How to take a bath

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Take a Bath
Video: How to Take a Bath


A sitz bath is a method of sitting in warm water to relieve pain or swelling in the anus or vaginal opening. Your doctor may advise you to take a sitz bath if you have hemorrhoids or crack an anus, or you have had a vaginal birth and have damaged tissue. No matter the area for the treatment, a sitz bath is an effective and gentle way to soothe a wound. Although there are special tools available, you can use a regular bath. This article will guide you in both ways.


Method 1 of 2: A sitz bath

  1. Rinse the tub. You will be amazed to learn how dirty the bathtub can be for body cleaning! This therapy is to heal damaged tissue, so make sure the environment is sterile.
    • Use a cleaning product with a bleach ingredient to disinfect your tub before you begin.
    • Scrub the tub thoroughly to be sure to remove soap and other products that have accumulated on the tub surface.
    • Rinse the tub thoroughly to wash off soap and cleaning products.

  2. Determine the water temperature. It is very important that the water used for the sitz bath is warm but not hot enough. The temperature of the water should not cause discomfort resulting in irritation or inflammation. Warm water will increase blood circulation to damaged tissues, speeding up the healing process for the body.
    • Dip your finger in the water, or put a few drops of water on the sensitive skin of your wrist to check the temperature.

  3. Turn the water into the bath so that the water level reaches about 7.5 to 10 cm. Tighten the bathtub to prevent the water from draining, then turn on the water until it covers the area of ​​your body that is in need of treatment.
  4. Add a few additives to the water if desired. You don't need to add anything to the water, as the warm temperature alone should be enough to make you more comfortable. However, there are many things you can add to your bath water to treat various problems. Seek advice from your doctor about substances that can be added to bath water.
    • Salt is usually a good additive for every sit-down, no matter the reason. Turn the water into the bath at a slightly higher temperature and add ¼ cup of salt. Stir well to dissolve the salt, then let the water cool down to a comfortable level.
    • If you have vaginitis, add ½ cup vinegar to the salt water.
    • The herbal solution is great for treating hemorrhoids as well as damage caused by tissue trauma, such as after childbirth. Add ½ cup of epsom salt, 2 tablespoons baking soda, 2 tablespoons (30 ml) witch hazel, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of olive oil, 8 drops of lavender essential oil, 8 drops of chamomile essential oil. into the bath water.

  5. Soak in the bath. Make sure the affected area is submerged in warm water, soak for at least 15-30 minutes.
    • Add more warm water to keep it warm if necessary.
  6. Pat dry after soaking is finished. After a sitz bath, be gentle with the damaged tissue, so don't rub it dry as you normally would. Pat dry with a soft, clean towel.
    • Rubbing or rubbing can cause further irritation and damage.

Method 2 of 2: Use a sitz bath

  1. Buy a sitz bath. You can find bathing suits in the health care section of the supermarket or pharmacy. If you can't find a bathing suit near where you live, you can easily get it online.
    • A sit-down set includes a bathtub that can fit in a toilet bowl; a bag of solution for making bath water; a plastic hose for spraying water and a clamp to control the flow of water through the hose.
  2. Rinse the basin. Even if the shower is in its original packaging, you still need to make sure the damaged tissues don't come into contact with germs. Wash the basin thoroughly with a cleaning product that contains bleach. Scrub thoroughly and rinse clean water.
  3. Install a sitz bath. Once it's set up, just sit back and relax while the sitting shower is working, but first you have to set it up.
    • Put the tube through the hole in the tub to allow the solution to run down. See the instructions included with the kit if you have difficulty locating the tube hole.
    • Move the tube to the center of the pot and clamp it into the perineum. See diagrams on the instruction sheet if necessary.
    • Use tongs to stop water flowing through the pipe; You probably won't want the water to leak out before you're ready!
    • Fill the solution bag with warm water or whatever solution you want to use to treat damaged tissues.
  4. Attach the basin and solution bag to the correct position. Open the toilet and place it on the inner edge of the toilet. It is best to hang the solution bag on the hook, but it is important to place it up so that the solution can drain.
  5. Sit in the pot. You may need to make some adjustments to find a comfortable position. You can correct your posture during therapy to make sure there are no discomfort.
  6. Open the water hose. Open the clamp used to hold the solution in the bag that is hanging overhead. The tap at the bottom of the pot starts to spray, so make sure to make adjustments to ensure that bath water is sprayed into the area that is being treated. You can adjust the sitting position or adjust the faucet.
    • If you need to adjust your faucet, be sure to use tongs to stop the flow of water. If not, the water will be splashed out!
  7. Relax. If it works properly, the solution in the bag will flow out slowly rather than at the same time, so you will have a few minutes of relaxation in the spray water. Even after the solution in the bag is gone and the tap has stopped flowing, you can still soak it for as long as you like.
  8. Pat dry after you have soaked. After a sitz bath, be very gentle with the damaged tissues, so don't wipe as usual. Use a clean, soft towel to blot until dry.
    • Rubbing and rubbing can cause further irritation and damage.