How to be the person you've always wanted

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Â̷̮̅̃d̶͖͊̔̔̃̈́̊̈́͗̕u̷̧͕̱̹͍̫̖̼̫̒̕͜l̴̦̽̾̃̌̋͋ṱ̵̩̦͎͐͝ S̷̩̝̜̓w̶̨̛͚͕͈̣̺̦̭̝̍̓̄̒̒́͘͜͠ȉ̷m: Special Broadcast


Everyone dreams of being the best version of themselves. You might want to be a professional football player, a world-famous painter, or simply the best parent possible. Maximizing your potential might seem like a huge undertaking, but it becomes possible when you let go of all the futile traits that hold you back. Examine your inner traits to start working towards the person you want to be.


Method 1 of 3: Understanding possessive personality

  1. Realize that you are already who you want to be. The secret to being all you want lies in remembering that you are already that person! You are already the best version of yourself. You just need to know how to be this person. Everything you want is in you, and all the resources you need to create are available.
    • What you are looking for is not in the outside world. If the level of selfishness, confidence, or redundancy depends on external circumstances, then you will constantly live in fear that they will be taken away. True inner strength stems from believing that the source of all that you desire is in you.

  2. Find obstacles on the way of life. There is a saying that "the only thing that holds you back is you". This is true. However, you must reevaluate every personality or habit you have without reflecting who you want to be. You can even chat with loved ones and ask them if they recognize you with a trait that holds you back. Two common personalities that can hold you back are:
    • Self-doubting. This trait makes you immobile, immutable, and never reaching your true potential. If you are afflicted with fear of failure or insecurity, you need to fight them. A great way to combat self-doubt is to seek proof of your success. Recognize all the great results you have achieved. Then, go to a few close friends and have them say something they admire about you.
    • Procrastination. This unpopular trait often leads to talking to yourself. You often tell yourself that you do well under pressure, or that the task won't take time so there's no need to do it right away. Delay it for an hour to a few days, and the next thing you have to spend the night on. Get over procrastination by working hard to find out why you procrastinated in the first place. Then change the way you view some big tasks. Instead of trying to cram multiple things at once, tell yourself if you complete a single item you can take a break. Also, go to a place that is convenient to work and does not have many distractions.
    • If you are struggling with deep and painful memories, fear, depression, or substance abuse, you may not be able to solve the problem on your own. Visit a trained mental health professional to guide you through the old wound healing process for your healthy, bright future.

  3. Find your truth. Everyone is born to do something. You have a unique goal to be in this world, and you have to find it. As Pablo Picasso once stated, "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give." Self-assessment to get closer to your truth and become who you want to be soon. . Ask yourself the following questions:
    1. What do you do when you wake up in the morning? What makes you feel like you're really alive?
    2. What class do you like while at school? What topic would you like to learn more about?
    3. Have you ever held a work organization that made you feel meaningful?
    4. What activities do you do that make you forget your time because you enjoyed them so much?
    5. What do people say that you are good at?
    6. Which idea are you most interested in?
    7. What is indispensable in this life?

  4. Let go of all thoughts that are contrary to your truth. Whenever you think something is negative, critical, scary, or harmful to yourself, you are leaving your truth. Every time you tell yourself that you cannot do something or have a problem, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - you cannot achieve your goal this way. Your truth is that you have the capacity to be whoever you want to be. All you have to do is believe it, and you can get it.
    • To put an end to some useless thoughts, first try to recognize them, and then challenge them. If you find yourself saying "I can't do it" when trying something new, ask for proof that shows you can't. Many people have a negative conversation with themselves that is of no use to them. Try to recognize these thoughts and replace them with positive statements, like "I'm afraid to try this, but I wouldn't know if I would do well without trying."
    • At times, believing in yourself can be difficult, especially when you think negatively about yourself. As you learn to challenge negative thoughts about yourself, you have also begun to visualize yourself achieving your goals. Visualization can be a powerful motivator and help you feel confident about your abilities.
    • To practice visualization, step into a quiet room and sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.Think you are achieving your goals. Try this on smaller goals, such as losing 4.5kg or ending the semester with a 4.0 GPA. Imagine yourself at your destination, but also consider and visualize the small steps you will have to take to get there (i.e. eat properly and practice, or study every day and receive instruction. attached).

Method 2 of 3: Action

  1. Listen to your answer. Too many of us ignore the soothing inner calling of our intuition, the voice of love and affection for us. It reminds us to just relax and believe. You see, there's often a louder voice that hums through our mind and tells us to act. It prevents us from believing in ourselves; instead, it lures us into the physical world and is superficial for all that we seek.
    • Practice distinguishing between harsh, critical, and pressing voices from those that are soft, soothing, loving, and supportive. Then, make a conscious choice about which voice you will listen to.
  2. Determine what you don't want. You absolutely cannot fulfill your full potential without knowing what it is. Often times in our lives our goals change, from time to time we may feel lost and don't know what we're striving for. However, knowing what you don't want will get you in the direction where you should go and allows you to set clear boundaries.
  3. Practice positive thinking. Science shows that optimists tend to live longer and enjoy great physical and mental health than those with a pessimistic mindset. Looking at life positively means smiling often, trying not to compare yourself to others in a competitive way, and finding luck in risk in most situations.
    • One way to become more optimistic that has been studied is to do exercises to visualize your best future. In this exercise, you will write expressively about the future in 20 minutes. “Think about your life in the future. Imagine everything going the best it can. You have worked hard and successfully achieved all of your goals. Think about it while fulfilling all your dreams in life. Now write what you imagined. ” Complete exercises in 3 consecutive days.
  4. Take risks. Until now, are you still worried about stepping out in fear of failure? Learn how to be courageous and take advantage of the many opportunities that come to you. Successful people don't always choose to be safe. Read the situations and people to determine which opportunities are worth your time, then step up to building a winning strategy.
    • Risk-takers continually experiment with methods to improve and develop the most effective way to achieve results. Never stop testing.
    • Expect success, but be willing to accept failure. You should always picture yourself accomplishing your goal. However, failure is inevitable. Overcome mistakes lightly and acknowledge them as lessons learned to perfect your skills and come back stronger than before.
    • Living in a safe zone all the time can lead to boredom and attachment. Step outside your comfort zone by being proactive and taking part in a project that goes beyond your daily duties. Participate in volunteering, and when you do, work with people you previously prejudiced (like drug abusers, homeless people, and others). Another way to change your habits is to stop behaving like you're unimportant at work. Take a leadership position when you have more responsibility and more people count on you.
  5. Occasionally learn to say "no". Risk-takers are often known for saying "yes" rather than "no". This bias is designed not to let fear or doubt make them miss out on great opportunities for growth. However, as you are striving to reach your full potential, you should learn to state your opinion and say "no" from time to time. Respect yourself and increase your core values ​​by refusing to participate in activities that don't serve your purpose.
    • Of course, there will come a time when you will be compelled to say "yes" to preserve the relationship. In these situations, agreeing to do something can be beneficial, if the other person has a positive effect on your life.
    • If you are confident saying "no" is a good choice, do so without having to offer excuses or apologies.

Method 3 of 3: Enhance a happy atmosphere

  1. Being around positive people. The person you spend most of your time with will reflect who you are. There is a proverb, "ox-range ox, code range". Check to see if some of the people you spend with daily or weekly represent you properly. These people should have traits and personalities that you admire that will one day influence you. Resist the temptation of being with people who might be funny or interesting at the moment but prevent you from reaching your full potential.
    • Hans F. Hansen said, "People either inspire you or run out of energy. Choose your friends wisely." Do this in your life by judging the people closest to you. Think about how you feel about these people. Do they support and encourage you? Do they encourage you to have good, positive habits?
    • If the people around you are making you tired or depressing you, then keeping them in your life may make you sacrifice your full potential. Determine if you need to cut off contact with people who are not representing the life you want to have.
  2. Promote strengths. Discover your unique abilities and talents, and don't forget to take advantage of them every day. This way, you can hone your abilities and make them better. As you continue to develop your strengths, you show people who you are best. Plus, you'll be more confident and more successful.
    • This does not mean that weak point analysis is unimportant - it is essential to knowing what areas you are already capable of. However, recognizing and exploiting strengths allows you to realize and fulfill your dreams on your own. Think about it: there must be a reason why you have been given these gifts. Use them!
  3. Be kind to yourself. While you are pursuing your self-affirmation journey, make sure to take time to be kind to yourself. Motivating yourself to get better and better can be a good thing, but everyone needs rest and care to get back to work 100% of the time. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, switch to some self-care method that can help your mind relax and reduce negative energy so that it doesn't interfere with the tasks you are doing for yourself.
    • Self-care includes any activity that you can engage in to encourage mental, physical, or emotional well-being. These activities will vary from person to person. This could be taking a bath, journaling, exercising, meditating, praying, or anything that relaxes you.
    • Experiment with a few activities to find out what's best for you and use them when you're feeling stressed. A daily or weekly routine can be a great idea to combat stress before it becomes serious.
  4. Build self-confidence and relax. Maintain good relationships with yourself. Sometimes, in order to keep up with the pace of life, you have to ignore yourself. You need to keep in touch with your own insider regularly and do an assessment. Do you need something? Do you need a break? Take time for yourself and regularly reassess your goals and think about whether you like the path you are taking.We're all on the verge of progress, so don't fret when you have to change your plans or regroup. Become a successful person for yourself! advertisement


  • Be yourself.
  • Remember that you are wonderful.