How to treat scratches on phone screens

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Remove Scratches from your Smartphone Screen with TOOTHPASTE !
Video: Remove Scratches from your Smartphone Screen with TOOTHPASTE !


  • Apply toothpaste to the scratch. After dabbing the toothpaste, gently scrub it with a circular motion. Continue rubbing until the scratch is almost gone. Toothpaste is inherently abrasive, so you don't need to rub it hard. Continue rubbing until you start to see progress. Even if the scratch is so deep that it cannot be completely erased, the abrasive properties of the toothpaste will help fade the scratches.
    • Toothpaste can't get rid of deep scratches, but at least it should fade most scratches.

  • Wipe the phone clean. Once the scratch has faded as desired, simply wipe off the toothpaste. The first step to do is to wipe the toothpaste with a slightly damp cloth, followed by a polishing cloth to remove any dirt or oil from the screen. This way, you will refresh the look of the screen, and hopefully your phone will look even better before it was scratched. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 3: Use a glass polish (for glass screens)

    1. Mix the dough into a creamy form. If you are buying cerium oxide powder, mix the mixture yourself first. Fortunately, this step is easy and well worth the money you save. Pour some flour (about 50-100g) into a small bowl. Slowly add more water until it becomes creamy and thick. Mix well when pouring water to ensure proper consistency.
      • The polish does not need very precise proportions, as long as there is enough water available for the polish to penetrate the material used to apply to the screen.
      • Skip this step if you are buying a premixed polish.

    2. Cover any vulnerable spots with tape. Cerium oxide polishes can cause problems with your device by leaking into openings in your phone, including the speaker, headphone jack or phone charging slot. This substance can also harm camera lenses. Therefore, you should isolate the place to be polished with adhesive tape, cover all vulnerable parts when in contact with the polish.
      • Applying tape before wiping may seem a bit too careful, but it's highly recommended that you do this before proceeding with further treatment in case you accidentally damage your phone.
    3. Apply polish to the scratch. Dab the cerium oxide mixture with a polishing cloth and rub vigorously over the scratch with a circular motion. Regularly check for scratches while rubbing. Every 30 seconds, you should wipe off the mixture with the other end of the towel, dab a new amount and repeat the process to maximize effect.
      • When using abrasive polishing products, you need to rub your hands harder than you would normally do. However, make sure not to scrub too hard. There is nothing worse than creating new cracks while you are trying to treat old ones.

    4. Wipe it again. After you've treated the scratch and wiped off the polish, there won't be any harm if you use a polishing cloth to quickly wipe it again. This way, you will wipe away any grime that has appeared during the polishing process. Peel off the tape that you applied to before buffing, and wipe your phone clean. This step takes less than a minute or two, but you will be surprised how beautiful your phone is when the smudges are wiped off.
      • You should regularly wipe the phone screen. Cleaning twice a day may seem like a lot, but it only takes a few seconds and ensures a clean screen.

    Method 3 of 3: Prevent scratches

    1. Clean the screen regularly. Small scratches will appear if you leave grit on the screen. You should clean your phone screen with a microfiber cloth or silk cloth twice a day to maintain the best condition. If your phone has a touch screen, cleaning the screen is even more advisable, as oil and fingerprints build up will dirty and dim the screen.
      • Clothing fabrics such as shirt sleeves, even dishwashing cloths can make screen wipes, though it's best to use a softer material like silk or microfiber for phone screen maintenance.
    2. Store the phone in a safe place. Your phone often gets scratched or damaged when you take it somewhere. It's important to think about where the scratch came from. Store your phone in a separate compartment instead of with a bunch of keys or coins. If possible, keep your phone in a zippered pocket in case it falls out.
      • Do not put the phone in the back pocket of your pants. In addition to the risk of breaking the phone screen if you accidentally sit on it, there is a risk of nerve problems caused by the phone putting pressure on the butt.


    • Phone scratches are a very common problem, so there are many professional services that help to fix it quickly. If the scratch is quite heavy or if you don't have time to fix it yourself, you can search online to search for a phone repair shop near you. Note that some are quite expensive, so try to handle them yourself first.
    • Although the plastic or glass screen can be distinguished by the different feel to the touch, you should look at the phone model (online or user manual) to know what materials are suitable. .
    • There are new and upcoming phones touted as "self-healing" devices. The plastic of these phones is capable of self-healing from medium scratches. If you scratch your phone a lot but want it to always look shiny, you should probably check out the "self-healing" phone models next time you shop.


    • If you choose to use a strong polish, you may lose the screen protector coating. Screen coatings (such as oleophobic) function to reduce friction and increase comfort when using the device. You need to keep this in mind and consider the pros and cons when polishing your screen.