How to unclog the fallopian tubes

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
UCSF Radiology: Interventional Radiology Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes
Video: UCSF Radiology: Interventional Radiology Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes


Nearly 40% of infertility cases are caused by fallopian tube obstruction. Usually only one fallopian tube is blocked while the other is functioning properly, but some people have both fallopian tubes. Because fallopian tube obstruction shows no symptoms, there are cases where the disease goes undetected until the patient cannot conceive and is examined to find the cause of infertility. Most fallopian tube obstruction can be cured with natural methods. See Step 1 below to begin treating a fallopian tube with one or more natural methods and doses.


Part 1 of 2: Eliminate stressors

  1. Give up smoking and wine. Tobacco and alcohol are two of the main causes of this disease and lead to stopping ovulation. However only reduction consumption is not enough, it is best to quit completely.
    • Not to mention the health of the fallopian tubes, smoking and drinking alcohol are also bad for the whole body, organs, skin, hair, teeth, nails and toenails. Abandoning them will improve your quality of life in general.

  2. Meditate. Meditation can reduce stress and promote physical recovery and overall well-being. Ideally, start your day with 10-15 minutes of meditation, or apply mental relaxation techniques with a breathing exercise.
    • Just a few minutes of meditation can ensure a positive start to the day, helping you better cope with stress. Reducing stress also reduces inflammation that clogs the tubes in the body.

  3. Yoga. It is known that yoga for its use in regulating energy channels in the body and creating better recovery capacity. The two poses that increase fertility the most are the bridge pose and the leg-up posture on the wall, both using the glutes and pelvic muscles.
    • To do the bridge pose, lie on your back and bend your knees, using the muscles to lift your pelvis off the floor. Inhale as you lift your pelvis and exhale as you descend after the 2-second pause.
    • The leg-up posture, also known as Viparita Karani, is a practice in the traditional Indian yoga system, which helps to overcome the fallopian tube blockage. Lie on your back with one hip in contact with the wall, then raise your feet upright on the wall to form a 90 ° angle, resting your feet against the wall. Hold for 2 seconds, then lower your legs back to the same position.

  4. Massage increases conception. Abdominal massage is a technique used by many people to unclog the fallopian tubes, and improve the overall health and function of the fallopian tubes. Massage can improve blood circulation in and around the fallopian tubes, leading to disruption of scar and sticky scar tissue, reducing inflammation. You can do this therapy yourself:
    • Lie on your back on the exercise mat and place a pillow under your lower back.
    • Relax your body, pour some almond, olive, or lavender essential oil into your palms and massage evenly onto the pubic bone as the uterus is just below this bone.
    • Massage gently and lower arms gradually, pulling the abdominal wall toward the navel. Hold this position for 10 counts and release your hand. Repeat the above operations 10 to 20 times.
      • Do not massage this way if you are menstruating or pregnant. If possible, you should hire a therapist who specializes in abdominal massage for better results.
  5. Avoid hormone-containing foods. Avoid foods like animal meat because they contain hormones that can affect female hormones like estrogen. Replace with antioxidant-rich foods to boost your recovery.
    • Antioxidant-rich foods are fresh fruits, vegetables (all types), vegetable oils like sunflower oil, safflower oil, coconut oil, mustard seed oil (olive oil is rich in antioxidants most ).
    • Tea, chocolate, soybeans, coffee, oregano and cinnamon are rich in flavonoids (an antioxidant).
    • Carotenoid is a plant enzyme with antioxidant activity and can reduce the accumulation of free radicals in the body.Good sources of carotenoids are eggs, red or yellow fruits and vegetables such as carrots, mangoes, bell peppers, papaya, citrus fruits, spinach, zucchini and so on.

Part 2 of 2: Applying alternative medicine

  1. Take vitamin C supplements. The body needs vitamin C to absorb iron, in addition it also boosts immunity and fights infections. If the fallopian tube is blocked due to an infection or inflammation, vitamin C may cure the disease. Start taking a 1000mg vitamin C supplement, 5-6 times per day. Vitamin C can especially block the fallopian tubes if it is caused by tuberculosis.
    • However, if you have diarrhea or any other problems while taking vitamin C supplements, reduce your dosage or stop taking it altogether, then see your doctor for advice.
  2. Use herbs. Certain herbs can kill bacteria like yeast, which is the cause of the infection or prevents pregnancy. Prominent among these herbs are Dong Quai, chamomile, garlic, oleander, turmeric, red peony root, frankincense, and chrysanthemum. Any traditional Chinese physician can prescribe medicine for you after the examination.
    • Research has shown that red peony root is rich in antioxidants, and perhaps this is the reason why traditional Chinese medicine uses red peony root to treat fallopian tube obstruction.
    • There are many ways to combine these herbs and they are usually available in liquid or pill form. You should not use herbs before consulting a doctor or expert in the field, and avoid believing in "miraculous" statements that have no proof.
  3. Use herbal tampons. There are many types of herbal tampons that are used to treat fallopian tubes. They are actually herbal tampons impregnated with herbs to help regulate the reproductive organs. However, people who use this method must always be cautious because herbal tampons do not guarantee sterilization, so they can cause infection. In addition, those herbs when taken orally produce the same effect.
    • The royal root acts as an antimicrobial agent, reduces inflammation and infection, and then prevents scarring or sticky scar tissue from forming.
    • Ginger improves blood circulation, thereby reducing inflammation and congestion. Hawthorn apples and bear grapes help reduce congestion and excess secretions of the body, so it can block fallopian tubes due to fluid accumulation or hematoma.
    • Dong Quai is a Chinese herb that helps reduce spasm in fallopian tubes.
  4. Apply castor oil. It is believed that applying castor oil can improve fallopian tube blockage because it increases blood circulation and lymph around the fallopian tubes. The increased blood supply helps the fallopian tubes work better and clears the blockage, while the lymphatic system helps to remove old cells, scar tissue, and diseased cells.
    • You can apply castor oil directly to your lower abdomen or use castor oil-soaked packs or paper towels, available online or at herb stores. You need to apply it daily for at least 1-2 months for good results.
  5. Use charcoal. Activated charcoal, when applied to your lower abdomen just above the uterus and fallopian tubes, helps treat infection and reduce inflammation. You can even make this repellent yourself at home. Here's how to do it:
    • Place a few tissues on the table.
    • Place the activated carbon and flaxseed mixture on a paper towel and cover with a few other paper towels.
    • Place this topical mixture on the affected area and cover with a plastic sheet. Leave the topical medication on overnight for best results.
  6. Consider using an enzyme like serrapeptase. This therapy uses natural enzymes produced by the body to dissolve scar tissue and prevent fibrosis. Enzymes also reduce inflammation and blood circulation to the reproductive organs. Serrapeptase is an enzyme widely used for this purpose.
    • Serrapeptase in silkworms helps to dissolve their cocoons because of their cell-disrupting properties. Supplements or multivitamin supplements such as Wobenzym N and Advil are now available without a prescription. However, you should consult your doctor before taking an enzyme if you have any underlying health problems.
  7. Consider homeopathic method. All-round medicine can be effectively cured with little or no side effects. Many homeopathic pharmacopoeia remedies are effective in the treatment of tubal obstruction and infertility. Some remedies you can use are:
    • Pulsatilla nigricans: Indicated for tubal obstruction with menstrual bleeding and mood swings. Taking Pulsatilla 30 twice daily for 2-3 months can regulate the menstrual cycle and remove the fallopian tube blockage.
    • Sepia: This is a homeopathic remedy indicated for irregular menstrual periods, period pain, pain in the vagina such as labor, and continuous miscarriage due to fallopian tube obstruction. Taking Sepia 30 three times a day for 2-3 months will help relieve symptoms.
    • Thyroidinum: If you have a thyroid disorder with fallopian tube obstruction, or feel lethargic and prone to weight gain, taking Thyroidinum 30 twice daily can be of significant help.
    • Natrum Muriaticum: This medication is intended for women with recurrent headaches (especially after going out in the sun) and craving for salty and sour foods. Clogged fallopian tubes with missed periods, bloating and headache are symptoms that indicate the need for treatment with Natrum Muriaticum. 200mg orally twice daily for 2-3 months.


  • Homeopathic remedies are more effective if they are prescribed the right organs and take into account your general mental as well as physical health, so you should consult a physician in this area.


  • All of the aforementioned herbs can create a different range of effects on the body and mind. The dosage used is different for each person. Herbs can be used by chewing, blending into a liquid, finely crushing or crushing a pellet, but you need to be careful with the advertisements as well as when using them.