How to overcome a psychological crisis

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What is a Mental Health Crisis?
Video: What is a Mental Health Crisis?


A psychological crisis can occur at any age and under any circumstances, usually when a person is separated from their community or loved ones. This situation is often very frightening, whatever the circumstances at that time. Our perception of ourselves is very important to living a happy life, and when that is hindered, it can be terrible. Knowing how to regain confidence in yourself will help you overcome a psychological crisis and find happiness.


Part 1 of 4: Get to know yourself

  1. Personal discovery. Personality explosions often occur during puberty. Many teenagers during this period experiment with different personalities and values ​​from what their parents taught as children. This is an important part of maturing, and without this explosion, an adult runs the risk of lacking a carefully chosen identity. If you have never had an explosive personality, do it right away. This will be an important step in resolving the psychological crisis.
    • Think about the qualities and characteristics that make you who you are now.
    • Examine your values. What is most important to you? What principles do you live by? How are they formed, and who influenced the adoption of those values ​​in you?
    • Evaluate whether those qualities and values ​​have changed during each stage of life, or remain almost unchanged? Whether they change or not, consider why this is the case.

  2. Determine what holds you back. People sometimes feel like they are being drifted off. When you feel that way, identify what is holding you back from your daily life. For many people, what holds them back is their relationship with others. Friends, relatives, co-workers, and lover form a network of relationships that we have chosen to be with.
    • Think about the relationships that matter most to you. How have those relationships influenced you? Do they make you better or worse?
    • Now think about why those relationships are important to you. Why are you with those people?
    • If the relationship isn't what holds you back either, think about why. Are you someone who doesn't need intimacy with others? Is that something you like about yourself or do you want to change that?
    • Ask yourself if you would have been like this without those relationships.

  3. Consider preferences. Outside of a relationship, a preference is what holds people back from reality. Whether you realize it or not, relationships and hobbies often take up all of your free time outside of study and work. You can choose a hobby based on your own personality and identity, but it is also possible that your perception of yourself is shaped by that interest. Either way, they play an important role in determining who you really are.
    • Think about how you spend your free time. What hobby do you spend the most time and energy on?
    • Now consider why those interests are important to you? Have you always had those interests? Did they create your personality when you were young, or have they just formed? What was the original reason for you to have those interests?
    • Ask yourself honestly would you be what you are now without those interests?

  4. Visualize yourself in your future best condition. One way to feel more secure in yourself and more confident in the role you want to be is to practice visualizing yourself in the future. This exercise will require you to examine yourself in the present, then envision and write about your best future version - the version you are truly capable of.
    • Take 20 minutes to practice this visualization exercise.
    • Imagine your life in the near future, you should also focus on specific aspects of your life.
    • Write down the details you imagine.
    • Think about how to make your imagination come true. Remember the future you envision every time you feel stuck or lost, and use it to focus yourself.

Part 2 of 4: Recovering from loss or change

  1. Reassessment of life. Loss or change can be severe, but they also provide new opportunities to reassess ourselves and what we are doing. It's possible that your goals and dreams were different from 5 or 10 years ago, and you may not realize them due to habits and circumstances.
    • Whenever you experience sudden loss or change, take it as an opportunity to reassess your life. Many people see the passing of a loved one as a wake-up to do things differently, or stop delaying long-term goals. Losing a job is also a mindfulness that brings more happiness and satisfaction.
    • Ask yourself if your present goals and personal values ​​will be the same. If not, find ways to bring new goals and values ​​to life.
  2. Be open to change. Many people are very afraid of change, especially big changes affecting their lives. But change isn't always bad - in fact, it's normal and healthy that circumstances change.Many experts recommend that people undergoing change should practice adapting and adjusting their identities instead of resisting the inevitable.
    • Ask yourself if in the next 10 or 20 years will you regret not taking the opportunity to try something new or act differently.
    • Allow yourself to go through self-discovery. Identify what you want most in life, and find a way to achieve that goal with who you are now.
    • As you picture yourself in the future, don't forget that the person is still you. Don't expect to be someone else. Instead, think: experience will make you wiser than you are now and still won't separate you from your nature.
  3. Explore your options. Some people who have been laid off or laid off may experience a psychological crisis, not knowing what to do or where to start over. Some experts recommend that the best thing you can do after losing your favorite job is exploring other options, finding ways to do the same job in a different context.
    • Consider freelance in your industry. It may not be an ideal position, but it will allow you to continue working in your favorite industry, and it can give you a fresh perspective on your goals.
    • Try connecting with others. Some jobs are only advertised within the company. Therefore, connecting with people in the same profession can give you a great advantage. It will open doors to new opportunities for you, and help you feel like you still belong to a community of like-minded people.
    • Develop new habits to achieve your goals. Repeat what you've been doing for years now probably won't do you any good on a new path, so try to make the necessary changes.

Part 3 of 4: Finding your sense of purpose

  1. Live up to your values. The values ​​you pursue will define who you are. They help shape your personality in many ways. One of the easiest ways to find a sense of purpose is to always concretize the values ​​you value.
    • If kindness and conscientiousness are part of your values, find ways to do kind and conscientious things every day,
    • If it is a religion, practice the practice often.
    • If it's a sense of community, get to know your neighbors and try to gather together every month.
  2. Do what you're passionate about. If you are passionate about your work, it will make you happy in life. If you're not passionate about work, that's okay - you just need to find what you enjoy, outside of work. Being passionate about something can help you feel more satisfied and feel better about your purpose.
    • Start doing what you love and make you happy (as long as it's safe and legal). There is no reason not to do what you enjoy. Many people have found a way to turn their passion into an independent job. It takes a lot of effort, but first, you have to take time to do what makes you happy.
    • If you are not currently passionate about something, try to find something. Look for values ​​that you value to get inspired to do interesting things. Or you can take on a new hobby. Learn to play a musical instrument, take tutorial classes or head to a craft shop to get a shopkeeper to recommend simple items.
  3. Go out. Many people find that spending time outdoors gives them a sense of purpose and fulfillment. There are nature-based psychotherapy and outdoor activities, such as hiking and camping, to help people overcome psychological problems and addictions.
    • Find parks and a dedicated walking trail online. Make sure you follow safety precautions at all times and accompany others if you are new to this place or activity.
  4. Explore the spiritual world. Religion is not for everyone, and that does not necessarily give you a sense of purpose. However, some people find that a belief and religious community can help them feel connected to something outside of themselves. Even spiritual-based activities such as meditation and mindfulness have positive effects on psychological health.
    • Meditate for more concentration. Keep an intention in mind, like focusing yourself or finding a sense of yourself / purpose. Then, focus on your breathing, ignoring any thoughts that come to mind. Breathe through your nose and focus on how you feel when you breathe. Just meditate as long as you feel comfortable, you can gradually increase your time to meditate.
    • Find and read online about different religions of the world. Each faith has its own values ​​and beliefs, some of which may be compatible with your own.
    • Talk to a religious friend or family member. They are knowledgeable and can help you discover the practices and beliefs of different religions, if that's what you like.

Part 4 of 4: Reinforce your sense of your own identity

  1. Improved relationship. Friends, family and lovers are the most sustainable foundations for many people. Having a strong connection with family or friends can help you feel more reassured about your identity through your sense of belonging.
    • Call or email friends and / or relatives. Communicate with people you meet often and people you meet occasionally.
    • Let your friends and family know that you care about them, and tell them you want to spend more time with them.
    • Plan a coffee trip, a meal, a movie, a drink or an adventure together. Taking the time and effort into building a stronger relationship will make you feel happier and more confident.
  2. Find ways to grow. Whether you find it more fulfilling and mature when it comes to religion, sport, philosophy, art, travel, or other passions, pursue what is important to you. Let yourself be honed and changed through your passion by opening your heart. Know that what you love is worth doing, and find ways to do it daily or weekly.
  3. Efforts to rise. A great way to feel stronger about purpose is to find ways to gain more praise and achievement in your career. Whatever you do, if you do it well and hard, you will be well compensated. Of course, there are more things in life than work, but work adds value to us, making us feel like we live with purpose.
    • If you don't like your current job, find a way to change something. Some jobs require you to have a higher degree, others may match your current degree and experience. Finding a way to work in a career you love will help you feel better about your purpose and personal satisfaction.