How to write in third person

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write in Third Person
Video: How to Write in Third Person


If you practice a little, you should have no trouble using the third person when writing. For academic purposes, writing in the third person means that writers must avoid using benevolent pronouns like "I" or "you". For composing purposes, there is a difference between the perspective of the transparent third person, the limited third, the objective third, and the segmentally limited third. Choose what works for your writing project.


Method 1 of 5: Write in third person for academic purposes

  1. Use the third person for all scholarly writing. For formal writing like research and debate, you should use the third person. The third person will help make your article more objective and less personal. For academic and professional articles, this sense of objectivity will help the writer appear less biased, and therefore more reliable.
    • The third person will help keep writing focused on facts and evidence rather than personal opinion.

  2. Use the correct pronouns. The third person is only the "bystanders". You can use names or use third person pronouns to write about someone.
    • Third person pronouns include: he, she, it, last name.
    • The names of other people are also considered for third person usage.
    • For example: "Smith think differently. According to research by he, previous statements on the matter were inaccurate. ”

  3. Avoid first person pronouns. The first person represents a point of view that the writer states from his personal point of view. This perspective makes the post too personal and conservative. You should avoid using the first person in academic essays.
    • First person pronouns include: I, we.
    • The problem with using the first person is that, for academic writing, the first person seems too personal and subjective. In other words, it can be difficult to convince the reader that the views and opinions in the article are objective and not influenced by personal emotions. Usually, when using the first person in academic writing, people often use phrases like "I believe", "I believe" or "follow me".
    • False: “Even though Smith believes so, I that his argument is not correct. "
    • Right: "Although Smith believes so, other experts in the field disagree."

  4. Avoid using second person pronouns. The second person shows the view directly aimed at the reader. This perspective shows a great resemblance to the reader because you are talking to them as if you knew them. The second person should never be used in academic writings.
    • Second person pronouns include: you, you.
    • A big problem with the second person is that it has a judgmental tone. It puts too much responsibility on the shoulders of the people who read your work at that moment.
    • False: "If you still object to this day, you probably don't know anything about the truth."
    • Right: "People who still object to this day probably don't know anything about the truth."
  5. Refers to the subject with pronouns or common nouns. Sometimes, a writer needs to mention a person with indeterminate terms. In other words, they may need to talk about them generally or talk about someone. This is when writers are often tempted to use the second person. An unspecified third person noun or pronoun would be appropriate in this case.
    • Unidentified third-person nouns commonly used in academic writing include: writer, reader, individuals, student, a student, a coach, person, person, Women, a man, a child, researchers, scientists, writers, experts.
    • For example: “Despite objections, researchers still stick to their statements. ”
    • Unidentified third person pronouns include: one person, anyone, one person, everyone, nobody, another person, each person, both, someone, everything.
    • False: "You can be convinced without all the facts."
    • It's correct: "They can be persuaded without all the facts. ”
  6. Be careful with the singular and plural pronouns. One mistake that writers often make when writing in the third person is to accidentally switch to the plural pronoun while the subject should be in the singular.
    • This is often the case when the writer wants to avoid the pronouns for the sex "he" and "she". The mistake here is using the plural "last name" instead.
    • False: “The witness wants anonymous testimony. Surname afraid of harm if the name of surname spread out. "
    • Right: “The witness wants anonymous testimony. This person afraid of harm if the name of me spread out. "

Method 2 of 5: Write in the third person smoothly

  1. Shift the focus from character to character. When using the third-person perspective smoothly, the narrator's role shifts from person to person instead of just following a character's thoughts, actions, and words. Narrators know everything about each character and setting, and can reveal or retain any thoughts, feelings, or actions.
    • For example, a story might include four characters: William, Bob, Erika, and Samantha. The thoughts and actions of each character need to be portrayed from a variety of perspectives throughout the story. The thoughts can be expressed in the same chapter or paragraph.
    • Example: “William thinks that Erika is lying, but he still wants to believe that she did it for a good reason. Samantha also believes that Erika is lying, but she feels jealous because Tony thinks well of another girl. "
    • The writer in the third person should avoid changing the characters' perspective abruptly in a scene. This doesn't technically violate the principle of a smooth third person, but it is often seen as lazy narrative.
  2. Reveal any information you want. With a clear third-person perspective, the narrator is not limited to the character's inner thoughts and emotions. Along with the character's feelings and inner thoughts, the transparent third-person perspective also allows the author to reveal details about the future or past in the story. The narrator can also give moral opinions, or talk about animals and natural landscapes, where the characters are not present.
    • In a way, the transparent third person can be considered a "god" in the story. The author can observe the external action of any character at any time, but unlike the limited observer, the author can also peek into the interior of the character at will.
    • Know when to hide information. Although the author can reveal any information at will, it is often more beneficial as details unfold gradually.For example, if a character needs to be surrounded by a mysterious mist, restricting the character's description of emotions for a while before revealing their motives is smart.
  3. Avoid first and second person pronouns. First person pronouns like "I" and "we" should appear only in conversations. So is the second person pronoun.
    • Do not use first and second person perspectives in narrative or descriptive sections.
    • Right: Bob said to Erika, “I find this a bit scary. How do you feel?"
    • Sai: I think this is scary, Bobb and Erika feel the same way. How do you think?

Method 3 of 5: Write in limited third person

  1. Choose a character throughout. When writing under the perspective of the limited third person, the writer has complete access to a character's actions, thoughts, feelings and beliefs. The author can express as if the character is thinking and reacting, or can moderate and present a more objective way.
    • The other characters' thoughts and feelings remain unknown throughout the story. There is also no shift of perspective between the characters in this particular narrative.
    • Unlike the first person writing in which the narrator is also the main character, the limited third person creates a clear gap between the main character and the narrator. The writer can choose to depict a bad habit of the protagonist - something the protagonist would not be willing to reveal if they were also the narrator.
  2. Describe the character's actions and thoughts from the outside perspective. Although the focus is still on a character, the writer still needs to describe that character as an independent entity. The narrator still must use the third person when following the character's thoughts, feelings, and inner conversations.
    • In other words, you won't use first person pronouns like "I" or "we", except for the dialogue passages. The writer understands the main character's thoughts and feelings, but the character should not play the role of the narrator.
    • Right: "Tiffany felt horrible after a fight with her boyfriend."
    • Right: "Tiffany thought" I feel terrible after the fight with him. "
    • Sai: "I feel terrible after having an argument with my boyfriend."
  3. Focus on actions and words rather than portraying the thoughts and feelings of other characters. With this perspective, the writer is limited in the thoughts and feelings of the main character. However, other characters may be depicted outside of the protagonist's knowledge. The narrator can do everything the main character can do, just not getting into the other characters' minds.
    • Note that the author can make assumptions or guesswork about the thoughts of other characters, but these conjectures must be expressed through the view of the main character.
    • Right: "Tiffany felt horrible, but looking at Carl's expression, she knew that you too, maybe worse."
    • Sai: “Tiffany feels terrible. But what you don't know is that Carl feels even worse. "
  4. Don't give out everything the main character doesn't know. While the narrator can step back and describe the setting or other characters, it all has to be from the character's point of view. Don't jump from character to character in just one scene. The outside actions of other characters can only be known when the protagonist is present to witness them.
    • Right: "Tiffany looked out the window and saw Carl approaching her house and ringing the doorbell."
    • Sai: "As soon as Tiffany left the room, Carl let out a sigh of relief."

Method 4 of 5: Write in third person limited by segment

  1. Switch from character to character. With the third person limited to the segment, the author can have multiple main characters with their thoughts and opinions presented in turn. You can stand at each angle to reveal important information and to advance the story.
    • Limit the number of narrative characters. You shouldn't have too many characters to confuse the reader or serve any purpose. Each narrative character should have a specific purpose through its own perspective. Ask yourself what each narrator contributes to the story.
    • For example, in a romantic romance with two main characters, Kevin and Felicia, the author can describe the thoughts of both characters at different times in the story.
    • One character may get more attention than others, but all the main narrative characters must be noticed at some point in the story.
  2. Focus on only one character's thoughts and perspective at a time. Although the whole story may include multiple perspectives, the writer should focus on only one character at a time.
    • Different perspectives should not appear at the same time in a story space. Only when one character's perspective ends can another character's perspective begin. The two perspectives of the two characters should not be mixed in the same space.
    • Sai: “Kevin was fascinated by Felicia in the first moment of meeting her. On the contrary, Felicia found it difficult to trust Kevin.
  3. Try to create smooth transitions. While the author can switch back and forth between the different characters' perspectives, the arbitrary transformation can make the story confusing.
    • In a novel-length work, a good time to change perspective is at the beginning of a new chapter or chapter break.
    • The writer should also identify the narrator at the beginning of the passage, preferably the first sentence. If not, the reader may tire of guessing.
    • Right: "Felicia doesn't want to admit it, but the bouquet of roses Kevin placed on her doorstep was a lovely surprise."
    • False: "The bouquet of roses left on the door step seems like a cute gesture."
  4. Determine who knows what. Even if the reader can get information from the perspective of multiple characters, the characters do not have the same approach. Some characters have no way of knowing what the other characters know.
    • For example, if Kevin talked to Felicia's best friend to ask her how she felt about him, Felicia wouldn't know what the two of them were talking about unless she witnessed the conversation, or heard Kevin or her friend tell her. .

Method 5 of 5: Write in the third person objectively

  1. Describe the actions of many characters. Using the third person objectively, the writer can describe the actions and words of any character at any time and include in the story.
    • There is no need to focus on one main character here. The writer can switch between the characters, following different characters throughout the story as needed.
    • However, you should avoid first person pronouns like "I" and second person like "you" in the story. Only use the first person and the second person in the dialogue.
  2. Don't try to get into the character's mind. Unlike under the perspective of the transparent third person, in which the narrator crept into everyone's mind, the objective perspective did not penetrate anyone's mind.
    • Imagine that you are an invisible passer-by observing the actions and dialogues of the characters in the story. You are not all-knowing, so you cannot access the inner thoughts and feelings of any of the characters. You can only describe the character's actions.
    • Right: "At the end of class, Graham quickly left the classroom and went back to his dorm room."
    • Wrong: “At the end of class, Graham got out of class and hurried back to his dorm room. The lecture made me so angry that I could almost shout out to anyone I met on the way. "
  3. Describe instead of explanation. Although it is impossible to share the character's inner thoughts, the writer in the third person can objectively describe the external observations that reveal the inner thoughts. Describe what's going on.Instead of telling the reader that the character is angry, describe his facial expressions, body language, and voice to show he is angry.
    • Right: "When no one else sees, Isabelle burst into tears."
    • Sai: "Pride does not allow Isabelle to cry in front of others, but she feels like her heart is broken and burst into tears when left alone."
  4. Avoid including your own thoughts in the story. The writer's purpose in using the third person objectively is to act as a narrator, not a commentator.
    • Let the reader draw their conclusions. Describe the character's actions without analyzing or explaining how they must be understood.
    • Right: "Yolanda looked over his shoulder three times before sitting down."
    • Sai: “This action seems strange, but Yolanda looked over her shoulder three times before sitting down. This unconscious habit is a sign of paranoia in your mind. "