How to Become an Independent Woman

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dare to Be Independent | Camila Coutinho | TEDxPaloAltoCollege
Video: Dare to Be Independent | Camila Coutinho | TEDxPaloAltoCollege


The feeling of being in control of my life is truly wonderful. As a woman, you probably feel like you have to work harder in order to truly become an independent person. Independence means being able to take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. There are a few steps you can take to become an independent woman. And remember - being independent doesn't mean you can't rely on others when you need it. It just means that you are the one to make decisions.


Method 1 of 3: Become mentally independent

  1. Understand yourself. Being independent means taking responsibility for your own life and making your own decisions. To be able to do that, you need to have a clear understanding of who you really are. Understanding and loving yourself is the first step on the path towards an independent life.
    • Pay attention to your mood. Your emotions are the most important factor in how you make your decision, so be mindful of them. Be aware of what makes you happy and what makes you unhappy.
    • Know how your environment affects you. Be aware of how you react to different situations or settings.

  2. Make your own decisions. Making the big decisions on your own is the key to an independent woman. To feel confident doing that, consider carefully when making important decisions. Remember, the most effective way to make big decisions is to balance what you want and what you think is best.
    • Make a list of the risks and benefits involved. When comparing the list of benefits to potential hazards, decide on which side the advantages are in favor.
    • Don't be afraid to ask for advice. You are still the decision maker, even if you take advice from someone you trust.
    • Consider how you would feel if your decision was published in the evening news. Was it a decision that made you proud?
    • Did the decision satisfy your values, personality or integrity? You may have to make a rather different decision, but follow what you feel is right and fits these factors.

  3. Learn to self-soothe. Becoming an independent woman means being able to take care of yourself mentally. Learn to accept your own feelings. Treat yourself well in times of stress or discomfort. You deserve it.
    • Each person has a different way of soothing, so find small things you can do to soothe yourself if needed. If you're at work, try walking backwards and taking a minute for yourself. Go to the toilet and wash your face. Or leave the email for a moment and text a friend.
    • Having a pet is a great way to soothe yourself. If you have a cat, pet it. This will help you feel less stressed.

  4. Comfortable to be alone. Learning to be happy alone is an important step towards becoming an independent person. You don't have to rely on others to enjoy enjoyable activities. To get to know yourself, practice spending time alone - intentionally.
    • Going to the movies alone. You won't have to worry about someone constantly talking during the preview or eating your popcorn.
    • Have dinner alone. Eating out alone can be quite intimidating. But you will probably find it very interesting. You can choose a time and place without having to worry about the other person's taste. If you are afraid you will be bored, bring a book or magazine.
  5. Establish positive relationships. A dependency relationship can have a big effect on your ability to become independent. Evaluate all the relationships you currently have (personal relationships, relationships, work relationships) and make sure each one has give and take. Make sure your needs are met in each relationship.
    • Try to be more assertive in your current relationships. Speak up if you feel you are not being taken seriously.

Method 2 of 3: Take responsibility for your finances

  1. Track your spending. Financial autonomy is an important part of being an independent woman. The first step in managing your money problem is knowing how much money you spend each month. Track your spending for at least two months to get a clear understanding of how much you're spending.
    • Keep track of all big baby expenses. Make a chart that tracks how much money you spend on renting, paying credit, food and moving. You also need to keep a record of expenses spent on entertainment and social activities.
    • Try using an app or online banking system to track your finances easier and more accurately.
  2. Find motivation. Know why being independent is important for you. You want to own a home of your own? Securing your life when you retire? Write down all of your financial priorities. Visualizing your motivation will help you find the enthusiasm to start a stable financial regime.
  3. Set a budget. Divide a certain amount of money to spend in each area of ​​your life. For example, include the cost of watching movies if you know that you prefer to go to the cinema once a week. Calculate a reasonable amount of money to spend and save each week or month.
    • Budgeting a bit "hustle". This way, you won't completely lose your plan if gas prices go up or your cat needs to see a doctor.
  4. Learn about investment. To be truly financially misleading, you need to do some research and a plan. Learn about investment and savings opportunities. Seek the help of a professional advisor or financial planner.
  5. Increase salary. Even though they do the same job, women often make less money than men. Evaluate your own professional values ​​and determine if it's time to ask for a raise. Maybe you really deserve it.
    • Planning. Schedule a meeting with your boss to discuss career goals and wages. Be very clear about what you are asking for.
    • Ready to negotiate.
    • Stay calm and confident throughout the meeting.

Method 3 of 3: Build confidence in yourself

  1. Be yourself. The important factor that makes an independent woman is to have confidence in who you are. Part of that requires you to be honest with yourself. Don't try to be another person. Find your own strengths and interests and focus on them.
    • Don't fall victim to inappropriate fashion trends. The way you dress will affect the way you feel. Wear clothes that enhance your beauty and make you feel comfortable and confident.
    • Avoid forcing yourself to conform to a woman's standards. A lot of women feel pressured to dress and behave in certain ways simply because they're female, but you don't have to behave or be "feminine" if you don't want to. You don't have to wear makeup or dress in a certain way. You also don't have to like typical women's activities like shopping or watching romance movies.
  2. Face your fear. Perhaps there is a specific fear that keeps you from becoming independent. You may be anxious about living alone or have other common anxiety problems. You're not alone. Here are some steps you can take to overcome your fears.
    • Contact therapy. It has been shown that little by little exposure to your fears can be extremely effective. For example, if you feel nervous about meeting new people, invite a friend to accompany you to a social event. Gradually build up courage to join alone.
    • Seek professional help. If your anxiety continues to prevent you from becoming independent or achieving other goals, try seeing a mental health professional. That can help reduce anxiety.
  3. Accept help. Independence means making your own decisions about your life, but it doesn't mean you can't depend on others. Women have strong bonds with friends and family members. Don't be afraid to offer and accept help when you need it.
    • Be specific when asking for help. Be honest about what you need and let others help you.
  4. Positive thinking. A positive attitude will help you leave the impression that you are an independent woman. It also helps you feel better about yourself and gives you the strength you need to become independent. Avoid negative thoughts. Instead, take time to praise yourself every day.
  5. Take responsibility for yourself. You are the only one who can truly change your life. Realize that you are responsible for your decisions. When you realize that you are in self-control, you will feel more confident. This will help you become more independent. advertisement


  • Expand your social circle - different people will appeal to different parts of you.
  • Ask for help when you need it - from a friend, family member or a therapist.
  • Do new things - learn a sport, practice cooking