Ways to Forgive Yourself

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Learning to Forgive Ourselves
Video: Learning to Forgive Ourselves


Forgiveness is difficult. Acknowledging your mistakes and correcting them takes time, patience, and courage. This is even more difficult when we have to forgive our own mistakes. The path to forgiveness is not an easy one. With your self-awareness and awareness that life is a journey, not a sprint, you can also learn to forgive yourself.


Method 1 of 5: Practice forgiving yourself

  1. Find out why you need to forgive yourself. If we find ourselves making mistakes, we will feel guilty and need to be forgiven.When you think about past things, they can create feelings of discomfort. To determine why you feel this way, ask yourself:
    • Did I feel that way because the results of what I did made me feel bad?
    • Do I feel this because I am blaming myself for the bad results?

  2. Admit that mistakes don't make you a bad person. Everyone makes a mistake at some point in their life. Don't think that making mistakes - be it at work or in a relationship - will make you a bad person. As Bill Gates said, "Celebrating success is good, but noticing failure is the more important thing." Learning from other people's mistakes is also a way to forgive.

  3. Don't be afraid to start over. To truly forgive yourself, don't be afraid to start over. Learning to forgive yourself isn't just about learning to live with the past. It is also learning from experience. Take what you've learned and applied to build better yourself.
  4. Adapt to a new mindset by learning from past mistakes. One way to move forward is to adapt from what you've learned.
    • Setting future goals for yourself will make you think more positively and stronger. Looking back at this in the future will help you forgive yourself in the present by focusing on the positive changes you can make.
    • Whenever you feel guilty, do as Les Brown say: "Forgive your flaws and mistakes and move on". This will help you whenever you make a mistake.

Method 2 of 5: Forget the past

  1. Realize that no one is perfect. You may want to forgive yourself for your actions against others. Realize first that you are not blaming the actions of others. We all make mistakes and many times in our life we ​​don't do our best. Realizing this will be the step you need to take in self-healing.
  2. Do not live forever in past mistakes. Learning from your past mistakes is fine, but living in them forever can prevent you from forgiving yourself. It can prevent you from being aware of the present reality. Your life can become stagnant if you keep obsessing about what you did and didn't do. Instead, focus on the present and what you can do in the future to make your life better.
  3. Plan for a bright future that will not be overwhelmed by the past today. Consider “fixing and moving forward” for your life. If you encounter a similar situation that has caused you emotional turmoil in the past, focus on the things you have control over.
    • Try to fix the problems you know you have control over, and try not to worry about the rest. You don't want to make the same mistake again.
  4. Learn to mind. Self-awareness of what you do now can heal future injuries. If you cultivate a strong sense of self and accept your present actions, it will help you build a better future and help you forgive past actions.
  5. Review past decisions. You don't want to live forever in your mistakes, but you need to learn from them in order to move forward in a positive way.
    • One way to forgive yourself is to identify the cause of your emotions at first. If you identify what you committed for the first time, you can change your outlook in the future.
    • Ask yourself, "What mistakes did I make and what can I do to avoid having the same effect?"
  6. Identify the things that make you emotionally strong. This will help you immediately identify situations that make you uncomfortable. Once you identify the situation you should be able to easily find a solution. Ask yourself:
    • Do I feel anxious or guilty when I meet my boss?
    • Do I feel strong negative emotions when I talk to important people?
    • Does spending time with my parents make me feel angry or upset?

Method 3 of 5: Talk about forgiving yourself and others

  1. Let someone else enter your life. As the philosopher Derrida once said: “Forgiveness often confuses people, sometimes in a planned situation it comes with: apology, regret, pardon, error causes, and so on. ”.
    • Forgiveness is a two-way street. You won't be able to forgive yourself if you don't learn to forgive others. You need to let others come into your life so that they can give you advice and ways to forgive yourself.
    • Talk to loved ones to help you through your self-forgiveness struggles.
  2. Outline a solution or plan. To forgive yourself you should be aware of what you need to forgive. Outlining a detailed step-by-step guide can help you focus on what's important and give you guidance on forgiving yourself or others. Consider the following aspects of providing a solution to forgiveness:
    • Declare or request an apology using direct language. Don't ring around. Please directly say "I'm sorry" or ask "Can you forgive me?". You don't want things to be ambiguous or let go of in a dishonest way.
    • Find a way for you to actually fix the workaround. If you are asking for forgiveness from others, think about specific actions that can make up for it. If you are forgiving yourself, then ask yourself what steps you need to take to move forward positively.
    • Promise yourself and others that you will strive for better in the future. It will only be an insincere apology if you don't follow your promise. Make sure you don't make the same mistake.
  3. Ask for forgiveness from others. If you ask forgiveness from others, you will feel better yourself.
    • Sometimes, atmosphere can clearly solve existing problems. It also shows that you are absorbing a bigger problem than the reality. Asking for forgiveness has been shown to bring about beneficial results and strengthen a better and better relationship.

Method 4 of 5: Take responsibility for your own actions

  1. Be honest with yourself about your actions. Before you can fully forgive yourself, you need to first acknowledge your actions.
    • It helps to write down actions that make you feel strong. This will point out concrete examples of why you feel negative about yourself.
  2. Stop thinking rationalist and start taking responsibility for what you say and do. One way to be honest with yourself is to accept the consequences of your actions. If you have done or said something wrong, you need to admit the action before forgiving yourself for it.
    • One way to achieve this is to let go of stress. The more tension you hold in your heart, the more harm you will cause yourself.
    • Stress can sometimes cause you to explode anger and hurt yourself and those around you, but if you forgive yourself, the anger will go away and the consequences will be gone. As a result, you will be more focused and have positive rather than negative thoughts.
  3. Accept the guilt you have. Acknowledging responsibility is one thing, but understanding the emotions behind is another. Having strong emotions such as guilt is not only common, but also good feelings. Guilt encourages you to take action for yourself and for others ..
    • You may feel guilty about your own thoughts. You may have thoughts that are hurting or unhappy for others. You feel everything as lust or greed.
    • If you are buried in such feelings of guilt, that is normal.Your guilt can stem from such strong emotions, it's good to face them and acknowledge why you feel that way. Only in this way can you forgive yourself.
    • You may criticize yourself (or others) too harshly for your guilt. You may be venting your emotions on yourself and others, making you feel guilty about your actions. You blame others from insecurity and increase guilt.
    • If you find yourself blaming others, step back and acknowledge the reasons why you said such things. It will help you on your way to forgive yourself.
    • You may feel guilty about the actions of others. It is not uncommon for a couple to sometimes feel guilty for the other's actions. You may feel guilty about your spouse's actions or insecurities.
    • Determine why you feel that way if you want to forgive yourself and others.
  4. Determine your own values ​​and beliefs. Before you can forgive yourself, you must determine what your values ​​are and what you believe in. Spend some time thinking about how you can make amends for the things you feel guilty about. Think about how you can make a real difference. These actions can be based on religious beliefism, or based on social needs.
  5. Analyze your needs against your wants. One way to forgive negative emotions is to identify what you need in life versus what you want.
    • Identify both specific needs - such as accommodation, food, social needs - and compare them with specific wants - a better car, a bigger house, and a better body. Identifying these needs against wants can help you realize that you may be too strict with yourself or that these are beyond your control.

Method 5 of 5: Challenge yourself to do things well

  1. Become a better person through personal challenges. To stop falling back into doubt and guilt, set up small challenges that will help you become a better person.
    • You can do this by building a month-long routine of things you want to improve. By doing something for a month - like keeping track of calories - you will begin to develop a good habit to improve. This will help you forgive yourself by acting in a positive direction.
  2. Act based on identified mistakes. Try assessing your performance to determine how you will measure your improvement.
    • If you find yourself at fault due to procrastination, for example, make a list of things to do and try to do it. It is important to identify the things you have control over. This will help with self-improvement through self-improvement.
  3. Practice self-awareness. Self-consciousness is the ability to predict the consequences of our actions. Thinking about ourselves and our actions can help us become better people by creating moral values ​​for ourselves. You can practice self-awareness by noticing your strengths, observing your responses to situations, and expressing your feelings. advertisement


  • Instead of thinking about the past, focus on the present and prepare for the future. Remember, the past does NOT speak who you are. You are wonderful and beautiful! Learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself and move forward!
  • Think about how you forgave others in the past. Take lessons from these experiences and apply them in your own situation; This gives you peace of mind knowing you have a forgiving ability, and you just need to show that forgiveness is the right direction.
  • Most mistakes in the past made you who you are today. So do not keep seeing them as mistakes but take them as lessons.
  • Mistakes do not say who you are. Believe that you are a great person. Think about all the horrible mistakes a normal / good person has made and learn from them. Your mistake is not that bad!
  • We are the result of good and bad things happening in our lives, the same good and bad deeds that we have done. How we treat negative things is just as important as how we deal with good things. A person who has a tendency to reflect on what has been done and make a big deal of negativity is more likely to live in anger, anger, and expectation of a negative future than someone who sees bad things as isolated events. without affecting them as a whole.
  • Forgiving yourself and others doesn't mean forgetting about the past. But those are memories that are still retained when forgiving. This is like the cycle of grief.
  • Life goes on so forgive and forget your mistakes.
  • Forgive those who have hurt you, and hope they recognize their wrongdoings and reconcile either for you or for themselves ... Go forward, because precious life is too short for bad pain.
  • Get a stress toy. When you begin to feel guilty play with your toy.
  • Another great way to forgive yourself is to help others. You will have love for others and your love will overpower your sins. Remember not to think about your mistakes over and over because life is too short to live in suffering.


  • Don't force yourself to think about people who bring up negative past; people who push you into the hole, diminish and underestimate your worth, and those who don't care about your hurt are best left behind.
  • Stay away from people who intend to sabotage your self-rise efforts. These people spend most of their time saving their own insecurities and are threatened by seeing others work hard to overcome negative pressures in their lives. Accept that forgiving yourself will sometimes lose certain relationships that your negativity causes others to exercise power over you. Ask yourself if you want to move on with bad relationships or move forward, and renew yourself so that you can fit in with other good people.
  • Avoid talking about your wrongdoing and how bad you are around other people. You will also create this in their mindset. Treat all of the negative thoughts out of your head and return to where the mysterious Pandora's box started.
  • Forgiveness is the most difficult quality to shape, and it is also the most essential. When you learn about your ability to forgive yourself and others, your growth will be great and that is a worthy reward for your forgiveness.