How to be a "bad boy"

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Die Antwoord - "Cookie Thumper" (Official Video)
Video: Die Antwoord - "Cookie Thumper" (Official Video)


Have you ever wondered why it is often difficult for women to resist "spoiled" men? It's not that they're bad men - no one likes someone just because they're a bad guy. In fact, bad guys are often quite attractive because they're confident and assertive - in other words, they're pretty attractive. Follow these tips to build your strong confidence and show the world (and of course women too) that you dominate!


Part 1 of 3: Bad Boy's Behaviors and Habits

  1. First of all, be a real man. You have your own time, your own dreams, and your own plans, so you should not compromise these just to please someone (even if the matter is involved. love or not). For example, if you don't like something, don't pretend that you like it. Be bold about your likes and dislikes - this will help you attract like-minded people.
    • Explore your own values. What do you like? What hate? What makes you unique? What makes you happy? Understand yourself, otherwise you are just trying to create false values ​​to "adapt". Do you really feel happy pretending to be someone other than yourself?

  2. Become the center of attention. You exist mainly to do yourself happiness - others are secondary. Prioritize yourself and your own life. If you perceive yourself to be important, others, including women, will see that you are important as well. Most people find important people pretty attractive - it's amazing to be an important person!
    • In some exceptional cases, never sacrifice your worth to go after someone you like. Are you interested in a girl who is not interested in you? Forget her - your time is so precious that you shouldn't waste it just trying to please her.
    • Women will quite like your self-interested nature. It shows that you know what you want and that you are not afraid to pursue it.

  3. Stop caring about everything. Frequent stress over the small things going on in your life will make you less attractive. Bad boys don't worry about small things because of them sure that they can control everything. For example, when you are with someone you find her attractive, you don't have to act like a bum, you need to be as relaxed as you would when you were watching TV at home. This action will make everyone around you realize that you are a cold, confident guy who is in control of all situations, and these are quite attractive points in bad guys.
    • It can be quite difficult to switch from a nervous, restless person to a confident, smart person overnight. If you're still trying to form a relaxed personality, slow down your movements and actions - this can be a great step towards making you look (and feel) calmer. Walk with slow and steady strides. Speak slowly but confidently. Avoid hesitation whenever possible.
    • Things don't always go as you expect, even if you're a spoiled guy. When you encounter situations that do things really starts to get bad, don't get nervous. Instead, defuse the situation by telling a subtle joke. For example, if you spill drinks on your clothes, don't worry about how you will purge them when you get home. Instead, say, "Wow! Looks like I'm about to add a new stylishly dyed outfit to add to my collection." It sounds a bit cheesy, but it proves that you are not affected by little problem.

  4. Stop asking for permission or wait for approval. People who are considered "good boys" often wait for a sign of safety before taking action. However, these signs often do not appear, and as a result, they become indecisive people. Be decisive (especially in front of women) and deal with opposing actions when they appear. Don't turn your eyes to others to see if you are doing the "right" course of action. Do what you personally feel is right. You might be quite surprised to see the results of what you have always had to wait for approval to do!
    • When communicating with a woman: instead of asking, "Can you kiss me?" Skip the process of asking for permission and move on to giving her a kiss.Similar to the question "Will you date me?" Start a conversation with her, and say, "We need to hang out. Which Friday is convenient for you, Friday or Saturday?" Even if you are rejected, your assertive attitude will make you more attractive than simply asking her opinion.
    • Express your opinion on everything from choosing a restaurant to using your free time. Understand your desires, and work on finding ways to achieve it - not only will you become more attractive, you will also feel happier.
    • Note: True men are not freaks or perversions. Be confident, but also be mindful of what others think. Never force someone to kiss you (or worse) when they don't want to. Just as you are aware of your desires, so are they. Respect their decisions.
  5. Actively. Remember to be proactive in everything. Don't wait for others to give you an opinion about where to go and what to do. If your group of friends can't make a decision, make it yourself. You automatically become a leader once you stop worrying about others and go on with the things you know you need to do. This doesn't mean you are being selfish, you are just taking care of your own life because you don't expect others to do it for you.
    • Be active in every situation in your life - If you want to chat with a girl, or want to get a job, do what you want.
    • Also, be the one leading the people around you - If a friend is too shy to talk to a certain girl, you can tease him a little as long as you don't turn the tease away. Your teaser becomes cruel and remember to focus on your main goal is to help motivate him, make him more confident. Your friend will appreciate your help and the women will go "crazy" for you.
  6. Be honest with everyone, especially with yourself. One reason girls love bad guys is because they're honest. "Good boy" is usually not. If a bad guy likes a girl, he'll let her know. A good guy tends to hide his interest or "go around in the three kingdoms". A good man will usually try to be a girl's friend as the first step towards him becoming her lover, but in the end he can only end up in friendship. Almost every woman can tell when a guy likes them. Bad boys know this and will not hesitate to express their feelings to the other party. To be a bad boy, be honest with your intentions. Almost every woman appreciates sincerity - everyone doesn't like to go around searching for the person of their dreams.
    • Females may even appreciate a somewhat vulgar interest. For example, good boys and bad boys will both look at a girl's chest. However, a bad boy won't care about being discovered by her. This is the act of making you more attractive than trying to hide it and get discovered. Bad boys will be honest about what he wants and he knows he doesn't have to feel ashamed about it.
  7. Be independent. Don't "need" anyone - it's more fun if you have a lot of friends, however, they are not essential to your happiness. Learn to enjoy yourself. You will easily find that the less you need someone else, the more someone else needs you. Always find ways to create your own joy and entertainment. Owned burning passion, and constantly look for hobbies and hobbies that you want to take the time to do.
    • Never put a relationship on Top or think it is the only source of happiness your. Stop relying on others, especially women, to be happy - you don't need surname. Men in the world often waste their time trying to find the happiness that is present in other things, not in themselves. When you feel happy yourself, others will naturally want to find you.
    • Have a hobby - anything that you can take the time to do and make you happy. If you can find an activity that makes you interact with new, interesting, and interesting people, the better. Your hobby should be something you are truly passionate about, something you enjoy, and something that helps you build yourself! If you don't have or don't want a personal interest, at least volunteer. Use your time to make the world a better place - you are a guy damaged, not a guy evil.
  8. Cherish yourself - love yourself in a balanced and right way. A guy becomes a "bad boy" because he knows that he is the person most valuable to himself. He cares about himself. Bad guy knows himself better than anyone, besides, his opinion about himself will be the most important idea, not the opinion of others. You must have self-esteem, and you need to respect yourself before you can expect others, especially women, to respect you.
    • How to have self-esteem? Establish standards that are acceptable or unacceptable to others, and stick to them. The most important thing about that self-esteem is do not forgive people who show disrespect (both men and women) to you or to the important people in your life.
    • One problem with good boys is that they are always kind to people - even to people who aren't nice to them. We are often taught that we should ignore insults. Unfortunately, in some cases this only encourages the bad guys to keep going. Don't give in to bad attitudes. Be kind to those who deserve it. Remember Being nice to someone won't make them like you. Socialize with good people, people you trust and respect.
  9. Be stronger physically, and mentally. As a man, you need to be the backbone of your family, your friends, and especially a woman you can count on. Avoid whining. Understand that no matter how much you complain or express your feelings, your situation will not change. Instead, Please accept and find a solution Your problems. People who constantly complain will not become attractive, and more importantly, they will not be able to rise.
    • When things go bad, do your best to overcome it. When a bad situation arises, it can be easy to lose yourself in your personal emotions, but remember that you are a man who can solve your problems and you can handle it. situations.
    • Remember to take care of the important people in your life. However, you should not become the "adoptive father" of others - friend be the most important person in your life - however, you will be appreciated by people and become the person people look to if you are a strong and reliable helpful guy.
    • Exercise or participate in physical activity every day. Regular exercise improves your mood, energy, and overall health! This is an important part of improving your emotional control as it helps reduce daily stress levels.Exercise will also help improve your confidence and physical appeal - there's no reason not to exercise!

Part 2 of 3: Build Confidence of Bad Boys

  1. Understand yourself. Most of the advice in the section above requires you to have high confidence and self-esteem. If you do not possess these basic principles, it will be difficult or even impossible for you to become a real spoiled guy. Ask yourself, "Are these situations that make me worry?" and that "did I really do my best?". If you don't like your response, follow these steps to build healthy self-confidence. You will be able to quickly turn into a real spoiled guy.
  2. Become balanced. You don't have to be like a bodybuilder to be a bad boy, but you do need to be healthy. Scientific evidence has shown that exercise has a positive effect on self-esteem and can help prevent the development of depression. Exercise is immediate (through the release of endorphins that reduce stress) and in the long term (through improved self-awareness and overall balance of the body. Dear). Don't ignore exercise - go to the gym now, don't wait until tomorrow.
    • One study has shown that moderate-intensity aerobic exercise results in immediate psychological improvement. However, any exercise routine that improves your physical health will make you more attractive to yourself and to others.
    • For tips on how to form an exercise routine, check out our other articles in this column.
  3. Strive to win. Taking regular action to help you move closer to your career or personal goals. You don't have to be rich to have high confidence, but you do need to be proud of yourself. Hard work and relentless success will make you feel that you are worthwhile and important - the foundation of a confident personality.
    • Everyone (including bad guys) is often affected when it comes to failure. If you have a hard time in your career or in your personal life, focus on solving the problem - by consistently overcoming it, you will be able to build a stronger character. Do not give up!
  4. Do things you enjoy. Allow yourself to enjoy the things you enjoy. You don't have to spend a lot of money to enhance your value - just cook something you like, enjoy a drink in moderation, and take the time to pursue your interests. . If you get to do things you enjoy, you will automatically become happier, and when you feel happier, you will become more confident.
  5. Solve personal psychological problems. Sometimes, a lack of confidence is ingrained in your bloodstream. Childhood abuse and traumatic experiences can create psychological problems throughout your life and can negatively affect your self-esteem. Seek treatment to deal with whatever is affecting you mentally or emotionally. There are a variety of treatments you can choose from, including counseling, using biofeedback techniques, and prescription medications.
    • Remember that seeking help with psychological problems is a sign of strength, not weakness. True men don't ignore their personal problems, they find ways to solve them. Sometimes this means they will need the help of someone else. Don't feel ashamed to seek out a counselor or therapist - according to recent statistics from the Central Institute of Mental Health, about 15-20% of the Vietnamese population has experienced medical problems. Psychiatric treatments.

Part 3 of 3: Bad Boys in Dating

  1. Understand your own desires. A spoiled guy will know what he wants to get from his partner and he will be honest about it too (refer to step six in Part One). You don't have to be ashamed of pursuing a healthy sex relationship as long as you are completely sincere about it. Likewise, having a girlfriend doesn't mean you will be less spoiled. Here are a few tips on how to deal with a relationship like a real bad guy.
  2. Have your own life. While in a relationship, don't dedicate your life to the person you love. Even if you are married, create your own personal plans. Spend time with friends. If you are a valuable person, your time spent will be appreciated by your spouse. Conversely, if you are constantly present regardless of when your partner needs you, your time will be less valuable. Don't be weak in a relationship - make sure you're not so devoted to your partner that you completely forget yourself.
  3. Be complacent. Being in a relationship with someone doesn't mean you have to worship them. Tease them! A little "word of mouth" will keep the passion and warmth of your relationship. This is the character of a confident "alpha" guy - you are letting the other person know that you don't hesitate to fight a bit. Think about it - do you really want to be the boyfriend of the person you are always right kind to that person?
    • Don't be too ruthless to tease. Avoid using topics your partner doesn't like - for example, her looks or her career. Be teasing just right.
    • Be prepared to receive a teaser from your partner - don't start if you can't stand it!
    • If you accidentally hurt the other person's feelings, sincerely apologize. Remember, bad guys are true men - if you really want to apologize, let them know. Don't assume that you don't need to apologize in situations where the other person deserves an apology just because you want to be spoiled. This action is not "spoiled" - it is simply an action bad .
  4. Be the person "in power" in a relationship. This does not mean you can control your partner or give her the power to make decisions. Instead, it means that you should be someone who can make decisions in the right situations and that you have a plan in mind. For example, if you are going out, locate the location early and make a phone call to reserve a table. Take her hand and lead her through the crowd without having to consult her. Kiss her at the right time. Show her that you understand what you want for yourself as well as for her. Talk about a topic you're passionate about. Talk about your family, or about an event that makes you think about family. Should not gossip; Make a sincere conversation, and let your partner know that you are not only the mainstay of the family, but also a sensitive person.
  5. Make a surprise. In a long-term relationship, it will be easy to realize that after a while, things turn out to be a habit. However, from time to time you can still make an effort to do spontaneous actions. Plan a trip for the weekend when you both have free time. Surprise her by giving her music tickets when she first wakes up. Breaking certain habits will make your relationship more fresh and enjoyable.
    • It sounds paradoxical when you need to plan in order to do "spontaneous" activity.However, this is essential - nothing can be worse than spontaneously deciding to go shopping but finally realizing that the mall is closed. And after all, going shopping is not a normal act of bad guys.
    • Remember that the goal of spontaneous acting is not in giving your partner a gift. Maintain your values ​​- if you don't know what to do, make a plan of activities that friend prefer. You will enjoy doing it, and your happiness will spread to your partner.
  6. Give your partner some space and make sure she does the same for you. Bad boys and their lovers don't depend on each other. They maintain their own life, as well as their friendship, and their own preferences. This makes up for the times they spend spend to each other becomes more precious.
    • Balancing friends and lovers can be difficult. Fortunately, this is a common problem, and is the source of many meaningful (and even pointless) online articles. Consider checking out some of the right articles for helpful advice.


  • Being a bad guy means you have to trust yourself more than you trust others and their opinions. You need to be aware of your insecurities and doubts and find ways to eliminate them. Once you can get rid of the need to wait for someone else's approval, you become a spoiled guy.
  • Practice your imagination. Every day, imagine that you are the man you want to be. Just talk, walk and think the way you want, and this method will help you reach your goals more quickly.
  • It takes a long time to turn into a bad boy. Take it one step at a time and one day you will completely become the man you've always dreamed of. This doesn't mean you have to be a fake, it means you have to work hard to be the best version of yourself. Give yourself time to develop.
  • Movies you can watch: Fight Club, Empire of the Rise (300), The Last Samurai, Optimistic (Yes Man) and The Matchmaking Specialist (Hitch).
  • Books that you can read: Way of the Superior Man, Changes to Success (Psycho-Cybernetics), Mr. Hai Steel (Iron John).
  • Games you can play: "Total Overdose", "The Punisher", "GTA Vice City (GTA Vice City)"


  • Women sometimes create situations to test whether you're a real guy or just a showman. Follow these steps until you have fully grasped the traits that make you into a real bad boy.
  • Remember Becoming a bad boy doesn't mean being a bad guy. Bad boys are confident boys who are not arrogant or evil. They know they are worthwhile, but they will never appear better than themselves.
  • It is not easy to change yourself, and it will take a long time to train yourself. For the best results, avoid absolute self-transformation - focus on the things that you can improve the most.
  • Becoming a bad boy will help you get rid of your dependency habits as well as get rid of the people you like to depend on.