for your age.
  4. 4 Know the exceptions. The only exceptions are ball gowns and party wear. You can show off the shoulders and / or neckline.
  5. 5 Consider belts and crinolines. Corsets can damage your internal organs and lower ribs, so no one will recommend them. Crinolines were invented to fasten a skirt and have been modernized to tie a pillow under the skirt.
  6. 6 Gloves are a common Victorian accessory. Especially with lace, gloves can show your love for Victorian times. It doesn't matter white or black, but black looks more Victorian.
  7. 7 Wear brooches. Brooches are very Victorian. In Victorian times, people wore brooches made of silver or pearls, as well as emeralds.
  8. 8 Add a trendy hat. Hats create an image. If you see a great antique hat, go for it. You can wear it! She will create your image.
  9. 9 Don't use bright colors.
  10. 10 Focus on pastel and dark colors.

Method 3 of 5: The Look

  1. 1 Be as pale as possible. In the Victorian era, pale people were considered beautiful.
  2. 2 Use either light pink or dark red lipstick. This will create the illusion that you are paler.
  3. 3 If you are coloring your hair, do so. Dark colors such as bluish black, dark brown or black-brown are very important for the look. If you can't dye, just highlight something else in the look.
  4. 4 Get your hair done, but try to hide the hairpins and elastic bands.
  5. 5 Keep your eyes wide open. Victorian ladies always looked surprised.
  6. 6 Apply a thick layer of lengthening mascara. Your eyes will look bigger.

Method 4 of 5: Behavior

  1. 1 Watch your manners. The Victorian girl is well-mannered, smart, behaves with dignity and is very sweet.
  2. 2 Walk upright with your head held high. This will help you look good.
  3. 3 Talk tactfully. Always say please and thank you and other polite phrases.
  4. 4 Be attentive to everyone. Even if the person is not particularly pleasant to you, go your own way and be attentive to everyone.
  5. 5 Be attentive at school. Take the time to take notes on EVERY subject.
  6. 6 Get organized. You cannot be dignified without being organized.
  7. 7 Always be humble. If you have received a compliment, accept it with modesty.

Method 5 of 5: Hobbies and free time

  1. 1 Learn an elegant language like French.
  2. 2 Play the piano. This hobby has been popular for a long time.
  3. 3 Read classic novels. Victorian books are the same as vampire novels, but stay away from teenage books.
  4. 4 Practice calligraphy. Calligraphy is very good, you can learn Victorian writing styles.
  5. 5 Write. Write short books and stories. If you can, write a novel.
  6. 6 If you want to modernize a little, take up photography. But not digital. Ask your parents to buy you a real camera that requires a darkroom.
  7. 7 Study cooking. Cooking is a skill that most girls need to master.
  8. 8 Play board games and read from electronics.


  • Websites to help you find out more: