How to be a very calm and discreet person

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mentally Fragile to Mentally STRONG! You have to listen to this!
Video: Mentally Fragile to Mentally STRONG! You have to listen to this!


The ability to be a calm person has its pros and cons.It is not only a behavior change, but also a personal choice. You can be calm and discreet, while still being in touch with all of your friends and still being yourself.


  1. 1 Do you know why you made the decision to become calm and reserved? Different people have different reasons for quiet behavior. One of the most important: focus on your life.
  2. 2 Being calm is not about being lonely, fully committing yourself to work, or not hanging out with a lot of friends. It may simply mean that you are a kind and gentle person, with a gentle soul and a calm attitude towards life.
  3. 3 Declare your peace of mind. There is no need to advertise to the whole world that you are a quiet and reserved person, it is enough just to convey your position in life to others, so that people begin to take you seriously.
  4. 4 Determine your level of calmness. Are you an easy going person who loves to read and write? Are you an easy going person who is well organized and loves to do everything on the list?
  5. 5 Quiet behavior is not so much your new image as a personal choice. This means you don't want to be the center of attention.
  6. 6 Be yourself. If you are a calm person, then you do not need to be silent all the time.
  7. 7 Perhaps public speaking is not yours. Maybe you enjoy writing poetry to express your thoughts.
  8. 8 Many quiet people keep diaries or journals, some prefer to do without them. It does not matter.
  9. 9 You may have a best friend to whom you are willing to tell everything. .
  10. 10 A diary is a great way to write whatever you are feeling and put your thoughts in writing without trusting others.
  11. 11 Try not to become a hermit. Quiet people don't always walk by themselves.
  12. 12 You shouldn't change or give up friends because you decide to become a calm and reserved person.


  • Always be yourself.
  • If you don't like your new look, you can change over and over again until you find yourself and your comfort zone.
  • You must have a very good reason to be calm and reserved. It is unacceptable to be quiet for no reason.
  • Chewing gum can be very helpful in focusing during silence or when something boring is happening.

What do you need

  • Inner willpower
  • Persistence in views and determination to defend their own opinion