Ways to be successful in network marketing

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips for Network Marketing Success | Brian Tracy
Video: Tips for Network Marketing Success | Brian Tracy


Network marketing, also known as multi-level business (MLM), is a business model in which individuals called "independent contractors" join a company and receive a premium. commission based on the number of products they sell. This business attracts many people to join because they are their own boss, decide their own working hours and strive for their own career. Network marketing requires a lot of dedication but can be very lucrative.


Part 1 of 3: Find a suitable company

  1. Research companies. Choosing the right company is the key to success. You can find many answers on the internet in easy and quick searches. Go online to search and decide which company is best for you. Some of the questions you should ask yourself include:
    • How old is that company? Does the company have a strong foundation or just established?
    • How is the company's sales? Increase or decrease?
    • Find out about the company's reputation. Often times online reviews and reviews can help you guess if a company is trustworthy or suspicious.

  2. Find information about the CEO and other leaders of the company. Keep the same factors in mind when learning about leaders in a company. Are they reputable and obey the law? You should avoid companies whose leaders have been accused of fraud or get in trouble with the law.

  3. Consider the company's product or service offering. You will be responsible for promoting and selling the company's products, so you need to make sure it is reliable. Some network marketing companies market suspicious or dangerous products, and you may face lawsuits if you join the company's sales. When considering a product, you should keep the following in mind:
    • Is that product safe?
    • Are company claims backed by official research?
    • Will I use this product?
    • Is the price of the product reasonable?

  4. Ask questions of your employer. When you find a company you like, you will usually meet an employer or an agent. You should be cautious in the recruitment process. Remember that your sponsor will get extra money if you join, so he may not be as clear to you as he should have been. Don't be distracted by promises of money you will make, you must carefully consider what you will do.
    • Ask straightforward and specific questions. If you feel the answer is too vague, ask for clarification.
    • Ask exactly what your company is asking for - how many products will you have to sell? How many people do you have to hire? Do you have to participate in training programs?
  5. Read the contract carefully. Don't rush to sign anything. Take the time to read and understand the entire contract. You can even get advice from an attorney or an accountant to make sure you're getting a fair deal, and that the company is legal.
  6. Pay attention to warning signs. According to the US Federal Trade Commission, some businesses operating under the name of network marketing companies are essentially illegal pyramid schemes. The pyramid scheme is a scam business in which new members join the company almost always suffer losses.You should be alert for the following signs:
    • The amount of money a company makes from selling products to its distributors is higher than it sells.
    • The company's profit from recruiting new members is greater than its profit from product sales.
    • If you feel that something is wrong, do not sign a contract.
  7. Make a business plan. After targeting a few potential companies, write down your plan to build and expand your business. It is helpful to have an early business plan even before you officially join the company. This way you will be able to get started right from the start of your business. Note the following when planning a business:
    • What product or service are you going to sell?
    • Who are you going to market?
    • How much time can you spend on this job? Are you working part-time or working seven days a week?
    • What is your goal? Do you want to get rich or just want to earn more income?
    • Think long-term. Your position in the next 5 years? 10 years from now?
    • What is your marketing strategy? Will you call potential customers? Using the internet or going door to door?
    • You can update or change your plan if needed, but having guidance from the start will still be helpful.

Part 2 of 3: Starting a business

  1. Choose the right instructor. In most network marketing models, the person who employs you will be your mentor. The instructor will coach you during the early stages of work. Usually, the more successful you are, the more money your instructor will make; They will be enthusiastic about you because that is their benefit. As for the instructor, you will need:
    • People are always ready when you need help.
    • People you can cooperate with.
    • Someone who is frank with you if there is something you need to do better.
  2. Research and know about the products you sell. It's your job to sell these products, so spend a lot of time getting to know every aspect of the product. You will have to plan how to market your product to potential customers, respond to their questions or doubts, and use research material to support your product.
  3. Attend company meetings and coaching. This will help you create new relationships and learn new skills. You can take advantage of these to prepare your business for growth.
  4. Grow the number of potential customers. In network marketing, they are the customers who are interested in your product. You will need to find new leads if you want to keep earning. There are many ways to do this, and you should use a variety of matching strategies to capture the largest market possible.
    • Social media is an inexpensive and easy way to promote your products. Open a new company page on every major social media site and keep all pages updated.
    • Buy ad spaces online. Websites and newspapers can help promote your product's image.
    • Calling customers is an old but still popular method of finding leads.
    • Personal relationships are also a useful channel. Always carry your business card with you and be ready to promote your company. You never know when you will meet interested customers to offer.
  5. Follow all potential customers. To turn potential customers into real customers, you will have to follow them and promote your product.
    • Website creation with autoresponder designed to communicate with the people who visit your site.
    • Manage all contact information in a systematically organized file with all information easily accessible.
    • Willing to market products at any time in contact with potential customers.
    • Trying to convince potential customers to become real customers isn't just once. Just because a person hasn't been interested in your product in the past doesn't mean they'll never care. However, you need to be careful, do not overdo it, otherwise it will easily get a reputation as a harasser, and it will harm your business.

Part 3 of 3: Growing your business

  1. Recruiting new members. Just like when you are recruited into the company, you will have to recruit members to your team if you want to be successful. Always look for new prospects that you think will become a valuable team member. Try recruiting services like MLMRC. You'll also need a charming, easy-to-see person, a good salesperson, and a team-mate willing to work with them.
  2. An effective guide for new members. You will make more money if the hiring is successful, so be prepared to train them well. This can take a long time, even weeks. But you need to understand that you are building a team, and it is your benefit to spend enough time making sure your new members are competent enough to be self-employed.
  3. Pay high commissions to team members. The fact that you compensate your members well can ensure sales motivation for them. This way, the team members will make more money for you and for themselves. It also helps you retain them for longer - you probably want to keep talented salespeople on the team so your business grows.
  4. Consult with an expert on your business. Don't forget that you are responsible for everything related to the running of the business - taxes, laws, etc. It helps if you ask a lawyer or accountant to assist you in managing the business. the most effective. advertisement


  • This is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but a serious endeavor, and you should be prepared to take the time needed to be successful.
  • Seek advice from people who have succeeded in network marketing.
  • Don't reinvent useless things. Please follow those who went ahead.
  • You can read books about successful entrepreneurs for more ideas and inspiration. Remember, however, that one method that works for one person does not mean it will work for another. You can read books for ideas, but only look at the tips as a resource.


  • Make sure you are not in a hurry to quit your full-time job. You should only quit your job when you are sure that you can make ends meet with income from a network marketing.
  • Always make sure your business is legal and in compliance with the regulations.