How to Find and mine diamonds fast in Minecraft

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 FASTEST Ways to Mine DIAMONDS in Minecraft!
Video: 5 FASTEST Ways to Mine DIAMONDS in Minecraft!


Diamonds are one of the most revered resources and items in Minecraft. This is the highest rank of sword and armor. In addition, diamond is also an essential ingredient in many recipes to create useful items. However, finding diamonds is not easy. Players have to dig in the depths of the earth's crust and fight to death to get diamonds. Luckily Minecraft fans have discovered the effective ways of collecting diamonds shared in this post.


  1. Prepare warehouse for strip extraction. Strip mining involves digging down Y coordinates between 5 and 16, setting up a base, and digging a tunnel 2x2 in size horizontally. The more you dig, the better your chance of finding a diamond. With the furnace on hand, you will be able to smelt any ore you meet (e.g. iron or gold). So in theory, there is a possibility that we could make an unlimited number of hoes. First of all, prepare the following items:
    • Crafting table - You need 4 wooden boards (one log). With the crafting table in the base, you'll be able to create a variety of texture tools and items while digging.
    • Door - You need 6 wooden boards. The door will prevent monsters from entering the base while you sleep.
    • Log - Wood is one of two resources that you cannot find in a mine. This is the raw material that makes up the handle for the tool, as well as other texture items. You need to prepare at least 64 logs.
    • Map (PE or game console only) - You need at least 8 pieces of paper and a compass. The map will track the coordinates and update as you dig.
    • Meat - The second resource that you cannot find in the mine. With raw meat, you'll be able to cook under the beak so you won't get hungry and keep the health bar full.

  2. Dig down at least 16 blocks. Diamonds appear between the Y 5 and 16 coordinates, but you can also encounter this resource between layers 5 and 12. Check the Y coordinates by opening the map (game console / PE). , press F3 (PC) or Alt+Fn+F3 (Mac).
    • Consider digging in a Z shape, as you can fall through the ceiling of the cave, the lair of mobs (where monsters spawn with 2 small chests and a torch) or even lava if you dig. straight down.
    • If you can't make the map or the map isn't working, dig down the bedrock (unbreakable); The height here is 4, meaning your character is standing 5 to 6 above the platform rock.

  3. Prepare the base. To do this, start creating a space 3 blocks high, 5x5 wide (minimum) and with an entrance, then put your belongings in there (e.g. torches, beds, tables, furnaces, and chest).

  4. Dig the main cellar. The main tunnel should be at least 20 blocks long and 2 blocks wide. The tunnel will either go straight from the main entrance to the base, or you can make a right angle and branch off from the base.
    • You need to dig perpendicular to the main tunnel, so make sure the first arm of the tunnel does not go through the base.
    • Place the torches a few blocks apart so you don't get lost.
  5. Dig the branch to the left or right of the tunnel. Starting at about 20 blocks in length, this branch can be 1 or 2 blocks wide (this doesn't matter because you'll expand the tunnel eventually).
    • This branch should be dug a few blocks from the end of the tunnel.
  6. Dig a few blocks to the left or right to create small branches. While digging, be careful not to miss the block at the end of the tunnel.
  7. Dig back into the main tunnel. After you reach the main tunnel, you will have two narrow tunnels of the same length and a few blocks apart.
  8. Mining resources between two tunnels. That way you will clear a strip of the mine; When digging, you need to pay attention to find diamonds on the ceiling and under the floor.
    • Repeat this process until the entire main tunnel has been enlarged, then dig further and repeat if necessary.
    • Dig around the ore in case of the lava. Some ores will have lava inside. If you spot lava in the ore, use the non-flammable block to block the flow of lava.


  • Don't forget to save it regularly if you play Minecraft on PC or in PE version.
  • You can use TNT explosives to explore large chunks of tunnel walls, but this will not be as accurate as the actual exploitation.
  • Diamonds usually appear near the lava, usually around level 10.
  • Diamonds are often stored in chests in strongholds - the enemy's underground fortresses.
  • You can train Fortune amulets for pickaxes to increase the number of diamonds mined in each diamond ore. If not, you can also find a blacksmith shop. This is where diamonds usually appear.
  • The most common place to find diamonds is in chests at desert temples, as 4 chests in the cellar can hold up to 8 diamonds.
  • After mining the diamond, remember to go back to the stairs. If there are black creatures (endermen) then don't look at them. Endermen will be hostile if you see you, unless you're wearing a pumpkin.
  • Find the canyon and dig down diagonally. Never dig straight down because you may fall into the lava. Remember to bring a bucket of water to deal with the lava because when you see the lava it means that the diamonds are also nearby.
  • Diamonds are usually found on the 14th floor or lower. Make sure the coordinates are on to determine if you are near the diamond.


  • Listen to hostile mobs. If you hear the enemy coming, you should run back to the base or prepare yourself to fight.
  • Bring an extra iron pickaxe in case the hoe is damaged.
  • Be careful when around the lava. If you accidentally fall into the lava, you and your belongings in the warehouse will be burned. You can build a 3-block high bridge to cross the lava, or use blocks to block the flow of lava when digging. In addition, the bucket will also quench the lava and create the Black Face Stone (Obsidian), which is the raw material for many things or forming the Nether portal in the game.