How to safely transport a large amount of money

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How do I legally and safely transport large amounts of money?
Video: How do I legally and safely transport large amounts of money?


If you are traveling abroad or need to make a large purchase with cash, you will have to carry a large amount of money with you. This can be intimidating to you, as you will probably be worried that others will see that you have a lot of money, or that you might accidentally lose it. Learning how to safely transport large amounts of money will make it easier for you to behave confidently in these situations.


Method 1 of 3: How to hide money

  1. 1 Put on your money belt. Such a belt is a special accessory that is worn under clothes. It can be worn at the waist or hip. The belt can store valuable things (for example, money and documents) so that there is no more money left in the wallet than usual.
    • The advantage of a money belt is that it is almost impossible to steal money in this case, since the thief would have to lift your shirt or pull off your trousers. However, it will be difficult for you to get money, especially if you need to do it in public.
    • Money belts are sold in many stores, including online marketplaces.
    • If you decide to wear a belt to store money, put some of the money in your pocket or some other place where it will be easy to reach, so as not to reach for the belt every time. Before you pay, go to the restroom and remove the money from your belt.
  2. 2 Buy clothes with hidden pockets. Clothing with hidden pockets is an alternative to a money belt. Pockets are placed in non-obvious places and closed with a zipper or Velcro.
    • Travel clothing with hidden pockets is sold in many stores, especially those with travel supplies.
    • As with a money belt, it's best to keep a small amount in your pockets or some other convenient place. So that no one realizes that you have a lot of money with you, people should not see the bills, and it should be difficult to get them.
  3. 3 Hide your money in your shoes. You can't take a lot of money in a shoe, but you can hide some of the cash in both shoes in case someone finds the main amount elsewhere. The safest thing to do is roll up the bills and slip them into the toes of your boots.
    • If you decide to hide money in your shoes, do not use these bills for calculations. If someone notices that you are pulling money out of your shoes, they may think there is money elsewhere.
  4. 4 Take a bogus wallet with you. If you are afraid of being robbed, bring a fake wallet with you. It will be just another wallet with a small amount of money inside. The advantage of this decision is that if you are robbed, you can safely hand this wallet to the thief, and he will decide that this is your main wallet. If you securely hide a real wallet and it is not easy to find it (in case the burglar decides to probe your clothes), the thief has no reason to think that you have two wallets.
    • For the fake wallet trick to work, your real money wallet must be safely hidden. If a burglar checks your pockets and sees a second wallet, he will take both. Therefore, it is best to take both a money belt and a second wallet with you.
    • Use a cheap wallet, preferably old and shabby. You shouldn't be sorry to part with it, but it should also look like it has been used for a long time.
    • To make a fake wallet look convincing, put some expired cards in it. If the burglar decides to look inside, he will think that this is a real wallet.
  5. 5 Divide the money. Try not to take all your money with you. Money can be conjugated, but if a robber attacks you, he can take all the money. Divide the money and put some of it somewhere safe.
    • If there is someone else with you, ask him to take some of the money in case of emergency. However, make sure that the money you give to others is also carefully hidden in case of theft.
  6. 6 Keep your money at the hotel. If you are traveling and staying in a hotel, you should leave any money that you do not need right away in your room. If you have several cards with you, leave all the extra ones in the safe.
    • Leave money in your room only if there is a safe. Do not keep valuables in plain sight.

Method 2 of 3: Personal Safety

  1. 1 Don't draw attention to yourself. If you are in a foreign country or you just need to transport a large amount of money, you should not draw attention to yourself. Some people do this without even noticing it. To go unnoticed:
    • Avoid wearing expensive clothing or conspicuous jewelry.
    • Do not take out the card in plain sight.
    • Walk confidently, as if you know where you are going, even if you are not.
    • Cover protrusions in pockets or under clothing.
    • If you choose to wear a garment with a secret pocket or a money belt, do not touch the area or check the money.
  2. 2 Watch what is happening around. If you have a lot of money with you, it's important to keep an eye on where you are and who is around. If you notice that someone is looking at you or watching you, or turns away sharply when you look at him, treat that person with caution. He may be planning to rob you.
    • Stay away from criminal areas. Also, watch out for tourist areas.
    • Be careful at metro stations and public transport. Pickpockets are often used in these places.
    • If someone bumps into you or pushes you, check to see if the money is there.
    • Do not go unaccompanied with money. If none of your friends can walk with you, call a taxi. Taxi must be official.To make the trip safer, it is better to call the car by phone.
    • Remember that despite all the precautions, anyone can be the victim of a robbery. Do not overestimate your self-confidence and do not think that you are completely safe, otherwise you will lose your guard.
  3. 3 Handle cash with care. If you count them in plain sight, you could be robbed. In addition, the thief will see how much money you have with you. Don't take more money with you than you need. Plan your expenses ahead of time.
    • Keep small money and coins in a separate pocket so you don't have to change large bills at the store.
    • If you are traveling, exchange money in a safe place (such as a bank). This will protect you from being cheated and you will not look like a tourist.
  4. 4 Hide electronic devices. You will instantly grab the thief's attention if you take out a brand new smartphone. You may not think much of this, but the thief may think you have money and other valuable items with you.
  5. 5 Remember what matters most. If everything does not go according to plan and you will be robbed, do not resist and do not fight back. Do whatever the burglar says, and then contact the police as soon as possible. Remember that no amount of money costs life.

Method 3 of 3: How to transport money in other ways

  1. 1 Take your credit card with you. The advantage of a credit card is that if it gets stolen, your money won't go to waste. A debit card allows you to quickly access your account, and if you lose cash, you will never get it back.
    • It is best to carry your credit card in a RFID proof wallet. This will hide the card from thieves who write off money using special electronic devices.
    • Carry only one or two cards with you if you are afraid that your wallet may be lost or stolen.
  2. 2 Use traveler's checks. Some shops do not accept travelers' checks, which makes them very inconvenient to use. However, if lost or stolen, they can be easily restored. Even if your checks are not accepted somewhere, you can exchange them for money at a bank branch or at a currency exchange office.
    • If possible, buy checks in the currency of the country you are traveling to.
    • Buy a few small-denomination checks to make it easier to settle.
    • Sign traveller's checks as soon as possible and keep your receipts separate on them.
  3. 3 Ask someone to transfer money to you. If you are afraid of taking a significant amount with you on your trip, ask a friend or family member to transfer the money to you when you arrive. This service is not free, and often the commissions are large, but there are branches of money transfer companies all over the world, and this eliminates the need to transport large amounts of cash.


  • Take with you only as much money as you need.
  • The most important thing is self-control. Don't be nervous or twitchy. Be calm and confident.
  • If you are afraid to have a large amount with you, put money on a card or buy traveler's checks.
  • Do not use regular money belts as they are visible under clothing. Better to take a belt with a pocket in which money can be put horizontally. You can also fasten the purse to your belt and turn it inside your trousers.
  • Check your pockets when you get home. You shouldn't touch money pockets all the time in crowded places.


  • Keep an eye on what is happening around you and the people around you all the time.
  • Don't try to fight the burglar. This person may be armed, and he will be ready to harm you if necessary. Do what the burglar says and contact the police as soon as possible.

What do you need

  • Shoulder bag or money belt
  • Pockets
  • Wallet or multiple wallets
  • Cards and / or Travelers Checks
  • Money

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