How to treat a scaly wound

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Proper wound care: How to minimize a scar
Video: Proper wound care: How to minimize a scar


A large, ugly scaly wound can ruin your great evening out at night; It makes you dare not wear short skirts or shorts for fear of revealing bad spots. The safest treatment is to properly cover the wound to help the wound heal quickly. You can also try some gentle methods to ease the discomfort and reduce scaling. Best of all, don't rely on the scales on the wound!


Method 1 of 2: Bandage the wound

  1. Make sure the wound is not draining. The wound or scab will need to be dry before you can apply the dressing. If the wound is still bleeding, put a sterile, non-stick gauze on it. Do not remove the gauze if the blood is soaked in it. You can make the wound bleed again if you remove the gauze, as the healing tissue is also pulled out. You should only put one more layer of gauze on top.
    • Leave the gauze on the wound until the bleeding stops.

  2. Clean around the wound. Even if the wound has started to scab, it's important to keep it clean and moist. This will heal faster. Wash with soap and warm water, then rinse with clean water. Blot gently to dry.
  3. Moisten the scales to help the wound heal. Although it was previously thought that the scabs should be kept dry to heal, recent studies suggest that it is best to keep the scales moist. Apply a lot of Vaseline cream over and around the scales after cleaning.
    • You can also use an antibacterial ointment in place of Vaseline cream, but most wounds do not need an antibiotic ointment.

  4. Dressing. Immediately after moistening the crust on the wound, cover it with a sterile non-stick gauze and place it in place with tape.You can also use a silicone gel pad (buy from a pharmacy), a non-stick roll-up or a non-stick gauze under the bandage, especially for large injuries.

  5. Change to a new bandage every day. While you wait for the crust to heal, make sure to change the bandage every day and wash the area. Reapply moisturizer and bandage.
    • The scab won't go away immediately, but this step will definitely push around the healing process.

Method 2 of 2: Scaly treatment

  1. Massage into the scales to soothe. Absolutely do not pry the scales, as this can cause scarring, which may even take longer to heal. To ease the itchiness and also help get rid of the flakes, you can gently massage with a little Vaseline or moisturizer. You can massage each time a new dressing is changed.
  2. Try using a warm compress to soothe. To soothe the wound, you can apply a clean cloth soaked in warm water for 15 minutes, but do not rub it. This can help reduce the itch that makes you want to pry the crust. Water also provides moisture to help the scabs heal.
  3. Apply a homemade paste on your skin when the flakes begin to flake off. Mix enough baking soda with enough water to make a paste. Apply the paste over the entire scale and allow to dry, then wash off with warm water. This will make the crust tighten and gently peel off the skin.
    • You can also apply potassium alum (acid alum), a natural aluminum salt, widely used as a deodorant and astringent. You can find it in pharmacies.
    • Aluminum helps the scales tighten by constricting the surrounding blood vessels, eventually helping to scab.
  4. Use natural remedies to dab the scales. There are many popular products that can kill germs and help heal wounds and scabs. Simply dip a cotton ball in the solution and dab the scales. Wait a few minutes, then rinse and cover. You can try:
    • Tea tree oil
    • Honey
    • Aloe vera gel
    • Apple cider vinegar (1 part vinegar mixed with 10 parts water)


  • Don't constantly touch the scales as that will make you want to feel relieved.
  • Wash your hands before handling the scales.
  • Do not rely on the scabs, as this will take longer to heal and may cause scarring.
  • Do not apply cosmetics on the scales as you will not cover them, but will make the layer more smudge.