How to treat ticks and fleas with apple cider vinegar

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs (DIY REMEDY FOR TICKS/FLEAS)
Video: Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs (DIY REMEDY FOR TICKS/FLEAS)


Pet owners have found that apple cider vinegar can be used as a substitute for ticks and fleas. The acidic taste isn't very appealing to them, so when sprayed on dogs and cats regularly, the apple cider vinegar solution can prevent fleas and ticks from spreading. If your pet is allergic to chemicals or you want to take natural remedies, follow these simple steps to make a bath and apple cider vinegar solution to treat your pet fleas.


Part 1 of 3: Eliminate fleas and ticks with apple cider vinegar

  1. Make an apple cider vinegar solution. Instead of applying apple cider vinegar to your pet's skin directly, you need to dilute it to avoid irritating them. Combine 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, 1 liter of water, and 30 ml of castille soap. This diluent is strong enough to handle fleas and ticks, but not so strong that you can smell it.
    • If you want to add something to keep fleas and ticks away from your pet, you can add 2-3 drops of lavender or cedar essential oil to the mixture. The essential oil will repel fleas and ticks, and help the solution have a pleasant smell. You can also add 60 ml of aloe vera to the mixture. Aloe will help moisturize your pet's skin and keep fleas away.
    • Apple cider vinegar is not toxic to dogs and cats. However, if your pet has sensitive skin, you can adjust the ratio of apple cider vinegar and water to 1 part apple cider vinegar, 3 parts water.

  2. Wear gloves, pants and long sleeves. Fleas and ticks also bite people, so it's important to protect yourself when treating dogs and cats. Wear rubber gloves, long sleeves and pants to avoid getting bitten.
    • You can also tie the pant leg around the ankle to prevent flea bites.

  3. Use a pet's treatment solution. Apply apple cider vinegar bath solution to the bristles, making sure to wet the entire coat. Use your fingers to massage the solution through the hair and into the skin. At this point, the castille soap will lather, you should rub the soap foam into the pet's skin. Leave the solution on the bristles for about 10 minutes.
    • Make sure not to get the liquid in the dog's eyes as they will irritate.
    • If handling live fleas and ticks, it is best to do this outdoors. If it's too cold outside, you can use a bath.
    • If your pet has too many fleas, you will need to bathe them another time or two more vinegar solution, that will be more sure.

  4. Use a flea comb. Before rinsing your pet, you need to brush it while it's wet. Work each part of the bristles one by one, brushing all the bristles to remove the fleas. After each brush, dip the comb in soapy water to kill fleas on the comb. Fleas will easily leave your pet's fur because they are already uncomfortable with the taste of the vinegar. Rinse thoroughly with warm water after brushing.
    • If your pet has exceptionally thick fur, you may have to brush it twice. After brushing once, rinse and rub the apple cider vinegar solution a second time. Wait 10 minutes, then do it again.
    • Be sure to use a flea comb. The comb will usually not be able to get rid of fleas and eggs effectively.
  5. Check the ticks carefully and dispose of them safely. When brushing fleas off your pet's fur, you should also check for ticks. Remember to wear gloves when looking for ticks, do not let the tick bite. While brushing, you should touch the pet's skin for tiny lumps. If you find a tick, carefully remove it with tweezers. Grab the cicada and remove it from the pet's skin. Do not twist or squeeze the tick. The goal here is to get rid of the tick, but not to remove the tick from its own mouth. Get straight out of the tick.
    • Disinfect the alcohol bite as soon as you remove the tick. You should check the bite every few days to prevent infection.
    • Put the tick in a plastic bag. If your pet shows signs of infection, you should bring the tick to the vet for examination.
    • Follow your pet for a few days for redness, swelling, or sickness. If you see any signs of infection, you need to seek medical attention.
    • Ask someone else to help you keep the pet still. The screening process can be annoying.
  6. Repeat treatment with apple cider vinegar. Fleas have a few weeks' lifespan, so if you miss any of them for the first time, they may lay eggs in your home and spread again. You will need to continue treating your pet with apple cider vinegar every few days until there are no signs of fleas.
    • Once the fleas are gone, you can use this method once a week to make sure your pet is not infected with new fleas.

Part 2 of 3: Eradicate fleas in the home

  1. Clean the pet's nest. Fleas can live for days to 7 weeks in pet carpets and nests. Wash fabrics and their bedding in hot water and dry on high heat. You should do this a few times while treating a flea that spreads.
    • This way your pet does not re-infect while you are trying to get rid of the fleas.
    • You should also wash everything the pet touches, including blankets and pillows.
  2. Get rid of fleas in your home. Fleas and ticks can live in carpets for a long time as well as in a pet nest. They lay eggs on the pet's body, then the eggs will follow the skin onto carpet and other fabric objects. To prevent flea eggs from hatching, remove all fleas and eggs that may lurk in the carpet. To do this, you need to vacuum thoroughly indoors.
    • Be sure to vacuum fabric and upholstery objects, cracks in furniture, nooks and crannies of the room, and anywhere your pet goes.
  3. Prepare natural sprays. Once you've vacuumed and washed all of the washable materials, you can make a medicine similar to a bath solution sprayed on your pet's carpet and bed to get rid of fleas. To make the solution, mix 4 liters of apple cider vinegar, 2 liters of water, 500 ml of lemon juice and 250 ml of witch hazel in a large pot. Pour the solution into a large spray bottle. Spray a thick layer of solution over all your home, including carpets, parquet floors, crevices and nooks, window sills, and furniture.
    • You may need to do this again in 2-7 days, depending on whether you have a flea infection in your home.
    • If it's just as a precaution, you can do it once a month.
    • Wait for the solution to dry before you put the items back on the old taste.
  4. Make flea traps. If the flea condition is not too bad but you want to catch fleas that may still be lurking in your home, you can try using a flea trap. Put some sleeping lights around the room close to the floor. Under each lamp put a dish of water mixed with a lid of dishwashing liquid.
    • Every morning check for fleas in the plate. Empty the old water and the dead flea and change it into new soapy water every night.
    • You can use this method to check if natural sprays are working. When there are no remains of fleas in the plate, you can stop spraying.
    • You can also use tea light candles in this method, but be sure to keep an eye on flea traps all night to prevent a risk of fire.

Part 3 of 3: Use apple cider vinegar to prevent flea infections

  1. Make an apple cider vinegar solution. To prevent fleas from getting on your pets after handling them indoors, you can make a soap-free apple cider vinegar solution. Mix 2 cups apple cider vinegar and 2 cups water. Pour the solution into a clean spray bottle.
    • Make sure the spray bottle is clean and that it doesn't contain cleaning solutions or other chemicals that could harm your pet beforehand.
    • You can mix more, depending on how many pets you have.
    • As with bath water, you can add lavender or cedar oil to the spray bottle. It makes the spray more fragrant and increases the effectiveness of repelling fleas.
  2. Spray the solution on your pet after each bath. This solution will help keep fleas and ticks away, and is gentle so you can use them regularly every time you bathe your pet. Spray from head to toe, cover all of the hair, then rub the solution into the bristles and allow to dry. The smell of vinegar should be gone when it dries out.
    • Avoid spraying the pet's face. To soak the solution on your dog's ears and face, use a cloth dipped in the solution and rub it over her face.
    • If you don't bathe your cat often, you may need to spray it more often than you do. Try to spray them every week or 2 weeks, especially during pet season or outdoors.
    • Cats and some dogs may not like being sprayed with water.If your pet is sensitive, treat its fur by dipping it with a clean cloth dipped in apple cider vinegar, then gently rubbing it on the fur.
  3. Add apple cider vinegar to your dog's drinking water. Giving your dog apple cider vinegar is a great way to prevent fleas and ticks from getting inside. Dog skin and fur will smell like apple cider vinegar if they drink apple cider vinegar regularly. Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your dog's drinking water once a day for every 20 kg of your dog's weight.
    • If your dog weighs less than 20 kg, you need less vinegar. For example, if your dog weighs 6 kg, you should only consume ½ - 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in its drinking water.
    • Some pet owners may feed their cats apple cider vinegar, but others fear that it disturbs the pH balance in the cat's body. To make sure your cat doesn't get sick, it's best to use only apple cider vinegar on the skin.
    • If your dog refuses to drink water containing apple cider vinegar, do not force it to drink. Using apple cider vinegar on the skin is also effective.
  4. Clean the house with apple cider vinegar. You can prevent fleas and ticks from entering your home with apple cider vinegar solution. Also use a pet apple cider vinegar solution to clean everything in the house, from floors to countertops and shelves. This is a natural solution that is absolutely safe, has antibacterial and antiseptic effects.
    • If you are cleaning food preparation countertops, do not mix vinegar with baking soda. The reaction between the two substances loses the ability to kill bacteria.
    • You can also spray it on the carpet to keep the fleas away.
    • Your home will smell vinegar until the vinegar dries. Once dry, the vinegar should also remove its scent.


  • These methods are not sure to work. You should always consult with your veterinarian to make sure the flea and tick problem is still under control. If you find that natural methods are ineffective, you should ask your doctor about alternatives.
  • Be prepared to use chemical-based flea medicine if recommended by your veterinarian.
  • Pet hair will be soft and shiny after using apple cider vinegar, which is also a natural hair conditioner.