How to be a friendly person

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
The One Thing That Will Make Everyone Like You
Video: The One Thing That Will Make Everyone Like You


A friendly person is always happy to meet new people, and is also open to friends and acquaintances. He is able to speak to a stranger on an airplane, pharmacy, or a crowded bus. Sounds complicated? Everything can be changed. Being friendly means letting others feel comfortable in your presence and showing that you enjoy doing business with them. How to put it into practice?


Part 1 of 3: Be Open

  1. 1 Smile more. You don't have to smile in front of every person you meet in order to become more friendly. However, aim to smile about 30% more than usual. Smiling at your acquaintances, strangers, or friends who have met you will make you look more open and friendly. Remember how you once passed by a person, and he turned the other way and pretended that you simply did not exist? How did you feel? If you want all people to be Nice communicate with you, then start smiling more.
    • You can also make it your goal to smile more often. during conversations.
    • Practice smiling every day, even in private. Even a forced and unnatural smile causes the brain to release chemicals that can improve mood.
  2. 2 Use open body language. If you want people to think of you as friendly and open, use open body language. Follow these steps to make people enjoy talking to you:
    • keep your legs together, and do not cross;
    • watch your posture, and do not slouch;
    • keep your arms along your torso, and do not cross;
    • lean towards the person during the conversation.
  3. 3 Do not be distructed. Another way to become friendlier is to notice everything that's going on around you, rather than trying to beat another level in Candy Crush on your iPhone. If you are constantly staring at the screen of your smartphone, do not take your eyes off the book, computer, or simply study the polish on your nails, people will think that you are not interested with them. Try to look in front of you, smile and not miss anything around. You will be surprised how many people start to think of you as a friendly person and want to communicate.
    • Typing on your phone is rude and impolite especially during conversations with people.
  4. 4 Maintain eye contact. This behavior will be appropriate both when greeting a person passing by and during a face-to-face conversation. You don't need to keep staring at the person, but try to maintain active eye contact when you listen to your interlocutor - this will show him your interest. When it's your turn to answer, you can look away more often.
    • If another person is walking towards you in an empty corridor, then why not look at him and say hello, instead of lowering your gaze to the floor and examining your hands.
  5. 5 Laugh effortlessly. The ability to laugh is another quality of a friendly person. You don't have to laugh after of each words, otherwise laughter will sound insincere, but start laughing 20% ​​more often, especially when the person tries to joke, tells something funny, or you just think that others need your support. Laughter not only creates a special atmosphere during a conversation, but also allows others to perceive you as a friendlier person.
    • Laugh more and smile? This is a great and useful combination.

Part 2 of 3: Learn to Have Friendly Conversations

  1. 1 Master the skill casual conversation. Small talk can help you come across as a friendly person. A casual conversation may not go well if you are too busy, distracted, or just shy. Everything is simpler than it seems at first glance. It is enough to create comfortable conditions for the interlocutor, find common topics and tell a little about yourself. If you feel comfortable, move on to deeper topics and also discuss more personal issues.
    • Some people think small talk is too superficial, but it is not. Any friendship and relationship starts with a casual conversation. No one will immediately discuss the meaning of life with a stranger, right?
    • You can even have a few words with the service staff just out of politeness. So, make a note about the weather, discuss the special taste of the product you are buying, or compliment the person. It will cheer you up and relieve boredom.
    • Like any skill, the art of casual conversation is honed with practice. Start having these conversations as often as possible. Try starting with a question (“Have you read this book? How do you like it?”) Or a remark about the environment (“The branches have buds! I'm so excited about spring!”).
  2. 2 Take an interest in people. Every friendly person takes a genuine interest in other people. It is important to show that you are interested in someone else's opinion, words and actions. Ask simple questions to show your interest in the person. Do not touch on topics that are too personal, so as not to offend anyone. Start with something simple and find new ways to develop the conversation. You can always discuss such topics:
    • pets;
    • favorite sports teams;
    • hobby;
    • favorite bands, books or movies;
    • favorite dishes, drinks;
    • brothers and sisters;
    • travel and travel;
    • work or study;
    • goals;
    • favorite or desired vacation spot.
  3. 3 Compliment. A sincere compliment will show that you are a very friendly person. So, an appropriate compliment will make the person think, "She's so nice!" - and feel more comfortable in your presence. Compliments shouldn't be overly serious, especially at first. Say something nice about a person's jewelry, outfit, hairstyle, or even a sense of humor.
    • During the conversation, ask yourself what quality of the interlocutor you would like to praise. The answer will come quickly enough.
  4. 4 Address people by name during a conversation. It's a simple and effective trick to make you feel good. and friendly person. Referring to people by name will show that you have memorized such distinctive information. In this case, it is important not to go too far. Suffice it to say: "Hello, Lena!" at a meeting, - or: "You know, Andrey, you are absolutely right about that!" - during a conversation to show yourself as a friendly person.
    • If you have just met a person, call him or her by name once or twice in a conversation to be sure to remember this information.
  5. 5 Be aware of a cold and indifferent attitude. Sometimes people are unfriendly and don't even realize it. If the person greeted you confidently and slowed down, they want to talk to you.If you say "Hi" and walk by, it looks rude. Even if you think you are demonstrating neutrality or busyness, people often perceive it as unfriendly behavior.
    • If you don't hold the door for others, don't smile back, and try not to look at strangers who are standing next to you, you are being rude.
    • Good manners and polite demeanor help to find common ground. Just say “Thank you,” or hold the door for the person to cheer them up or start a friendly conversation.
  6. 6 Focus on positive topics. Try to talk about positive things in your conversations. Don't complain about work or school, discuss troubles, or exude negativity. Better to say something good about what happened to you this week, share your expectations, and even discuss a funny story on TV. Conversations on positive topics will show you a friendlier, funnier, and more upbeat person to talk to.
    • You don't have to pretend to be another person to avoid talking about unpleasant and difficult issues.
    • Try to avoid controversial topics like religion and politics.
    • Of course, you don't need to be silent if something terrible happened to you or you want to complain, but try to find three positive topics for each negative comment.
  7. 7 Be open. Friendly people are not afraid to show their vulnerability and share personal ones. You don't have to reveal your innermost secrets. Delicate, awkward, and quite out of the ordinary confessions will help to win the hearts of people and help to give the impression of a person who does not take himself too seriously and is not afraid to talk about himself. Examples of topics for candid conversations:
    • animals that you had as a child;
    • unsuccessful vacation;
    • a prank that your sister or brother fell for;
    • funny mistakes you made;
    • your long-standing desires;
    • your first experience in a new business;
    • situation from your family's life.

Part 3 of 3: Actively interact with people

  1. 1 Try to connect with new people. This is another cornerstone of friendliness. Even if you are shy or think new acquaintances are not worth your time, start acting differently! Talk to the person in the next seat on the plane, to a party guest, or to a friend of your friend. Assess the situation correctly and make sure that the person wants talk to you, then smile and start a conversation.
    • You don't have to talk to everyone, but the more often you start a conversation, the more comfortable you will feel.
    • Introduce yourself to a stranger. Take action if you are with friends and you meet a new person.
  2. 2 Invite people more often. Friendly people show they want to spend more time with others. What is needed for this? Offer to spend time together. Invite a group of people to go to the movies, go to a free concert, have coffee or ice cream with you. You will immediately feel like a friendlier person if they willingly accept your invitation. Make it your goal to invite people to meetings at least once a week, and soon your life will change.
    • Be bold. Invite new acquaintances to spend time together to make friends with them.
    • Throw a party. Invite all sorts of people and have a dating night.
  3. 3 Accept invitations more often. This is another way to be friendlier. Perhaps you are too busy or afraid to accept invitations from unfamiliar people. Perhaps you are better off alone with a bucket of ice cream and your beloved cat, Vaska. Step over yourself if you want to be a friendlier person. Accept invitations and go to the movies, cafes and parties.
    • It is not necessary to agree to completely uninteresting offers, but with the next impulse to refuse, think about what caused such an answer.Are you afraid of the new? Experiencing anxiety in social situations? Are you lazy? These are not the best reasons to give up an interesting pastime.
  4. 4 Lead an active social life. If you want to be a friendlier person, spend more time with your friends. This will help you learn to be socially active and interact productively with people. Go to parties, events and hiking regularly, bike, swim and have fun if you want to be a friendly person.
    • Prioritize the way you want to lead a fulfilling social life. Work, school and other responsibilities should not be an insurmountable obstacle.
    • An active social life is important, but also make time for yourself and others. Everyone needs to relax periodically, especially if this life is new to you.
  5. 5 Learn to be friendlier to people you don't like. It's not the easiest decision, but you don't have to be best friends with your worst enemies to be friendly to people. Try to get along with a grumpy math teacher, an irritable relative, or a quiet girl from the periphery of your social circle. You will be surprised how nice it is to be a polite person and not treat them with indifference, and people can reciprocate you.
    • Make a list of five people with whom you have a fairly cool relationship. Find a way to be nicer to each of them, even if they don't seem to deserve to be treated. The ability to forgive is an important quality in a friendly person. Latent resentment only fuels anger inside and can affect your relationships with other people.
  6. 6 Strive to overcome your insecurities. One of the reasons for the lack of friendliness is a lack of self-confidence and the fear that people will judge anything you say. Think about what caused your fear and distrust. Perhaps the reason lies precisely in the idea of ​​oneself. In this case, strive to love yourself and your actions, and also work on your shortcomings.
    • Of course, fighting insecurity can take years, but if you acknowledge the problem, it will be easier for you to be friendly. Remember that people around you also often feel insecure.
    • If social anxiety interferes with your daily life, then it is better to contact a counselor psychologist or psychotherapist.
  7. 7 Make friends with people of your age and status. "Age and status" refers not only to the number of years according to the passport, but also to the stage of life. A person can be a university student, a young professional, a middle-aged mother, or an elderly single. Find people of the same age and status with you will allow you to spend more time with the company and find topics for interesting conversations.
    • For example, a young mother will be interested in communicating with other young mothers, with whom she will have many topics for discussion.
  8. 8 Show a genuine interest in people. The point is not only to seem friendly, but to really be that person. A truly friendly person shows concern for others, strives to create an atmosphere of comfort, comforts the upset, and always rejoices in the happiness of others. He doesn't start a conversation just to get higher in the eyes of people or to gather many friends on Facebook. Remember this if your intentions really sincere. People always distinguish real care from imaginary kindness.
    • Of course, it is impossible to show interest in everyone you know, but the more often you try to be nice, the more natural your behavior will be.
    • Friendliness has nothing to do with pretense, but inextricably associated with openness, respect for people and a positive attitude.
  9. 9 Surround yourself with friendly people. It will be easier for you to become a friendly person if you spend more time with the same people. They will be role models for you and even infect you with positive companionship!
    • In the company of friendly people, it will be easier for a person to strike up a conversation with you.
    • People who are unfriendly, cold, or rude can scare new friends away from you. People are unlikely to want to conflict with rude personalities and may think that you are no different from them.


  • Do not be shy. Greet acquaintances you haven't seen in a long time. Don't lose touch. People appreciate this behavior.
  • Look at yourself in the mirror and think positively about your appearance. Love yourself so that others will love you.
  • Decide for yourself to look for positive in strangers. It will force you to use polite words and positive body language that bring out the best in others. You will notice that other people are also friendly to you.
  • Don't be rude or insult people. Behave with courtesy and respect.
  • Everyone has hobbies, be they hobbies, pets, or music. Look for common interests with people.
  • Show genuine curiosity! Strive to get to know the person better with open-ended questions.
  • Be friendly with everyone, not just those you want to be friends with.


  • Be discreet with a sense of humor. If a joke seems funny to you, this does not mean that it will be funny for everyone else. It is very easy to offend strangers. For example, a remark that is humorous and appropriate to you may sound offensive to the other person. Why create problems for yourself at work or in another public place like a school or hobby club?
  • An overly friendly person may appear suspicious to others. This often scares people off and creates a negative first impression.