How to be charming with women

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 17 June 2024
How to Be Charming Without Trying (Make Any Girl Fall in Love with You)
Video: How to Be Charming Without Trying (Make Any Girl Fall in Love with You)


Who would give up the ability to be suave with the fair sex? Almost everyone envies men who know how to please a woman without apparent effort. Some men have an innate talent, but, fortunately, this ability can be developed and improved with practice.If at the moment you are charming like a hippo in a swamp, then there is no need to worry - a few simple tips (and a lot of practice) will help you become like the characters of Adriano Celentano. Hurry up to the first step!


Method 1 of 3: How to be suave

  1. 1 Be playful. Experts agree that many women consider masculine playfulness to be one of their most attractive qualities. They are easy to understand - it is much more pleasant to communicate with people who behave playfully and enjoy energetic mutual "dance" in an ardent conversation than with serious but boring people. When dealing with women, try to maintain a spirit of mischief. Find opportunities for jokes, gently tease the other person, and deliberately misunderstand her words. If a girl is in the mood for a light exchange of barbs, then such behavior will seem completely irresistible to her.
    • For example, let's say you started talking to a girl you like at a party. If a girl says that she lives on the other side of the city and she will soon need to leave, you can say with a smile on her face: "Are you already tired of us?" When she starts to object, feign an exaggerated resentment and smile so that your sarcasm is obvious. Many women enjoy this harmless, playful teasing (also called "flirting").
  2. 2 Learn to easily control the situation. Ladies' pleasers are called "smart guys" for a reason: such people often have leadership qualities and are able to direct social situations in their favor. The most dexterous and courteous ladies' men know how to steer the conversation in the right direction without apparent effort.
    • It's all about ease - if a person seeks to dominate a social situation, but is clearly agitated by such a burden, their behavior can be frighteningly contradictory. Think for yourself: if you communicated with a person who obviously trying to please you and at the same time overly worried, would you succumb to such a "charm"? Doubtful.
    • There is no need to resort to the guides of the pick-up masters to use carefully planned sequences of questionable compliments and psychological tricks to get girls' attention. Remember that script actions are different. essence are not easy control over the situation.
  3. 3 Be discreet. Everyone has seen films in which the quiet, but daring "bad guy" says practically nothing, but at the same time enjoys the attention of women ("My name is Bond. James Bond"). The entertainment industry often creates unhealthy notions of relationships, but there is some truth to this example. Calmness and understatement maybe make a man much more attractive in the eyes of a woman. React with restraint on everything that happens around you, as if everything is as it should be. Ease in any circumstance is the ultimate manifestation of self-confidence, and confidence is always attractive.
    • Let's clarify the situation: this does not mean that one should always be silent. You need to use opportunities to pretend to be a modest and unavailable guy in order to ignite the curiosity of the interlocutor. Just take a chance and see where it leads. So, if a nice girl casually asks where you live, then you can say: “Why? Are you going to visit me a little later? " In such a slightly hackneyed answer, you do not communicate anything about yourself, but at the same time you playfully poke fun at your interlocutor.
    • It is especially important to react calmly to rejection. If you try to strike up a conversation with many different girls at a party, there is a good chance that some (or even all) of them will not want to keep up the conversation. This is totally normal. Accept each rejection as if you were told that your laces were untied.
  4. 4 Show your affection in an unobtrusive way, but don't be desperate. It is worth admitting that if you strive to be courteous with ladies, then you probably want to achieve a certain mutual disposition: kiss a girl, spend the night together, or just hold hands (everyone starts somewhere). There is nothing wrong with that, since healthy, mutual manifestations of feelings are wonderful. Keep this in mind when trying to win over the other person. Really suave men are not afraid to openly express their intentions. But at the same time they do not impose and do not act desperately. Despair not only repels people, but also demonstrates a person's low self-esteem (which unacceptable for charming guys).
    • For example, you were on a great first date with a lovely girl and are now leaving the restaurant together. If you are very attracted to her and you want to take her hand, do it calmly and naturally, as if you do not want to lose her in the crowd. Do not over-emphasize the action - act as if you have not even thought about what such an action implies. If the girl feels embarrassed or tries to free her hand, just follow her example and don't be embarrassed, but if she doesn't mind, then don't let go!
    • Note: really charming guys don't act like scoundrels. Location and casual sympathy are one thing, but you shouldn't harass women or violate their privacy, so keep your hands on to avoid the slap on your face.
  5. 5 Don't build expectations of communication. The suave guys are just enjoying the moment. They love playful, intriguing conversations with girls. The goal is not to get what you want at any cost. Any romantic victories of such men are a good addition to what they like to do, and not the only goal obtained "in battle". When talking with a girl you like, you don't need to dwell on the end result. Your words and actions should be natural. It's great if the conversation leads you to discuss romantic issues, but if not, then just have fun with the conversation!
    • This is one of the reasons why it is better to abandon the "pick-up masters" methods. Their recommendations are usually dictated by a single goal (of course, we are talking about sex), and even if in some cases they bring results, you will never feel the true pleasure that natural and easy communication with a girl gives.
  6. 6 Use humor. Everyone loves to laugh. Humor gives you a good feeling, so having a reputation as a person with a good sense of humor can help you easily win over other people (including girls). Find opportunities to play down the severity of the situation or (good-naturedly) poke fun at others. Most people have an innate ability to joke when they are in pleasant company and not tense, but if you find it difficult to demonstrate your sense of humor, then try to study the topic a little (you can start with our tips in the related article).
    • Be careful with self-irony. Individual men can make fun of themselves and remain sexy at the same time (like the male characters in Woody Allen's films), but this is a dangerous step for most ordinary people who can inadvertently feel embarrassed or insecure.

Method 2 of 3: How to be calm and confident

  1. 1 Simulate confidence until this behavior becomes natural. If you get too hung up on the situation, then it's easy to forget that everything is around. do not recognize about your excitement, if you do not say it directly or do not give yourself away. Consequently, if you correctly relate to the situation and control your behavior, then those around you will not learn anything! As a rule, it is enough to be confident to convince others of this. Best of all, this will convince yourself too - often, being confident can help you feel confident and appear confident to other people.
    • To begin with, act as if every action is given to you without difficulty.Don’t hesitate in decisions and don’t get hung up on small, insignificant actions. For example, if you are at a party now and want to invite a girl to dance, then you need not think, but act! Go to her right away and ask: "Hello, shall we dance?" That's all.
  2. 2 Use compelling body language. Always remember - you need to look appropriate in order to feel at ease! If you look like a confident person, you will become '' because the rest will not notice the difference. If you are a shy person or an introvert and want to be charming, use confident and persuasive (but relaxed) body language to immediately increase your chances with girls. Consider some of the most general tips:
    • Stand up straight and take your shoulders back a little. This pose will make you look bigger, accentuate your ribcage and show all your muscles in a favorable light.
    • Keep your head straight. Show yourself a proud, confident person who is not afraid of anything around you. Do not turn your nose up, lest you be mistaken for an indulgent snob.
    • Don't be afraid to take up space. Self-confident people are not afraid to take relaxed, wide poses. If you are sitting, sit back and spread your legs a little. If you are standing in a crowded place, you do not need to bounce off people when you accidentally touch your hands.
    • Don't cross your arms. A person in a closed position seems inaccessible and unfriendly.
    • You don't have to look at your phone all the time. If you seem to be busy, then people will hesitate to contact you.
  3. 3 Maintain appropriate eye contact. Confident men are not afraid to look others in the eye (especially attractive, interesting women). Calm eye contact has traditionally been considered a confirmation of sincerity. This behavior makes the person appear more open, confident, and considerate. On the other hand, reluctance to make eye contact can be interpreted as shame, excitement, or secrecy, even if you don't feel any of it. Try to make eye contact most of the time when you are talking. At other times, make eye contact with the girl for a couple of seconds to get her attention.
    • No need to stare or gaze lustfully at women - excessive eye contact is not good! While talking, don't be afraid to look your partner in the eye, but at other times, eye contact lasting longer than two seconds can make her feel extremely awkward.
  4. 4 Relax! Answer quickly: what is the most difficult thing to do on command? That's right, "relax". Active attempts relaxing can be compared to trying to swim in loose sand - the more effort, the less the result. If you are very anxious in difficult social situations, it is regrettable to admit that there is no “right” way to relax. Each person relaxes in their own way, although there are a number of relatively universal methods, which are listed below:
    • try to mentally downplay the importance of the situation or even laugh at it;
    • exercise;
    • sleep well at night;
    • do deep breathing exercises;
    • meditate.
  5. 5 Live a fulfilling life. Imagine the following situation: you are communicating with a girl you like and behave with restraint (as befits a clever guy), do not talk too much about yourself to intrigue the girl. Let's say things are going well and you go on a weekend date - when you finally start talk about yourself, do you want to appear as a multifaceted, interesting person or a shadow of such a person without goals and ambitions, who only watches TV and spends time on the Internet? The answer should be obvious. Every charming man should reinforce his mystery with a real interesting life. They follow their passions and try new things.Trying to live an eventful life will not only make you a more interesting person, but it will also give you the confidence that you can't come without rich life experiences.
    • If you want to find a new hobby, start with your interests or hobbies and try to be successful in such a business. Do you like to work with your hands? Try making furniture. Crazy about music? Buy an inexpensive used instrument and learn to play. Do you love video games? Even such hobbies can be the basis for a vibrant experience by participating in tournaments or creating your own YouTube channel about games.

Method 3 of 3: How to Maintain Your Unique Charm

  1. 1 Don't be ashamed of your interests. Ask an ordinary person what it means to be a “charming guy”, and in response you will surely hear something like: “This is a person with a pleasant appearance, calm, confident, good taste in clothes, as well as many truly masculine hobbies and interests.” While the first four items on the list are bound to be helpful in trying to please a girl, the latter rarely plays the important role that is attributed to it. No need to hide or lie about your favorite activities. If you are a geek, then be a deadpan geek. If your hobbies are eccentric (like watching romantic French silent films), then not necessary hide this fact, because uniqueness is great! Be 100% genuine about the way you like to spend your time in order to come across as an open and confident person who is different from others.
  2. 2 Meet women in your usual places. Clubs, bars and other traditional “dating spots” are best for people who are in their element when the music is loud and everyone is drunk. It is much easier for the rest to meet in other places. To get started, try meeting women in the places and events you love to attend. For example, if you love exercise and nature, try running in a popular park. This approach will increase your chances of meeting a girl with similar interests than if you met at a local club.
  3. 3 Form your own style. Everyone has probably heard the phrase: "Be yourself, and everything will work out." This long-standing advice sounds a bit hackneyed, but in the case of the nimble guys, it works one hundred percent. Charming guys don't follow other people's advice on self-determination - they do what they want to do and look the way they want to look, leaving ratings at the mercy of others. Having your own unique personal style makes a person much more interesting and memorable than trying to copy other people's ideas about "charm", so being yourself is not only simplerthan being fashionable, but also wiser if you want people to like you.
    • One of the instant and noticeable ways to stand out is to dress with a twist (of course, this does not need to be absurd). For example, if you want to dress in a retro style, you can shop for used and vintage clothing stores, or even make your own clothing and accessories (knit or sew).
  4. 4 Be honest and open. In dealing with women, honesty is the best policy. In almost any situation, people are able to distinguish between a cheater and a sincere person, so attempts to pretend or hide their true feelings can cause mutual awkwardness. Among other things, many women find sincerity to be a cute quality, so you have virtually no reason. not express their thoughts, opinions and intentions sincerely and openly. In the worst case scenario, you will be deprived of the opportunity to date a girl, but if you have to hide your true feelings, will you be happy with her? Most probably not.
    • For example, if you have certain stumbling blocks (things that you just unable endure in your soulmate), you probably want to honestly and openly tell your partner (or potential partner) about them.Think about it: would you rather pretend to be someone who smokes, behaves ill-mannered and listens to Limp Bizkit around the clock for a couple of weeks, or politely end such a relationship in the bud?
    • At the same time, keep in mind that there is such a phenomenon as excessive frankness. Being honest in your thoughts and feelings is fine, but you probably don't want to embarrass yourself and share deeply personal information with someone you barely know.
  5. 5 Love yourself before you love others. It’s impossible to love others if you don’t love yourself, so don’t try to build romantic relationships while you think low about yourself. Ideally, a relationship with a partner should be the icing on the cake for a happy life in harmony with oneself - these are pleasant, but not obligatory conditions for happiness. A charming man always behaves at ease, including because he knows that no matter how a romantic relationship develops, his life will still be more or less happy. To create a healthy foundation for possible future relationships, you must have the following in your life:
    • Personal independence on a reasonable scale (for example, the ability to support oneself and spend free time at its own discretion).
    • Ability (and motivation) to follow your hobbies and passions.
    • Strong, satisfying friendships.
    • An acceptable level of professional and personal achievement (the ability to do a good job, become an important member of society).


  • Show empathy if the girl tells you about her past.
  • Do the nice little things. Hold the door, help carry things, be courteous. Many women love this kind of attention and care.
  • A successful relationship with a woman usually requires three things - the ability to listen, trust, and respect.
  • A good joke or a funny remark can be a great way to break the ice when you feel awkward.
  • Never be afraid to approach a lonely girl in a crowd or try to take her to a quieter place.


  • Respect the girls.
  • Respect women's boundaries. You do not need to consider a woman as your property, who should report to you about every step she takes.
  • Never wear the same clothes for two days in a row. The girl will IMMEDIATELY notice this fact and find it extremely repulsive.
  • If you respect women, try not to use bad language in their presence.
  • Harsh comments like “you're fat” or “you're ugly” are a surefire way to lose a woman. Consequently, insults can put an end to your relationship.
  • Don't try to sound like a tough guy. Not all girls like this.
  • Don't have an intimate relationship with a girl who has a boyfriend!
  • If you are not ready to follow such recommendations or rethink your thoughts and actions, then it may turn out that being a "womanizer" is not for you.