How to be an Independent and Strong Woman

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Dare to Be Independent | Camila Coutinho | TEDxPaloAltoCollege
Video: Dare to Be Independent | Camila Coutinho | TEDxPaloAltoCollege


As a strong and independent woman, you can find happiness on your own. You have confidence in yourself and do not need to rely on another person or society to assert your worth. That means you can control your emotions and have healthy relationships with others without being too dependent on them. That means you know how to show who you really are, whether you're a shy girl, soft-spoken, or loud and assertive. You don't have to try to force yourself into a pattern. Keep reading to learn to live true to the woman in you and pursue the image of the woman you want to reach.


Part 1 of 6: Fighting for Your Rights

  1. Put yourself first. Do you want a little privacy, you want to feel love for yourself or you want to be taken care of, give yourself whatever you want. If you want to be taken care of, take a day to pamper yourself in a few ways. If you want some privacy, take some time to journal or explore nature. If you want to feel in love with yourself, think about the things that make you love yourself or go out to dinner or watch a movie yourself.The easier it is for you to satisfy your emotional needs, the more likely you will be in good relationships, because you understand yourself and know how to present yourself better to your partner.

  2. Do not compare yourself to other women. If you have a female role model to compare yourself to, great. But you need to be awake so you don't fall into the jealousy hole. Even though jealousy is a natural emotion, to some extent, Western society tends to exaggerate the envy of women through advertising and movies with far-fetched standards of reality.
    • The jealousy and "mischievous comment that hurts others" are "attacks that can harm someone by destroying their relationship or social status". Studies show that communication plays an important role in shaping such aggression in women. Women who have been victims of assault often appear to be insecure, feel abandoned and alone. As a result, many women feel insecure and unsatisfied with themselves.
    • Know when you're jealous. The first step to getting rid of jealousy is knowing when you are jealous. If you're reading a magazine and comparing your body to that of the models, stop for a moment. Do you compare all the people you see on the street with those models? Probably not, so don't compare yourself. Magazine models are those who meet some of the criteria that magazine owners seek, and for them modeling is a profession in which they devote their lives. Don't think about them being "better" or "worse" than you.

  3. Set clear limits. Set clear limits to prioritize your needs. For example, limit the time you spend with someone or the kind of criticism you are not willing to listen to. In addition to romantic love, you also need other relationships at school, work, society, the gym or your family.
    • Set clear limits for each person and when communicating with that person, don't let them influence you. Once you've set certain limits, do your best.

  4. Protect yourself. Whether you are a man or a woman, you must learn to take care of yourself in this world if you don't want to be taken advantage of. You need to learn how to protect yourself at school, at work and in society. Claim your rights. Don't feel ashamed or at fault for claiming benefits. Fighting for your own interests does not mean you are passively waiting for results, nor does it mean that you are aggressive enough to attack others.
    • People who wisely claim their rights will feel happier in relationships and more confident than others.
    • Use the benevolent pronoun "I" when speaking. Statements like these are less conditional and instead see you as being responsible for your actions and words. For example, instead of saying, "You never listen to me," you could say, "You seem to ignore what I say because you keep checking your phone while talking to me."
    • Learn to say no. Do what you want first instead of trying to please others. For example if someone regularly borrows your money, you can refuse. If someone borrows your car regularly, you can tell them that your car is not always available to them.
  5. Believe in yourself. When you trust your abilities and believe that you can reap the rewards, you will bring into full play your strengths. Pursue what you need and what you want. When you lack confidence or are taken advantage of, you can let others get over you and lose what you need and want.
  6. Let other people know if they hurt you. If someone cheats on you in any way, let them know. It can be difficult to share your feelings, especially if you feel hurt or angry. But telling them how they hurt you will prevent them from hurting you further in the future.
    • For example, you could say “I feel hurt when you think my article is out of place. I'm willing to listen and get feedback, but I can't accept your criticism so bad ”.
  7. Respond to disrespectful and offensive comments. If you hear someone making comments that are sexually biased or racially or disrespectful, don't ignore them. That doesn't mean you need to argue with them. Calmly tell them that you don't welcome their opinion.
    • "Please don't talk about other women like that."
    • "Can we please not give negative comments about her?".
    • "Why would you think that?"
  8. Learn to know if you are too dependent on others. If you are overly dependent on one relationship, it may seem that the relationship determines your life. You can be obsessed with a person and only make a decision after consulting that person. Try to get out of an overly dependent relationship by being alert to the following signs:
    • Unconfident
    • Try to please everyone
    • There are no clear limits
    • Reaction ability
    • Attention
    • Control
    • Problems in communication
    • Obsess
    • Dependence
    • Denial
    • Get stuck with privacy issues
    • Feeling hurt
  9. Respect for the differences of each individual. Feel satisfied and happy with the fact that everyone has a certain gift, so do you! Each woman has her own talent, which can be an aptitude for math, drawing or leadership skills. Hone your skills and strengthen the resources you have, and moreover, love yourself for it all.
    • If you think someone is talented, praise them.

Part 2 of 6: Physiological Concern

  1. Be pleased with your body, with exactly what you've been given. Many women feel more or less dissatisfied with their appearance, especially when naked. It can be difficult to change that, but pay attention to the part of the body you are pleased with. Pay attention to different body parts and how they make up your appearance.
    • Pay less attention to your looks, and focus on what your body does for you.
    • If your partner is critical of your appearance, claim fairness by telling them their criticism is not constructive.
  2. Communicate your wishes with your partner. When you are intimate, frankly express your wishes with your partner. Loving yourself and taking sexuality seriously means saying what you like and what's going beyond the limits.
    • You can say "I like it when you touch that place" or "I want to cuddle after sex".
    • If something makes you uncomfortable, say it. You can say "I don't like it" or "It hurts me".
  3. Respect physiological issues. Don't be ashamed if you want to have sex. Allow yourself to satisfy your physiology of any kind and choose a suitable partner and advocate for healthy sex.
  4. Don't be afraid to refuse. You may have met someone who wanted to use you to have sex with you. Know when to say no and how to say no to someone who wants to take advantage of you. Don't let the sexual assault go silent if you know about it. One in five women and seven to one men are raped in their lifetime.
    • If someone is on you, try to crawl up and call for help. Social notions have made women feel ashamed or confused when being harassed and raped, even some women are said to "ask for it". The fact that someone is a punished sex offender will give women the courage to speak up about it.
  5. Report incidents of sexual harassment in the workplace and at school. Remember that reporting such actions is not just for you; it will prevent the person from harassing others in the future. advertisement

Part 3 of 6: Health Care

  1. Exercise regularly. Staying in shape helps you maintain your health, mood and energy, helping you to be successful in every aspect of your life.Regular exercise helps prevent diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes, and it also helps to control chronic disorders like asthma or back pain.
    • Nobody is like anyone, so consult your doctor about exercises that are safe for you.
    • You don't need an Olympic champion to be in good shape. You can take a walk around the house, take the dog for a walk or ride a bike. Even gardening is a good exercise for the body.
  2. Eat foods that are nutritious and healthy. Like exercise regimen, a well-balanced diet can help prevent illness, improve your mood, and energize you. Everyone's body is different, so nutritional needs may also be different. Talk to your doctor or a certified dietitian for a diet that's right for you.
    • The general rule of thumb is to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eat enough carbohydrates and proteins. Avoid fried and processed foods, and eat less refined sugar.
  3. Sleeping enough. Lack of sleep affects your health and mood. Try to get at least seven or eight hours of sleep a day for best health.
  4. Understand your health. Personal strengths include physical, mental, and emotional aspects. If you want to be a strong, independent woman, then you need to listen to your own body. Transgender women and men face different health risks and challenges due to their biological differences.
    • In addition to biological differences, there are a few other injustices that keep transgender women apart simply because they are women. For example, until recently most medical research was done solely with men. When a disease or disorder occurs where there is a difference in the sex (for example, a heart attack), medical research cannot accurately point to symptoms in women. Fortunately, medical research today is rapidly approaching and conducting research in women. The results of the study can easily be found and strong and independent women need to take advantage of it!
    • Get regular checkups with your doctor. Tell your doctor any health concerns.

Part 4 of 6: Financial Management

  1. Try to be financially independent depending on your circumstances. To be financially independent you need to have your own income, have your own bank account and be able to buy your own property, which used to be (and is, in some parts of the world) things that women robbed. You need to consider if you depend on others for financial security.
    • Take a money management course or learn the basics online.
    • Make a budget for yourself so that you can cover your expenses.
    • Save about 10-20% of your income.
  2. Don't be afraid to ask for a raise. Women seem less demanding than men. If so, women often ask for less increase than men. Go back to learning how to be the woman who demands your rights and don't be afraid to ask if you deserve it. advertisement

Part 5 of 6: The Pursuit of Passion

  1. Learn whatever you want. Don't let social norms affect the field (s) you choose. Society often thinks that women should choose certain disciplines (such as English, fine arts, teachers, nurses, and other "supportive" jobs) while men are forced to pursue fields like science, math and technology.
    • More and more schools are encouraging female students to participate in more STEM subjects (which stands for Science-Science, Technology-Technology, Engineering-Engineering, and Mathematics-Math) because The number of female students in these fields is extremely small, although many women are passionate. If you are passionate about physics, go for it! If computers are interesting to you, do some research and learn everything about it. Don't let gender role stereotypes get in the way of your desire to study a career you enjoy.
    • By all means pursue a subject you love. If you like music, go for it. If you like math, do the same.
  2. Never stop learning. Remember that it is not formal education that teaches peers (for example, studying at an institution like a university). You can gain knowledge by grasping current affairs in politics, science and technology, reading books (both fiction and reality), learning a different language, watching documentaries and the same activities. You need a desire to learn new things throughout your life.
  3. Show off your own style. Being an independent woman means wearing what you want, no matter what people around you tell you to wear. Think of fashion as a way of expressing your mood, interests, and creativity.
    • In many periods in history, women's fashion has changed according to cultural and social prejudices. There is a time in American history that women must wear tight corsets and forbid women from wearing long pants. We live in an era when women are free to choose clothes and clothes. Enjoy that freedom!
    • When deciding what to wear, you should base on your body shape as well as your personal preferences.

Part 6 of 6: Contribution to Society

  1. Helping others. One of the best ways for you to unleash your strengths is by helping someone less fortunate than you. You don't have to be rich or wealthy enough to have a positive effect on the whole community, you can start small. A 2010 study on volunteering and “giving” to the community found that among study participants, 68% had better physical health, 89% felt more confident and happier, 73 % felt less stressed than those surveyed who did not participate in 'dedication'.
  2. Participate in volunteering where you live. Nonprofits where you live will welcome volunteers and anyone's support. Choose the areas that you are most passionate about such as animals, art, children, sports, etc. Choose a place you like and believe you'll make a difference.
    • For example, volunteer in a kitchen, at your local animal cruelty or other community development program.
    • Consider charity work before deciding to participate. You should not join some organizations like Autism Speaks and PETA because they do more bad than good.
  3. Work well whenever possible. You don't have to become a full-fledged volunteer to volunteer. When you see someone in need, help them. A small act of you can also bring someone a new day. For example, you could bring a help or keep the door open for someone.
  4. Help other women. Women are often humiliated, criticized and humiliated by people of the same sex. Instead, women can help each other and make each woman live as she is without criticism or comment.
  5. Educate other women to become independent and strong. Teach them how to be self-advocates, learn leadership skills, self-love and claim to others. Be a good example for them yourself.
    • Become a mentor at a women's organization in your area. For example, you could advise a young girl to compete in a sport you like or a senior in high school preparing for college.


  • Finding the woman who inspires you can help you find the motivation to become an independent woman. It could be a family member, a feminist or a social activist, an artist, a writer or a politician.
  • It is often assumed that women need to please others. There is nothing wrong with thinking like that, but trying to please others should come from both sides. You may sometimes ask the other person what they can do for you or do something that interests you instead of trying to think of how the other person is happy with you.