How to Find Purpose in Life

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 1 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu
Video: How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu


When you feel dissatisfied or happy with your life, you may need to reflect on your purpose in life. This will be a challenging self-examination, and the result may make you believe you have gone astray so far. But be courageous and optimistic; it is never too late to start a life full of meaning and joy. Find your purpose in life and get into action to live the life you really want.


Part 1 of 3: Examine your concerns

  1. Ask yourself questions. As you begin to evaluate your purpose in life, it is essential to reflect on what you enjoy doing, what you are doing, and what needs to change in order for you to live a more purposeful life. Here are some questions to consider:
    • What are the happiest moments in your life?
    • What makes you really proud of yourself?
    • What qualities in others do you most admire?
    • What gives you a sense of vitality and energy?
    • How happy do you feel in your daily life?
    • If you had only one more week to live, what would you do that week?
    • What "should" things dominate the things you "want to do"?
    • If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
    • What change could have made your life happier?

  2. Make a list of your interests and passions. Write down activities that you are willing to take the time to do. These activities may be related to work, personal life or home life. Those are the things that make you happy, the things that you really enjoy. Those are the things that you enjoy, don't have to do because you get paid, and must be the things that keep you drunk all the time.

  3. Write down the things you love. Loved things and people play a very important role in your life and the way you spend your time. Knowing what you love will help you focus on your passions and goals. You can get closer to your true passions by focusing on the things you love with all your heart without having to weigh your mind.
    • If your love is primarily for your family, you probably won't feel satisfied if your life is dominated by work that leaves most of your time away from home.

  4. Find your joy. This is similar to identifying the things you're interested in and passionate about, but with a little more focus. To find joy, think about the things that make you happy. Recall what was the last time you rolled around or smiled so much that your jaw was tired.
    • It can be helpful to think about your favorite game as a kid. Is there any game (or similar activity) that can bring you back to the joys of your childhood?
  5. Use a plan to go back in time. Imagine you are in your 90s. Imagine that you are looking back on your life, and that you are fully satisfied that you have lived a meaningful and exciting life. Imagine the traits of that life and go back in time to determining what to do every ten years from now to age 90 to live a full life.
    • For example, let's say you are imagining when you are 90 years old, enjoying your grandchildren, happy with a retirement life after a successful career in the community, living in a house with lots of land. big around.
    • This image shows that you want to have a family, that you enjoy having a job that helps people, and that you enjoy living independently in the countryside.
    • Planning back in time can lead to your determination to have children at age 28, you want to find a career as a social worker by 25, and you need to stay healthy so you can continue. live independently in old age.

Part 2 of 3: Step out of myself

  1. Define humanistic purposes. This is a great question that requires time and reflection, but once you have determined what your human purpose is, you can narrow the scope of your ideas and apply them to your life.
    • For example, maybe you define that the human purpose is to help people live a better life in this world. Your personal goal then will be to support the development of your community, and you can identify the steps you need to take to strive for that.
  2. Find people who inspire you. Think about the people you feel are truly inspiring. They can be world leaders, historical figures or people present in your life. Think about why they have that ability, and find out what special actions or personalities of them you'd like to learn.
    • You can write this down in your purpose log. Remember that you don't have to admire or follow every aspect of the person - you just need to accept the unique qualities of them that you want to have.
  3. Leave your comfort zone. Leaving your comfort zone also means you will have a broader view of the world and the people in it. We are usually just used to hanging around with everyday life, but you will have a chance to see the wider world when you leave the bubble that surrounds you. With a new perception, you can see your place in the world more objectively to evaluate your passions and goals.
    • As you learn more about the people around you, decide how you will interact with them. Determine how you want others to see you in relation to themselves, and then strive to be that person.
  4. Ask your friends about your strengths. If you have trouble judging yourself, or if you want to hear a different opinion, ask a few close friends what they think you have in your favor. They can tell you things that might be hard for you to notice.
    • For example, you might not realize that your actions are inspiring your friends to follow. A friend might say to you, "I think you are very good at getting to work on your plans without waiting for someone else to start." You can bring this advantage to your goal.
  5. Stop the absolute way of thinking. Many people think that their purpose (or career, interests) revolve around just one thing. But sometimes our passion is the balance between our many interests in order to fulfill many different aspects of our needs and wants. Determining that your goals (if you are limited to just one goal) can include many different aspects that will give you more flexibility when setting your goals.
    • For example, if your purpose in life is "to bring happiness to yourself and to others", you could set smaller goals than "feel good at work, be patient with your family. family, bringing laughter to children and listening to friends more ”. All of these are geared toward your bigger goal.
    • The advantage of setting goals in many ways is that, if an area is progressing slowly or not smoothly, you still won't feel like you have been completely lost. For example, if your professional life is not going well, but your family and social life is good, you will still feel that you are on the right path towards happiness.
  6. Set your goals. After assessing yourself and extending your horizons into the world around you, determine your purpose in life. Remember that if that goal changes in the future, that's fine. It is important that you now have a goal and direction, whether you can then change direction as you change and grow.
    • Once you have determined your purpose in life, write it down. Post it somewhere you can read every day to remind yourself of what you want in life. Every day you can ask yourself if you have completed tasks to achieve that goal.

Part 3 of 3: Taking action for purpose

  1. Write a personal mission statement. Another way to think about life purpose is to turn it into a statement of your personal mission. You can turn a goal setting into a statement of a mission that is inherently more actionable.
  2. Practice meditation to set your goals. Mindfulness meditation or yoga can be helpful strategies to help you set goals for the day, week, year, or throughout your life. Clearing your mind and allowing yourself to visualize the life you want can help you step-by-step towards the life you desire.
  3. Stop indulging others. Even if your goals include a social element, always trying to please those around you will only hinder but not support your general purpose. You need to make sure that your actions in life are your choices, not those around you.
    • People often do not know what makes them truly happy, so even though your goal is to make yourself and others happy, meet the immediate demands of everyone. people will not help you live your life properly.
  4. Make a list of the actions that have led you to reach your goal. Write a list of actions you can take to move directly towards your life goals. Even if you can't act right now, recognizing the steps you should take to reach a life of purpose can help keep you on the right track.
    • For example, if your current career is unsatisfactory and does not match your purpose of life, you can write “find a new job” on the list. However, you may not be able to quit your current job before finding a new job because you are also responsible for paying bills and supporting your family.
    • Break down your list into short, medium, and long-term options.
  5. Do things that help you achieve your life goals. Once you have identified the actions you need to take to achieve your life goals, take those steps. Sometimes getting into action can give you greater wisdom and happiness instead of overthinking.
  6. Read the journal again. You need to go back to your journal regularly to read and review relevant lists for changes, additions, or reminders of your purpose. After a while, you may find yourself caught up in the comforting familiarity of everyday life. Even though there's nothing wrong with that, you will be more than satisfied if you strive towards a life purpose that has been set.
  7. Avoid activities that go against or stray from your goals. Certainly, it will be difficult to avoid activities that do not lead to your life goals. You may not like to wash clothes, but sometimes you still have to do this job if you want to make happiness for yourself and others. However, you can avoid actions that go against your goals.
    • For example, if your goal is to make yourself and others happy, avoid saying things that hurt others. You also need to avoid things that upset you, such as being with people who make you feel unhappy about you.


  • Remember that we often find purpose on our journey. Usually we can only say someone's life has a purpose after they close their eyes and down, relying on facts and choices throughout their lives.
  • As you spend more time fulfilling your goals, you will find it easier to make life decisions when you ask yourself, “Is this opportunity consistent with passions, actions and inspiration? mine? " Over time, you will have more and more purpose-built experiences, and you will be happier and healthier than ever.
  • We often look at our purpose as an answer to everything in the present moment or as something that can only be accomplished in the future. Although our purpose in life may only be achieved in the distant future, find a way to get started NOW.
  • Sometimes it's better (and easier) to realize what you don't want is to know exactly what you want. If needed, start by listing the things you don't want to do (or become), then find the ones you want.