Ways to Take Revenge on Someone

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
25 Perfectly Evil And Satisfying Ways To Get Revenge On Someone Who Did You Wrong
Video: 25 Perfectly Evil And Satisfying Ways To Get Revenge On Someone Who Did You Wrong


Klingons has a saying: "Revenge is the best food when eaten cold". If someone has ever done something so nasty, disgusting, and ugly that you have no choice but to take revenge. Choosing the method to get started can be difficult. There are quite a few mischievous schemes you can choose from: indirect revenge, direct revenge, and worst-case revenge. How to choose? wikiHow can help. See Step 1 for more information.


Part 1 of 3: Indirect Revenge

  1. Ignore that person. Sometimes doing nothing is the best way to get revenge on your bully or abuser who want to "piss you off." If you always follow them, silence them and get angry at them. You have given them the chance to take the upper hand and you are proving that you deserve it. By ignoring them and removing them from your life, they cease to exist. Everything is over and they will slowly drift into oblivion.
    • Ignoring it can also bring anger, or feelings of being taken advantage of. This technique is especially effective if the person you want to take revenge on often tries to slander you in front of others, such as your siblings, your school bullies, or your coworkers often talk. bad you.

  2. Go on with your life. "Living well is the best way to revenge." Act as though their agitated actions have no effect on you. Create barriers for yourself and move on with your daily life. Even if you are stuck in a difficult situation because of them, hold your head up high and not let them see the damage they have caused you. The sweetest revenge is about going on with your life and being even better than the guy who hurt you.
    • If you have to see that person every day, think about the wonderful stories you plan to tell them to show them how well you are living, and how wonderful your life is. How come. If someone is stigmatizing you at work or school, talk about the great weekend you spent traveling with an interesting group of friends, or about a cool bike ride you went to. .

  3. Block that person on social networks. If someone bullies you on Facebook, or often ambushes you with tweets or pictures that irritate you on Instagram, don't keep them in your life. Unfriend them (unfriend), unfollow them, and block them (block). Don't let these little actions provoke you to turn them into a big problem. And so, the memory of that person's bragging and annoying photos with your ex will quickly be forgotten.
    • You can easily get drawn into online battles, exchanging social media wall posts, and debating public chat-style. Avoid these actions as much as possible. Everything has happened, and there is no reason for you to embarrass yourself by engaging in a public argument with someone that is not worth your time.

  4. Don't help the person when they need it. This works pretty well in a workplace setting, or any situation where you'll often get criticized for sincerely trying to help, or trying to do your job. Let them see how important you are to help them. They will be aware of the problem.
    • If you're working on a team project in class and people are teasing your efforts, separate yourself from the team and work on your own. When the deadline for submission arrives, let your teacher know that the whole group has decided not to support you.
    • If your sibling, roommate, or partner is critical of your efforts to help with household chores, stop washing clothes or washing dishes and let them know they can do things. This is for you if you want.

Part 2 of 3: Direct Action

  1. If the situation becomes serious, consider taking legal action. Let the authorities handle cases in which you are a victim of physical and mental torture. Keep your notes and organize a chronological list of all the things that happened and talk about lawsuits.
    • If someone borrowed your car and damaged it or borrowed money without paying you back, keep detailed records of the incident. Keep receipts, handwritten promises, emails, etc. and honestly take note of conversations and exchanges between you and the person. Then see a lawyer or the police and consult about asking for an arrest warrant or about the penalties for theft, embezzlement, vandalism, stalking, swapping, or defamation.
    • Always remember to take revenge legally. If you want to take revenge on someone, don't go too far. Illegal action that will lead you to prison and cause harm to others will not help you solve the problem. Always keep your actions within the limits of the law and the limits of conscience. Stealing someone else's mail can be pretty cool at the moment you do it, but it's also illegal. Is it worth it? Really not worth it.
  2. Humiliate them. If they are intentionally harming you, don't hold yourself back from expressing your thoughts around them. Use your wits to make comments about their attitudes, or about their uncultured behavior. Directly insult them.
    • Be careful. Being fussy or evil means that you've put yourself in their shoes. And it can also be quite tiring if you have to constantly observe and find ways to criticize them. In addition, they will do the same to you and your actions may backfire and as a result the revenge will become a "vicious circle" as well as Hatfield's revenge- and- McCoy.
  3. Beat them.
    • If someone tries to weaken you by spreading false rumors about you so you can't get a promotion, work as hard as you can to get that promotion in the next quarter. according to the. Work hard and keep your distance from that person until management realizes that it is just a rumor and that you are the person who deserves it. Be worthy in every situation.
  4. Weakening their efforts. Create a situation in which the person hurting you appears clumsy, disorganized, or uncoordinated. Don't show your target that you want to hurt them, keep as quiet and as subtle as possible, watch your prey until you can grasp the weakness or “ their "step by step". Use your advantage. They can be anything: a job, a joke, a seat, a car, a notebook, a room, a door, and even the people around them. When the time comes, take action.
    • If your enemy often brags about his accomplishments during lunch, or in a classroom, defeat them by controlling the conversation. Don't let them have a chance to speak.
    • If your enemy acts like Gwyneth Paltrow and uses my I-better-than-you move, capture their mistakes and failures and put them first. When your crazy dormitory gluten-free environmentalist uses a plastic cup, tell him or her: "I find it too difficult for you to be interested in Earth all the time." .
  5. Use kindness to defeat them. The best way to replace someone's destructive effort is by acting overly nice to them, willing to forget the past and interfere with their lives by constantly offering advice, help and solutions for them. Be annoying. Every time they want to be alone, intervene. Every time they want to make a decision for themselves, make a decision for them. Every time they have made a decision, comment on it and make negative comments about the dire results their decisions will bring them. This method of psychological torture will confuse them and bring them feelings of failure. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: "Dirty play"

  1. Decide to lower yourself to their level. Lowering ourselves and playing dirty is not a smart decision, but sometimes opportunities are so great that we cannot afford to pass up. Make sure that any hoax or scam you are planning is just for the purpose of provoking them, never using illegal tactics or potentially harming them. physical side. Be mature, even when you're acting like a child.
    • Remember that the act of "tit for tat" will only take you more time than to go on with your life and let it go. This is their way of playing dirty, and you will be able to get revenge on their part. You have been warned.
  2. Send them letters, phone calls or anonymous text messages. If the person has to endure constant phone calls about the Grammar Hotline (or something more rude), they will find it so annoying that they have to change their phone number or address. email only.
    • Post their contact information in public, you can even create ridiculous posters and hang them at bus shelters, public restrooms, pubs, and other bad places. . They will be "given" them a wacky nickname.
  3. Leave them a disgusting gift. Shrimps and other marine life will smell quite bad when they spoil. Hiding a few frozen shrimp in their desks, in their lockers, or in the floor of their car will give them a stinking bomb for a few days. They will be confused and nauseous, and this may even attract other creatures or dogs in search of snacks.
  4. Defame them in front of people. Order unhealthy goods and send them to your enemy at the right time. Order the latest "black" film, or a VHS Creation Science DVD set, and order delivery to the person at the company while they are attending a meeting or at a critical moment. other. Hide the company's room number to make sure the shipper will ask many people before you can find your enemy for the delivery.
  5. Scare them. Send them a cute gift, but come from a scary or scandalous person. Make sure you call the order on behalf of an anonymous person and will pay in cash, so when your enemy receives a bouquet that says "Backyard of your home address 123 Smith Street is a pretty comfortable place for me to sleep the night "or something more frightening, they will panic.
    • It's okay to be a bit monstrous, however, don't become overly eccentric. Don't actually sleep in their yard or take any other illegal action.
    • You can use lipstick to write the words "Lucifer is up" on their windshield, or place a block of stone arranged in gothic style in front of their house. Craft a scary voodoo doll with their photo on top and leave them in their mailbox. After you've given them real nightmares, enjoy their lack of sleep at work the next day.
  6. Be aware of the limits between harassment and hoax. Keep calm if you want to prank someone just for revenge.Harassing by using undesirable actions, insults, and other methods of intimidation is illegal. Don't go overboard.
    • "A person commits to degree of harassment when he or she intentionally and continuously harasses others by spying on them in private, or in public or anywhere else or by being involved. into an organized process or by repeatedly doing actions that fear the person might get hurt. "


  • If you want to perform a series of acts of revenge, instead of doing them at the same time, set traps, and avoid face as far as possible, never show up at the 'accident' too much times, if not then you will be suspicious.
  • Keep your head up, don't look at them, and act like you're much better than them.
  • The enemy's enemy can be your friend. Get some people to join you.
  • If you want to engage in more than one act of revenge, divide these actions. You can do some little prank every two weeks, or a big job every month. This way, you will surprise them.
  • Don't hurt your enemies. Ignore them.
  • Retaliation must ALWAYS be the last resort. Find a way to solve the problem before you decide to take revenge!
  • If you want revenge because what the person did was horrible and shattered your friendship, try to convince their friends to help you. Don't go overboard with revenge and get the person thinking of suicide because if you are found out, you will be charged with first degree murder. You and your friends will have a bad ending because they will also become the suspects and the guys who gave you a hand.
  • Tell the bully's friends / family about what they did to you. Their friends / family will get angry at them.
  • Don't let your bully make you hopeless. Please support yourself; The best revenge might be in not letting them see that you are hurt and always have confidence in yourself regardless of them.
  • Be careful not to form a vicious circle. If one act of revenge leads to another act of revenge and more after that, then both you and your enemy will end up wasting your life on nonsense. The best way is to learn to forgive even if it hurts your self-esteem in the first place. Remember that becoming a person of better morality than your enemy will be a noble act of self-esteem!


  • Be very careful, and don't go overboard. Otherwise you will be in serious trouble and your enemy will be able to gloat with your outcome.