How to Water the Stone Lotus

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lotus Eater + Secret Room | World Quests and Puzzles |【Genshin Impact】
Video: Lotus Eater + Secret Room | World Quests and Puzzles |【Genshin Impact】


Stone lotus is an indoor plant with a strange beauty. Plus without much care, what more could you ask for? However, it is still important to know how to water the lotus plant. Especially in the early years when the plant is young, you need to water properly and regularly.


Part 1 of 3: Water the young stone lotus

  1. Mist the plants lightly every 2 to 4 days. Although it usually takes 2 to 4 days to re-mist spray, each stone lotus may have different needs. If you are unsure how often to mist, use a general rule of thumb to wait until the soil is dry before you continue to spray.

  2. Schedule a watering and stick to it. When the lotus is young, it is imperative that you follow the misting schedule for the plant. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Watering mature stone lotus plants

  1. Use a watering can to water the soil soaked with water. This watering will help the plant develop a healthy root system.

  2. Wait until the soil is completely dry before watering again. There are no standards for the frequency of watering mature stone lotus plants. This depends on the species of the plant, the soil and the humidity in the environment, plus other factors. Usually, you should water more in the summer when the plant is growing vigorously and less in the winter when the plant enters a near-hibernation phase in months with days shorter than night.

    Chai Saechao

    The Founder of Plant Therapy Chai Saechao is the founder and owner of Plant Therapy in San Francisco and is a self-employed Ph.D. He quit his 10-year job to found Plant Therapy in 2018. By then, he had more than 250 plants planted in his studio apartment. He believes in the therapeutic powers of plants, and hopes to share his love of trees with anyone who will listen and learn.

    Chai Saechao
    Founder of Plant Therapy

    Avoid over watering. The founder and store owner of Plant Therapy Chai Saechao said: "Depending on the size of the pot, you should water the stone lotus every two weeks. If you have a big tree, you can water it every 3-4 weeks. For succulent plants, under watering is always better than over-watering Plants may die if you water too much, and if there is a lack of water, they can quickly recover when supplied. water supply. "

  3. Take a break from watering every once in a while to encourage root growth. Sometimes not watering 1-2 days after the soil dries out is also beneficial for better rooting plants. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to water the mature stone lotus on a fixed schedule, although a general irrigation schedule is still necessary. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Save the stone lotus tree without water

  1. Look for signs of dehydration in your plant. Your stone lotus plant is dehydrated if:
    • the upper leaves become dry and brittle
    • entire tree is lumped (although it will be difficult to recover by this point)
    • Many leaves are atrophy at the leaf tip
  2. Spray plants lightly for 1-5 days. This step will help the plant switch to its normal irrigation schedule. Plants can be damaged if you water them after a long period of water shortage.
  3. Gradually increase the amount of water for irrigation. Once your plant has gotten used to the change, gradually return to your normal watering schedule. After that, you can water the plant with a watering can, and the plant should be back to normal within 1-3 weeks! advertisement


  • Plant stone lotus plants in pots with holes in the bottom and soil with good drainage. If the lotus plants live in excessively moist soil, they can be damaged by mold and other diseases.
  • The frequency of watering can vary depending on the environment. The hotter the environment, the more often you must water. The higher the humidity, the less you need to water.


  • Better to water too little than water too much. The stone lotus plant stores water in the leaves, so daily watering is are not necessary. If in doubt, wait 1-2 days before watering again.
  • Beware of root rot, a disease that attacks a plant's root system that grows in excessively moist or continuously moist soil.

What you need

  • small watering can
  • aerosols or nebulizers
  • Plant pots with drainage holes
  • soil that does not retain water (well drained soil)