How to avoid vomiting during exercise

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why You Feel Nausea After a Workout and How to Avoid It (Exercise induced nausea)
Video: Why You Feel Nausea After a Workout and How to Avoid It (Exercise induced nausea)


Intense exercise has many effects on the body, such as boosting metabolism and burning fat, but it can also make you dehydrated, dizzy and sad. vomit. Whether you do cardio exercises or strength training exercises, vomiting during or after the exercise is not uncommon. There are many things you can do to avoid this feeling and exercise happier. Nausea is vomiting symptoms that appear in many situations, so you can choose the most appropriate treatment or try a combination of preventive measures. The next section in the article will give you more details.


Part 1 of 2: Avoid nausea through diet

  1. Drink water regularly to compensate for the loss of fluids during exercise. Dehydration is quite common among those who exercise, so you should drink water regularly during and after exercise to replenish the lost water.
    • Other symptoms of dehydration include: dry mouth, sticky mouth, thirst, decreased urine output, muscle weakness, dizziness and headache.
    • Stay hydrated by drinking at least 2 cups (480ml) of water 1 to 2 hours before exercising. Drink 2 more cups (480ml) before starting. During exercise, drink 1/2 cup (120ml) of water every 15 minutes.

  2. Don't be in a hurry to drink too much water at once during exercise. Drinking plenty of water at once can help quench your thirst, but your body's defense mechanisms will make you vomit if your stomach is too tight. During the exercise, drink water sips at regular intervals.

  3. Eat 1 to 2 hours before training. One of the biggest causes of nausea during exercise is low blood sugar. If your body has used up its energy reserves, you will start sweating more than usual, feeling dizzy, nauseous, and fainting. The best way to prevent this is to eat a meal to provide your body with at least 300 calories, including protein and carbohydrates before training.
    • If you are unable to prepare meals a few hours before your workout, try eating a few carbohydrate-rich snacks, such as a banana, and supplement with a protein shake after your workout. Carbohydrates are the source of energy used for exercise, while protein drinks will help you recover muscle after exercise.
  4. Do not exercise right after eating. It is important to give the digestive system time and energy to focus on digestive activity, otherwise, the essential fluids for the muscles will pour into the digestive system.
  5. Drink an energy drink, such as Gatorade during exercise if you are prone to hypoglycemia. Although juices and sodas are high in sugar, they keep your blood sugar up to a safe level and keep you from becoming dehydrated.
  6. Avoid carbonated water before, during, and after exercise. Strongly shaken carbonated water or bottles can increase the amount of gas that builds up in the stomach after drinking. Drinking water from a cup also produces less gas in the stomach than when you drink water from a bottle. advertisement

Part 2 of 2: Avoid nausea during exercise

  1. Do not close your eyes while exercising. When crunching, doing floor exercises, yoga, pilates (a series of controlled exercises), and weight training, people often close their eyes and focus on the movements. Open your eyes and look ahead so that your body can perceive movement more clearly, like when you're fighting motion sickness.
  2. Breathe slowly and evenly while lifting weights. Controlling your breathing will help lower your blood pressure. A rapid rise in blood pressure can make you feel nauseous and vomiting.
    • High blood pressure is a common problem weightlifters face. Lifting heavy weights can cause blood pressure to rise sharply, so it's important to breathe while lifting weights and avoid overtraining.
  3. Avoid bending. If you take a deep breath and bend down, your stomach will feel as tight as when you eat too full and make you vomiting. If you are breathing heavily, instead of bending, squat instead.
  4. Reduce exercise intensity if your heart rate is at its maximum. Excessive exercise often leads to vomiting. You can avoid this by increasing the intensity of your exercise slowly so that your heart rate stays at 70-85% of your maximum heart rate. advertisement


  • Always carry water with you when exercising, especially in hot weather. Exercise at high temperatures can cause heat exhaustion. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include muscle weakness, dizziness, and vomiting.
  • Nausea during exercise can sometimes be caused by anxiety. If you are training to prepare for a big event or just starting out, anxiety is a common occurrence. Work out at low intensity if you feel stressful and increase as your mentality becomes more ready.
  • Do not drink cold water while exercising, cold water will make you vomiting or nauseous.
  • If you exercise early in the morning, try to eat some snacks, such as bananas, grapes, or strawberries. Exercising on an empty stomach can also induce vomiting.
  • Don't be afraid to rest! The line between trying to get fit and forcing yourself to over-train is slim. Take a break for a few minutes and then resume the exercise.


  • See a doctor if you are prone to hypoglycemia. If you eat regularly and your blood sugar is still low, it could be because you have hypoglycemia, your doctor will help you check the insulin levels in your body.

What you need

  • Country
  • Gatorade energy drinks
  • Food
  • Control your breathing
  • Exercise plan
  • Protein drink