How to treat a severe headache

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Instant Headache Relief in Seconds with Self Massage.  Do-it-Yourself
Video: Instant Headache Relief in Seconds with Self Massage. Do-it-Yourself


Headache is a condition that anyone can experience. This phenomenon has many causes, such as noise, lack of water, stress, certain foods or lack of meals, and even "sex". If you have a severe headache, you may need to relieve the pain at home or see your doctor if you are having trouble with your daily activities.


Method 1 of 2: Home headache treatment

  1. Take pain relievers. Most headaches can be easily overcome with over-the-counter medications. You can buy over-the-counter medications from pharmacies to treat your pain. However, if the pain is for a long time, you need to see your doctor to rule out a potentially more serious illness.
    • Use acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen to treat headaches.
    • Over-the-counter pain relievers can help treat tension headaches.

  2. Drinking coffee. There are caffeinated coffee ingredients on the market for headache medications. Some evidence suggests that even a small amount of coffee is enough to relieve headaches, but drinking too much can cause addiction and backfire effects, making the pain worse.
    • Use up to 500 mg of coffee per day, equivalent to five cups of coffee.
    • Try drinking coffee, soda, chocolate milk, or caffeinated tea for pain relief.
    • Drinking caffeinated beverages can help relieve pain if taken with pain relievers because they help the body to absorb the medication faster.

  3. Use heat therapy. Using heat to relieve pain not only relaxes the tense muscles in the head and neck, it can also help relieve pain. There are many methods of heating you can use, such as a heating pad or a hot tub, to treat severe headaches.
  4. Take a hot bath. Soak in a hot tub or shower. Warm water works to soothe tense muscles and relieve headaches quickly.
    • The water temperature should only be between 36 and 40 degrees Celsius, otherwise you will burn your skin. To check the water temperature you can use a thermometer.
    • The massage bath has analgesic effects due to the jets of water that massage the muscles and relax the body.
    • Epsom salt has a sedative and relaxing effect as well as relieves headache.

  5. Use a cold compress. Apply cold compresses to head and neck. This can help reduce swelling and headaches.
    • You can use the ice pack as often as every 20 minutes.
    • You can use frozen water in a plastic cup to gently massage the sore area.
    • You can also use a frozen vegetable wrap that fits comfortably around your neck and feels more comfortable than an ice pack.
    • If the ice pack is too cold or the skin is numb, remove the bag. Use a washcloth on the surface of your skin and then apply an ice pack to avoid necrosis caused by frostbite.
  6. Massage. Head, neck, and shoulder massage can help relieve tension or muscle cramps that cause headaches. A qualified massage therapist (RMT) can feel the gout points and tension in the muscles and relax them.
    • Currently there are many massage methods, including Swedish massage and intensive massage. The therapist will select a method that is proven to be effective and applies it to the treatment after obtaining your consent.
    • You can find a qualified massage therapist on the internet or seek advice from your doctor.
    • If you are unable to provide a professional massage, you can give yourself a massage at home. Rubbing your face, temples, or simply massaging your ears can also help treat severe headaches.
  7. Conduct acupressure to relieve pain. Some doctors recommend acupressure to relieve neck and shoulder pain that causes headaches. You can relieve headaches yourself by applying a five-point massage method on your body.
    • In particular, you need to stimulate the following points: GB 20 (Phong Tri), GB 21 (Kien Tinh), LI4 (Hop Coc), TE3 (Trung Chu), and LI10 (Thu Tam Ly).
    • To find acupressure locations and tips on how to use acupressure for pain relief, you can watch video tutorials at /.
    • If you want, you can consult your local Oriental medicine doctor for acupressure.
  8. Drink enough water. Research has shown that dehydration can lead to headaches. You need to drink enough water to help with your headache.
    • You only need to drink water to meet the needs of your body. If you want to use a sports drink or juice, you should drink it with water for one day.
  9. Eat small meals. A few cases of headache due to inadequate eating. You should eat less food if you have not eaten to relieve headache.
    • Fruits, nuts, and canned soups are healthy snacks. Alternatively you can have an appetizer served with bread.
    • If the nausea or vomiting is accompanied by a headache, you may not want or be able to prevent it. Then you should use broth.Also if you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor.
  10. Use aromatherapy oils to soothe headaches. You can use essential oils that have been shown to have a relaxing effect. Some fragrances, such as lavender, can ease pain.
    • Essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, chamomile, orange peel, peppermint, and eucalyptus are known to relieve headaches.
    • There are many ways to use essential oils. You can massage it into your temples or ears, or use an essential oil diffuser.
    • Mint and eucalyptus candles have analgesic effects.
  11. Rest in a dark and quiet room. Rest and relaxation often provide relief from severe headaches. You can overcome the pain by adjusting for factors such as temperature and darkness, comfortable bedding or bedding, and eliminating stressful electronic devices.
    • Adjust the room temperature to fluctuate in the range of 15-23 degrees C to optimize sleep.
    • Don't use computers, watch television, and work in rooms to reduce stress and stimulants.
    • Light makes you awake, so you should minimize the light in the room so that your brain can rest and fall asleep. You can either chem your curtains or wear a sleeping mask to block out light.
    • Noise also interferes with sleep and can make headaches worse. You should maintain quiet in the room and use a white noise generator to block out annoying noises entering the room.
    • Comfortable beds, blankets and pillows can help you relax and fall asleep.
  12. Meditate for a few minutes. Meditation is an effective method of headache relief. You can take a few minutes to meditate when you have a headache to relax and ease the pain.
    • Meditation helps keep you away from distractions in your surroundings. This time around has a mental relaxation effect.
    • Start meditating for 5 to 10 minutes and gradually increase the time as needed.
    • Find a quiet, comfortable place that won't be disturbed. By eliminating distractions completely, it will be easier to focus on breathing rate, relieve pain, and lessen the thoughts and feelings that may arise.
    • Sit up straight and close your eyes. Correct posture is an important part of meditation. This helps you with breathing and blood circulation, helping the brain to focus on one point. Closing your eyes helps to prevent distractions.
    • Breathe gently and evenly. Do not control your breathing, but let it go naturally. One effective technique for focusing is to just focus your mind on the breath by saying "let go" as you inhale and "go" when you exhale.
  13. Imagine being in a relaxing place. If you are in a position that gives you a severe headache, visualize a peaceful view, such as a beach. Visualization is a behavioral technique that helps shape thoughts and feelings for a particular situation and helps ease your headaches.
    • For example, if you are having a severe headache and your children are screaming around, take a deep breath and imagine yourself on the beach in Da Nang or some peaceful place.

Method 2 of 2: Discuss treatment with your doctor

  1. Consult your doctor. If home remedies are not working, see your doctor. They will rule out the underlying disease and offer treatment for you.
    • The doctor will make every effort to make an accurate diagnosis and rule out other diagnosis in order to choose the right treatment.
    • Your doctor will consider doing further tests, which may include but are not limited to blood pressure checks, heart assessments, blood tests, brain scans, etc.
  2. Take prescription or preventive medicine. Depending on the severity and type of headache your doctor may prescribe powerful pain relievers as well as preventive medications to prevent possible headaches.
    • Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers including sumatriptan and zolmitriptan.
    • Your doctor may prescribe preventive medications including metoprolol tartrate, propranolol, amitriptyline, divalproex sodium, and topiramate.
    • Many preventive medications are especially effective for migraines because they treat vascular spasms or painful dilatations.
    • Some antidepressants also work to prevent severe headaches.
  3. Apply oxygen therapy to local headache. If you experience a local headache, oxygen therapy is considered one of the best treatments. You will inhale oxygen through the mask, and the headache should subside within 15 minutes.
    • Oxygen therapy is most effective when given right at the beginning of the pain. You need to continue treatment when another headache occurs.
  4. Consider other treatments. There are quite rare treatments that you should talk to your doctor about. These include botox injection and transcranial magnetic stimulation.
    • Numerous studies have shown that Botox, whose full name is Botulinum toxin type A, is effective in soothing and preventing severe headaches. If your headache doesn't improve after using conventional methods, talk to your doctor.
    • Transcranial magnetic stimulation uses electrical current to stimulate nerve cells in the brain, helping to reduce headache pain as well as prevent recurrence.