How to Get Rid of Unwanted Erection

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Get Rid of an Unwanted Erection
Video: Get Rid of an Unwanted Erection


Sometimes life throws you in ironic situations. Being in a crowded place, suddenly, before you know it, the little boy began to speak. Everyone has been in the same situation: it's awkward, and the more you try, the worse things get. Don't worry, man. Once you master the right techniques - the combined control of mind and body - you will overpower the unwanted erection. Read on to learn how to control it!


Part 1 of 2: Conceal an erection

  1. Change location. Whether sitting or standing, you always have a way to change your posture to hide what's going on below.
    • Stand up: Try not to face someone's side. The bulge in the crotch is less noticeable when you're facing the other person instead of toward their side.
    • Sit down: Try to cross your legs naturally. When sitting cross-legged, the fabric in the crotch will swell and help hide your naughty little boy.

  2. Put your hands in the pocket of your pants. Putting your hands in your pockets is a very natural gesture, and as such, this is a very popular method. Put both hands in the pockets of the pants so as not to arouse any suspicion from others and gently bring the little boy closer to his body, trying not to move too much to tame and make it easier to talk.

  3. Cover the crotch with something. Chances are, your pants don't have pockets (though men should always wear pockets) or it's impossible to change positions. In this situation, find something to put on your crotch, concealing your excitement. Try shielding with:
    • One book or Journal. Feel like you are immersed in an interesting article (remember not to choose a women's magazine Cosmo, otherwise you might screw it up) and put the book or magazine on your lap.
    • Table. If you're sitting, naturally move your chair as close to the table as you can.
    • Clothes. If you have a coat or sweater, pretend to find something in your jacket pocket and casually leave it on your lap.

  4. Hide the little boy. In general, this technique is to put your hands in two pockets and hide the erection below the waist. Warning: Only the most experienced can do this while facing a group of people. Better yet, make an excuse to be alone or turn your back on the group and quickly do it while no one can see it. For longer boys, it is important to make sure that the clothes above are dark and can firmly hold the entire head.
  5. Distract everyone's attention. Again, this method is only for the most experienced: if you don't do well, your attention will actually be on you and with bad results.
    • When the time comes, say something like: "Well, look at the guy riding a unicycle, juggling cute puppies in the distance!" and hid while everyone turned their heads in that direction.

Part 2 of 2: Tame an erection

  1. Distract yourself. Sure, it's not as easy as it sounds, but if you can find a way to distract yourself, you're halfway successful. Keep your mind focused on something important, funny, or just plain weird. The idea here is hardly real think and erection at the same time (Women have known this for centuries).
    • Think about something really important.If you are an adult, your thoughts might be bills to pay, or deadlines to worry about. If you are young, think about the parents, in terms of weight or scores: it will definitely be a lovable spoiler.
    • Think of something naughty. Mischief here means not taking things seriously. Try to imagine something funny.
    • Think about something out of the ordinary. As unusual as possible. Some people think of spider webs, clowns, or even the irreconcilable vastness of the universe. That might work.
  2. Walk. While we are walking, our body is forced to pump blood down our legs in order to move. That's why a nice short walk can help you get rid of unwanted erections. Try to mumble something to your group about puzzling economic policy and step away. The girls will think you are truly mysterious.
  3. Put something cold in your pants. Most people will not bring an ice cube or an ice pack with them. Therefore, this method can be difficult to implement. However, cold objects can limit the blood flow to the boy, making him less excited.
  4. Find a reason to go to the restroom. Or you can just go to the bathroom without giving any excuse - it might be less weird. Once in the bathroom, wash your face with cold water or practice jumping if no one is there. Think of the least attractive person you know.
  5. Whatever you do, don't make it more irritating. Don't rub it against your hand or anything else, don't imagine someone a bit attractive, and don't focus on your uncomfortable situation. The discomfort quickly disappears when you complete the steps above.


  • If you are wearing a tuxedo, make sure you let the little boy face up when wearing the underwear. In this position, the boy can be stiff and elongated without being squeezed or hurt like in other positions.
  • Redirect your thoughts by focusing on something else. Erection comes from sexual arousal. Therefore, you should keep your mind away from everything that arouses. Try solving a complex problem.
  • Keep your legs closed. Often times this will help.
  • Most effective is biting your tongue or self-inflicting it in a discreet way. The pain will pull your attention away from the immediate erection.
  • Hinge forward and hug your knees with your arms. There is something wrong with the stomach. This works very well in a crowded place. Make sure to bend over and imagine yourself tying your shoelaces. Continue with shoelaces until erection eases.
  • Muscle stretching. While it may be a bit noticeable, if done right, it will help. The blood will be pumped to the muscles that are stretched instead of providing for your erection.
  • Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes and underwear rather than tight fitting to reduce the friction that can cause an erection.


  • Know that in some cases concealing an erection is almost impossible, such as when sitting with your back on a dental appointment with a dentist and / or assistant, standing in front of a coach. While auditioning or checking a home for sale with a real estate manager. Never mind it. Most adults know what's going on and won't mind it. Most teenagers would just joke around because it happened to them too.
  • If someone notices and that person feels offended, a quick "apology" with a pleading look is all you need to do, as any further explanation could make things happen. gets worse and gets you into more trouble.