How to Be a Gentleman

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be a Gentleman – 50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know – Book Review
Video: How To Be a Gentleman – 50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know – Book Review


A true gentleman shows respect to everyone, from the girls he wants to date to the elderly in need of carrying food bags. He takes care of a perfect appearance, is polite to those who deserve it, is kind to every woman, regardless of whether he has a chance with them. To become a true gentleman, he must understand himself, and at the same time must be mature and polite. Even though your chivalry seems to have disappeared today, you can still make a difference by making an effort to contribute to this life with care and respect.


Part 1 of 4: Staying Looks

  1. Keep your body clean. A gentleman must always be clean and fragrant when standing in front of everyone. You may sweat while working, but not at other times. You should regularly take care of your body very clean and well when you step out on the street.
    • Remember to bathe often.
    • For deodorants and perfumes, use only in moderation. A scent that is too strong is not pleasant, or even unpleasant, whether it's perfumes or deodorants.
    • You can use hair cosmetics, but be careful with the hair gel. This product may stick and harden after a while making the hair become stiff. You can also accidentally make your hair look "greasy."
    • If you are not clean and fragrant, it doesn't really matter whether you look sexy or your clothes are beautiful. It is important to be clean so that others are not distracted by the unpleasant odor from your body.
    • Wash your hands after using the toilet. Polite people take care of themselves and others by preventing infections. Furthermore, other men will notice if you have missed the sink.

  2. Wear clothes that enhance her beauty. You should wear the right clothes, remove shiny flashy clothes, avoid "ridiculous" fashion. Simple outfits will make the wearer stand out rather than directing attention to the clothes, and as such it also brings a change to your appearance.Dress simply, and you will have an elegant and elegant look.
    • Elegant colors such as black, gray, and brown are preferred. A gentleman can wear anything that is not too prominent, but bright colors are not traditional colors for men.
    • Choose classic clothing for men. Examples include a suit, an oxford shirt, and a pair of khaki pants.
    • Sports clothing is only worn when exercising or playing sports. A gentleman does not wear a suit when exploring the Alps, when practicing martial arts or playing tennis. But he doesn't wear a sports suit when he's not playing sports.
    • The so-called "gloss" also differs from culture to situation. A white linen vest and pink shirt can be fashionable on a tropical island, but look flashy when worn during a UK board meeting .
    • A pair of pants that fit is very important. Remember to keep your pants neat with a nice and simple belt to show that you care about your appearance.
    • When you need a suit, make sure you order it instead of buying it. An elegant gentleman takes care of his appearance, ready to go a few more kilometers to obtain clothes that fit. You should wear a suit that fits you instead of one that is larger than one, two, or even three digits in size.
    • Make sure your shoes are clean at all times. Someone said that shoes are the first thing a woman notices when talking to a man. Just one quick (but effective) cleaning can make a big difference. More importantly, wearing a pair of clean shoes every time you step out of the house shows that you care about the people you come into contact with who will look at your shoes.
    • It is also important to dress appropriate for the situation. Stick to dress codes, whether you're wearing casual office clothes or formal wedding gowns. And remember, it's a little more flattering than a casual dress.

  3. Take good care of your hair. To be a gentleman, remember to brush, shave or trim your beard neatly and beautifully. Don't let your beard be stubborn, and you have to shave clean every morning, otherwise you will look messy. Carry a comb with you to brush (in a private place) if your hair gets messed up by the wind or has been flat over a long day.
    • Keeping nails clean can also make a difference. Clean and trim your nails daily or every two days to keep beautiful hands.
    • Cut excess hairs out of the nose to keep it neat.

  4. Shake hands tight. A true gentleman must know how to shake hands. Whether you meet your future boss, your girlfriend's father, or your sister's boyfriend, make sure you look into the other person's eyes, shake their hand, and be serious. Don't shake hands too hard as if to show off, but be tight enough that they know you want to make a good impression. This proves that you are a polite, well-mannered man who spends time getting to know new acquaintances.
    • If an unfamiliar person enters the room and is introduced to you, stand up politely before reaching out to shake their hand.
  5. Avoid any act of being rude in public. When you are in public, avoid "deflating", burping, speaking loudly, asking too much, pulling in crotch, or getting drunk. A gentleman in control of his body and mind. However, if you lose control, it's important to apologize instead of ignoring it as if nothing happened.
    • Remember that an authentic gentleman can walk out onto the street without disturbing himself or embarrass himself.
    • Self-awareness is the key to creating a gentleman. Always keep an eye on how others feel about you, and ask yourself if your actions were perceived as rude.

Part 2 of 4: Stay Gentle

  1. Help the people around you. Always pay attention to what you can do for others. Take a few seconds to hold the door behind. Offer to help others put the food bags in the car. You don't have to risk putting yourself at risk (for example, when holding a heavy object, try to open the door for someone else) but respect comes first. The man really gagged not only on the women he liked, but ignored others; Being a gentleman is a way for you to reach out to the world and people in it, not just chasing the person you want to date.
    • Look out for people who need help but they may be afraid to ask. The guy holding the coffee tray will appreciate if you open the door for you, but he probably won't ask you.
  2. Talk polite. Prepare polite dialogues, such as "How are you feeling today", "Do you need my help?", "Let me marry you", or " Let me do it for you ”. Learn to speak slowly, carefully, and take the time to actually converse with people in a polite manner, even if you're in a hurry. Whether it's chatting with your neighbor or with a pretty girl you meet in class, make an effort to smile, be friendly, and tell some interesting little stories about you for the day. A gentleman not only goes straight to the point, but takes the time to get to know everyone.
    • The ability to talk is a sign of elegance and maturity, which are two important aspects of a gentleman's identity.
  3. Definitely not swearing, not profaning, not rude. If stopping swearing is too difficult, then try to minimize it. Cursing is not polite behavior. If you blurt out, apologize and try not to do it again in the future. If you are in a situation that is easy to swear like when watching sports or driving on the road, you need to pay more attention to how to portray the perfect gentleman image.
    • In addition to not swearing, you should also avoid making vulgar or obscene comments. And keep in mind that the humorous things you guys have in private are not always appropriate for the girl you're flirting with.
  4. Don't talk too much about yourself. At first, you can tell enough to let people know a little bit about you, but don't reveal it all about yourself. In addition to making you an attractive talker, talking less about yourself gives you a mysterious look that attracts women. Talk about music trends, sporting events, or politics so that people see you have intelligence. Try to keep up with the topics you are talking about to make sense.
    • Instead of talking about yourself, focus on asking people about their hobbies, interests, or plans. Let them know that you care about them more than yourself.
  5. Avoid initiating controversial or offensive topics. Don't talk about politics before you know more about the person you are facing, and learn to reconcile if someone triggers. A simple shrug will work. A gentleman doesn't upset everyone. Focus on agreeing and comforting people rather than proving yourself right and the opinions of others are worthless. You don't have to prove yourself to impress women. In fact, what was much more impressive was the ability to get along well with people.
    • Make sure to know who your audience is. The amusing and humorous things to the common class might not be acceptable among the elite. You should be aware of the needs and concerns of others.
  6. Treat everyone with respect. A gentleman is not only polite and courteous to women, but also respectful of other men, the elderly, and even children. A real man cannot at times act gallant, not at times. He showed kindness and respect to all who deserved. Respect other people's private space by not getting too close to them when talking. Respect other people's privacy by not peeking over their shoulder or asking too much about personal matters. The key here is to make people feel good about themselves and not make them feel badly treated.
    • Say hello to people when you pass them, ask questions and know when to leave them alone.
    • Avoid speaking loudly and making noise in public, even in your own home, that annoys your neighbors. It's not a good thing to act as though the entire planet is ours.
    • Remember to keep your mouth shut when chewing to show respect for the person you eat with.
  7. Avoid a fight. Occasionally aggressive actions can be tolerated in situations where you have to act in defense or protect others, but these are also rare.
    • Remember: A gentleman is someone who does not have to resort to violence to solve problems.
    • It is wiser to withdraw from troublesome situations, or call the police if necessary.
    • Self-defense methods (like martial arts) can be used as a last resort.

Part 3 of 4: Courtesy to Women

  1. Women deserve respect. The worst thing about dealing with a woman is looking at her from head to toe as if examining a piece of meat. A woman is a person with her own thoughts, hopes and goals; you should never look and behave as if they were just there to entertain you. When you meet a woman you don't know, ask her for her name and really get to know her instead of staring as if you want to strip her naked.
    • A gentleman understands that women are born to be appreciated. He does not talk to women in flirtatious flirting, but with subtle, light flirting.
  2. Be polite. Open doors, doors, or pull seats for them. Women are different from one another, and you should pay attention to what kind of polite gesture will comfort them. For example, handing a coat to a woman is a gallant gesture if she's cold, but if she says she's okay, don't try.
  3. When walking down the street with a woman, you have to go outside, close to traffic. This is a traditional gesture of courtesy, showing you "protecting" women while on the road. It is up to you to do it or not, but you should know about it. Wait to see how she reacts to you when you do and that will let you know if she sees the gesture as adorable or outdated.
  4. Avoid discussing matters that she may not be interested in. If you find that she is not interested in your topic, move on to something else.
  5. Don't look down on women. You can make fun of them, but don't be rude. Teasing doesn't mean calling them in vulgar terms. No matter how humorous the tone of voice is, someone called a "gentleman" uses vulgar words on a woman, they are hurting her. Also, never act like you know more than a woman just because you are a man and that you can really "teach" her about something.
    • A sign of a "fake gentleman" is at first being polite to a woman, but then when he learns that she doesn't have feelings for her, immediately disregard. You really should accept that not all of the women in the world have a crush on you, and be nice to them, no matter what they like or dislike.
  6. Be polite to women when breaking up at night. Offer to take her to the door (or car) if possible. If the girl has to park her car away from home or dormitory, offer to drive her to or from. And at the same time, you have to remember not to go over the line by making a girl feel like she can't go anywhere alone.
    • Needless to say, if a girl comes to the house to play, you shouldn't just sit on the sofa and say "hi, see you later" when she leaves. At the very least, you should try to see her off to the door or to the car under any circumstances.
  7. Beware of old traditions. It's sometimes subtle here to know what to keep and what to ignore. Having the appropriate styles in the upscale places in the olden days can be strange to apply in today's context. In general, notice how an independent and modern woman feels today, and if she seems uncomfortable with your movements, stop for a moment. Here are a few styles that were once thought to be polite, but are now starting to look outdated:
    • Pick up the bill at the restaurant
    • Help women wear coats
    • Stand up when a woman enters the room
    • Giving up chairs to women

Part 4 of 4: Being courteous to a Girlfriend

  1. Interested in others more than yourself. When you are with your girlfriend, make sure you do galloping things. If she is carrying something and putting it down, pick it up, and always let her know you want to help by saying "let me get it for you", whatever it is. Remember that selfishness is not an attractive personality. If you're watching TV with your girlfriend, turn on the channel with her favorite gameshow or sports event. She will appreciate your cute little actions more than you think.
    • With that said, you don't want to make a girl feel weak, or you have to do everything for her. Note, if she seems annoyed when you help her carry things or do something, then you can stop and only help when she really needs it, not symbolically.
  2. Give her surprise gifts. It would be lovely to show up with a card with a bouquet of flowers, not just on holidays. Expensive or flashy gifts are not as important as your heart. In fact, just a rose, a message on a pillow, a book she's trying to read, a passionate kiss can make any girl happy for days. Those little gifts reveal that she's always on your mind even when you're not together, and you're always willing to give something to her.
    • Although candy and flowers are cute, private gifts are even more adorable. A pair of tickets to the play she's been looking forward to, a souvenir with her name sent back from your place without her with her, or a postcard reminiscent of her all prove that you are. always really thought about her, not any other girl.
  3. Give her affectionate gestures. If you really like your girlfriend, show her with affection. If you are in public, hold her hand, put your arm around her shoulder, or gently kiss her on the cheek if you want. In private, you can make gestures a little more intimate, like kissing her neck, stroking her back or thighs, as long as they are acceptable. As a real gentleman, you need to be slow, and wait until she's ready before you try to do something beyond the kiss.
    • A true gentleman proudly walks with his girlfriend and gives her affectionate gestures, even when friends are there. Don't let go of her hand if you see friends approaching; However, private loving gestures with girlfriends in public are not polite either.
  4. Come out and protect your girl. You don't have to go around and punch anyone in the face who glances at her, but if someone looks at her impassively or groped, you should intervene. Put your arm around her shoulder and take her away, or step out and speak up for her. The touch would reassure her and let the other know that he would have to deal with both of them. Letting your girlfriend be humiliated and rude by others is not worthy of a man.
    • You shouldn't scare the other person into "giving him a fight", or swear at him. Instead, act with dignity and dignity telling him to leave.
  5. Never say anything negative about her to your friends. If you want to be a real gentleman, never tell your friends anything bad about the girl you date. You may think that complaining about your girlfriend or acting like you don't have a crush on her is cool. But this is disrespectful and unharmed, and when she does, you will be like a despicable person. The only thing you should say about your girlfriend is compliments, or when you really want to listen to your friends' advice in certain situations.
    • The key to becoming a gentleman is to gain respect from everyone.There is nothing more foolish than going to show the audience's backs on you and your girlfriend to be laughed at.
  6. Don't reveal too much about her to your friends. Another thing you should avoid is telling your friends about the rain and the rain with your girlfriend. It would be impolite to tell others about sex with your girlfriend, describe her in bed, or how she kissed. Something like that should be kept private between the two of you and telling your friends what happened - or didn't happen - is the worst thing you can do for a girl!
    • Whether you're on a date or just hanging out with her a few times, keep your bedroom a secret to yourself. If you tell her and she does, she will surely get angry, and you have a reputation for being "kissed and finished".
  7. Don't force her to do anything she doesn't like. A real man must recognize the limitations of a woman and respect her. If the girl you're dating doesn't want to go to bed with you - or don't even get close before getting married or engaged - then respect that decision instead of forcing her to do what she does. do not want. Having sex or being in love may not be a big deal for you, but every woman has her own set of limits and thoughts. Don't force her to do more than she wants and never make her feel guilty for refusing to give in.
    • A real gentleman has to let a woman show where she wants to go and never make her feel guilty or guilty for not doing what he wants. He spends time listening to women and patiently waits for someone worthy.


  • Clean looks are important but a gentleman should not be obsessed with his looks. He is not a dandy but a gentlemanly and selfless man.
  • Treat people with respect the way you would like others to treat you.
  • Always smile and make eye contact with the other person. This will form a bond of affection between the two.
  • Never honk your car horn when you pick up your girlfriend, go to your doorstep and knock or ring the bell.
  • Love means giving (don't take it literally), so keep this in mind every time you are with her. Always give (love, time, commitment). But don't give too much that frustrates yourself. It's okay to spend some time hanging out with boyfriends.
  • When you talk, pay attention to the other person. And if they have something to say, act like a good listener.
  • When offended, it's best not to retaliate. Doing so only provokes the other person and creates the risk of a fight. You should leave, but don't panic.
  • Being well-stocked doesn't mean you can't wear jeans, t-shirts and sneakers. As long as your outfit must be clean, not wrinkled, your appearance must be flattering and not flattering. However, it is important for a guy to dress well at night. Belt use is also very helpful, it can be very effective.
  • You don't have to look good to be a gentleman. While that is also helpful, a gentleman who does everyday tasks is also very attractive.
  • Make sure to shake hands tightly, not too hard as if intimidating, but not too light because this may the other person will feel "on the muscles" than you.
  • Always understand your surroundings and your actions, because other people feel about you, you will be received like that.
  • Try a simple way to cool down an argument, just say, "Maybe you're right".


  • Never use excessive drugs and alcohol. These things make you lose control, and a real gentleman has to be in control at all times.
  • Or helping people is fine, but don't be overbearing.
  • Gentlemen always retain dignity and honor, but they are also humble and profound. This does not mean that you are any better than everyone else. Don't think so and don't act like that.
  • If she's cold, give her jacket and if she gently refuses, take it off and give it to her again. Some girls may be quite shy, so ask again or just put your shirt on her shoulder. However, you should never try to force, if she does not appear to like wearing your shirt, put it on her.
  • A gentleman knows when he can't win a fight. Distinguish between standing up for yourself and acting like an idiot.
  • When you disagree on an issue but have decided to give in, let it go and do not initiate it.