How to repel flies outdoors with essential oils

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils
Video: How to Make Natural Outdoor Fly Repellent with Essential Oils


Tired of the insecticide sprays on the market and unnecessary chemicals? Are you constantly disturbed or stung by pests in your backyard? You can use essential oils as a natural insect repellent, keeping flies away from you and outdoor eating areas.


Method 1 of 3: Making Outdoors Flies Repellent Box

  1. Set of materials. You can place the box in the center of your yard table to keep flies away day and night. It's a simple blend of essential oils and a carrier oil that lets the scent release the air, leaving flies naturally away. Here's what you need:
    • A small tin with lid. Small coffee cans, mints or cough medicine cans
    • A clean cloth or dishcloth sponge
    • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
    • 2 tablespoons witch hazel (or vodka if you don't have witch hazel)
    • 100 drops of essential oil

  2. Mix an essential oil mixture. Many essential oils contain ingredients that keep flies away. It is also good at repelling mosquitoes and other insects. Essential oils are available from health food stores or online in bulk. You can take 100 drops of essential oils of the same type, or mix with any of the following essential oils:
    • Lavender essential oil Lavender is considered to be particularly effective at repelling flies. It also has many other uses in the home.
    • Essential oils This ingredient is often found in candles to keep flies and other pests away.
    • Eucalyptus essential oil - is another essential oil that you can use indoors with a variety of uses.
    • Peppermint essential oil - These appear to be more effective at repelling mosquitoes, but are also considered to keep flies.

  3. Mix essential oils with vegetable oils and witch hazel (or vodka). Place all of these ingredients in a bowl and mix until well blended. Diluting the essential oils helps keep them from evaporating quickly while also helping the scent spread into the air.
    • All essential oils must be diluted before use; especially if you want to apply it directly to the skin.
    • Add ½ teaspoon of vodka to the mixture to preserve it next time.

  4. Soak the mixture on a cloth or sponge. Place a piece of cloth or sponge in a tin can and pour the mixture until it is wet. Leave the cloth in the box and close the lid. Let stand for 24 hours.
  5. Open the lid to use. Every time you need to keep flies away, open the lid and place it on an outdoor table. You can choose to build as many boxes around the yard as you like to keep flies away.
  6. Add oil after several uses. Once exposed to the air, the mixture slowly evaporates and needs to be replenished. Sprinkle a few drops of essential oil into the container or mix another mixture. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Making Fly-Repelling Spray

  1. Set of materials. This spray has been used for centuries as a insect repellant and is very effective. It smells quite strong when first sprayed on the body, but when the mixture dries, the smell will disappear. Here's what you need:
    • 120 ml witch hazel
    • 120 ml of cider vinegar
    • 30-50 drops of essential oil. You can choose any mixture of essential oils such as conditioner, cloves, lemon grass, rosemary, tea, catnip, lavender, mint.
  2. Pour the mixture above into a spray bottle. You can use an old spray that has been washed with soap and water, or buy a new one at the pharmacy.
  3. Spray the mixture on your skin. Shake the bottle and spray it on hands, arms, legs, and other exposed skin. Allow to dry completely and repeat if necessary. Avoid contact with eyes or mouth.
    • You can also use this recipe to spray on clothes. Try to spray a small amount first to make sure it doesn't discolor the fabric.
    • Do not use for children or pets without being sure about the safety of the essential oils in the mixture. Tea tree oil, for example, is very toxic to cats.
    • Never apply essential oils to the skin. Be sure to dilute it with a conductive solution before use.

Method 3 of 3: Making Flea Flare Oil

  1. Try tea, lavender, or eucalyptus oil. These three essential oils are most effective against flies. To make oils from these strong essential oils, it is important that you dilute them with a carrier oil. Make a 2% solution by adding 12 drops of selected essential oil to 30ml of carrier oil such as olive oil. Apply to wrists, neck and pulse points to keep flies away.
    • Store the oil in a small bottle so you can apply it as needed.
    • Applying undiluted essential oils to the skin (even lavender or tea tree oil) can also cause the skin to become sensitive, which means the skin can be very irritated by contact with the essential oil.
  2. Try peppermint oil. Peppermint is also a natural fly repellant and has a classic fragrance. Peppermint, peppermint and catnip are great at warding off obnoxious flies and also scent you up. Try making a 2% solution by adding 12 drops of peppermint essential oil to 30 ml of a carrier oil like olive oil. Apply directly to the skin.
  3. Use basil oil. Basil is a strong aroma herb that flies hate. Basil is also very effective at repelling moths. Make a 2% solution by adding 12 drops of basil essential oil to 30ml of carrier oil like olive oil. Apply directly to the skin. advertisement


  • Wear gloves when soaking the essential oil mixture into the fabric, especially if you are handling food and / or have sensitive skin.
  • Eliminate sources of water around your home to keep flies and other insects away. Change the water in the bird bath and pet tray twice a week.
  • Try growing marigolds around your yard. Marigold acts as a natural fly repellant because it emits a scent that other insects and flying insects dislike.
  • You can improve the oil's effectiveness by using candles.Just add a few drops of the essential oil you want to use (or use different types at the ends of the table) over the melted wax while the candle is burning. The scent spreads as you light the candles.
  • Growing mint and other easy-to-live herbs will give you a relaxing scent while also repelling insects.
  • Pungent mint is not as safe as any other peppermint. You should never use it to spray on the skin.


  • Speaking of herbal remedies, you are most likely to know whether the solutions are working as you would like them to be. If not, try different varieties until you find the one you need. Sometimes the effectiveness of the essential oil depends on local conditions.
  • Always Keep essential oils out of the reach of children. There are many types of poisoning if swallowed, especially pungent mint. Containers should also be kept out of reach of children.
  • Always Carefully read the warnings on essential oil products. Do not use if you are pregnant, have a poor immune system or are allergic, unless you know it is safe.
  • Exposure to lavender and tea tree oil can lead to gynecomastia in pre-pubertal boys.

What you need

  • Small tin with lid; preferably candy boxes, cough medicine boxes, candle holders, etc.
  • Small pieces of cloth like cotton, handkerchiefs, etc., or cut a sponge to fit the size
  • Conductive oil
  • Witch hazel or vodka
  • Essential oils
  • Aerosol
  • Apple cider vinegar