How to show love to someone

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Show Someone You Love Them (10 Ways)
Video: How To Show Someone You Love Them (10 Ways)


When you love someone you want them to know it. But sometimes it's hard to say 3 hours of love. Sometimes it is easier to show it by action. When you say "I love you / I love you", many people will find it cliché. If you want to show that you are willing to sacrifice your life and yourself for that person, read on!


Method 1 of 3: Verbal

  1. Mailing. If you can't put it into words, try putting all your emotions into one letter. Some people find themselves expressing better in writing rather than speaking directly. Put your heart into letters and emails and let them read them when you are not around.
    • It should include details about why you fell in love with them the first time you met them, how you felt around them, and future prospects for both of you.
    • E-mail works, but hand mail is classic and romantic.

  2. Thank them. Showing your appreciation to your partner now or in the future helps. A brief smile and thank you makes a bit of a flutter, but you should put them down, look them in the eye and say, “I really appreciate what you did for us, it really means. means to you ”. Showing gratitude to the person makes them feel helpful and recognized, which is very important in a relationship.

  3. Praise them for being beautiful / handsome. Everyone wants someone they love to see their own attractiveness. Do not think that they themselves are beautiful, it has to be said by yourself.
    • Try compliments on the clouds like "You are the greatest man in the world". This will make them see themselves special and in your eyes only them.
    • Or tell them simple sincere words like "I can recognize your smile from across the room" or "Your eyes are so beautiful I can watch it all day."

  4. Ask them questions and listen to the answers. This sounds simple enough, but don't underestimate the importance. To be loved, people need to be heard and understood. It's easy to ask how well someone is doing and then ignore the answer. Sit back with your partner and ask him or her to talk about them - honestly, honestly. If they're completely happy - great, let them know you feel the same way. If they are not okay, ask them what you can do or simply listen to them vent.
  5. Ask them for advice. Ask your partner for advice that shows you care about and respect his opinion. It shows you value their facts and understand the importance of making decisions together, especially those that will affect both.
    • If they have a lot of knowledge in a particular field, asking them for their opinion on that field will elevate their ego, and you also benefit economically, for example when buying a car or laptop.
    • Ask them for advice on relatively unimportant things like buying a Playstation or Xbox. They may not be interested, but thank you for taking them into account.
    • For more serious matters, like medical procedures or living arrangements, encourage seeking advice from others. If you don't tell them such big things, they will feel left out and not appreciated.
  6. Can say sorry. Know yourself wrong and admit it. Whether you break your favorite cups or make a dirty speech during an argument, a sincere unconditional apology solves the problem and the person knows you care.
    • Refusing to apologize only stresses the situation and causes resentment. Even if you know you did nothing wrong, put your pride aside and apologize. Your relationship is more worth it.
  7. Write a good song or a romantic poem. What could be more romantic than expressing emotions through poetry and music? Through the lyrics or poem you can express all the sweet and warm emotions, the vague emotions you cannot say directly. Mail an anonymous recording of your song or poem by mail for added romance.
    • If you are not the creator, find romantic quotes from others to send to your lover. Find love poems or letters written by famous writers like Shakespeare, Lord Byron or Emily Dickinson.
    • It is also possible to give them a song instead. Whether it's singing karaoke or requesting radio song, giving music is always romantic.
  8. Say how much you love them. This may sound crazy, but you should say it out loud "I love you / I love you" out loud. Say those words while watching movies, in bed, dancing, at dinner, or talking on the phone. It doesn't matter where and when, as long as you're sincere. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: By action

  1. Small gestures. Sometimes love isn't always epic or exaggerated, it's the little things that confirm the relationship every day. Try doing things like opening the door to your partner, bringing them a morning cup of coffee, or sending them a text saying you think about them all day.
  2. Show affection. A light kiss. A warm hug. Or squeeze hands lightly. Gestures are the perfect way to interact with your partner without even saying a word.
  3. Share. Love has no room for selfishness. If you really care about a person, you will share every last thought, blanket or pizza with them.
  4. Trust them. You've probably heard this before, but love cannot build up without trust. You have to trust that person to make the right decisions even without you around. Whether it's believing what they say when you say nothing happened to your ex or won't burn the dinner you keep in the oven, you should take what they said.
  5. Surprise the person. No matter how you love the person, the relationship can easily become boring if you both hang around the old rhythm of life. Warm up your relationship by doing something impromptu, like sending flowers, making a sudden phone call or planning a romantic trip with just the two of you.
  6. Cook for the person to eat. Whether it's a great breakfast with bacon and eggs or a hearty feast of ethnic dishes, let your crush know you love them with food. The time and effort you put into it is just for your partner, and you'll both have a good time eating together. It is said that the way to reach a man's heart is through the stomach, but when there is a need for sex identification for good food.
  7. Be truth. As mentioned above, trust is the key to a healthy relationship. You should always tell the truth to the person - even if you confess that the person who ate the last cookie forgot to lock the door.
    • There are actually a few exceptions to this rule as well. For questions like "Do you look fat?" or "What do you think about my parents?" are two great examples.
  8. Support them to pursue their dreams. If you truly love someone, you will want them to be the best version possible and chase your dream regardless of the circumstances. Don't pull them down for selfish reasons - this will just make your ex hate you. If they want to practice the violin, endure their deafening practice (or invest in a set of earplugs). If they want to study or work abroad, find ways to smooth the relationship. People say love is compromise, but no one should give up the dream.
  9. Always beside them. To show that you truly love someone, be with them through all ups and downs. Share joy and sadness. Celebrate when they get a promotion or help them overcome the pain of losing a loved one. Beside them are simple moments like drinking together on weekends or as important as making a shoulder for them to cry when down. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: By gift

  1. Give them flowers. This may be a bit clichéd and overkill, but nothing shows you love that person like a bouquet of beautiful flowers, especially the flowers they like. Make sure the bouquet is decorated nicely, attaches a romantic note, or sends it anonymously. You can bring the flowers yourself or through a delivery service to your home or office. Flowers are classic and never outdated gifts.
    • Make sure you send the person flowers they like. Even if you are in the heart, choosing the right flower will add plus points. If you don't know what flower he likes and wants something classic, a rose will never be the wrong choice.

    Allen Wagner, MFT, MA

    Allen Wagner marriage and family therapist is a licensed family and marriage therapist in Los Angeles, California. He received a Master of Psychology degree from Pepperdine University in 2004. He specializes in working with individuals and couples on relationship improvement methods. Along with his wife, Talia Wagner, he is the author of Married Roommates.

    Allen Wagner, MFT, MA
    Marriage and family therapist

    Dig into how people like to listen to love. Family and Marriage therapist Allen Wagner said, “The language of love is so diverse, it's how you prove you love someone. The best way to understand a person's love language is to ask them how they celebrated their success as a child. How do relatives and friends encourage them when they are sad? For example, a person whose parents are not too affectionate or show love in words, but with gifts, the person who grows up also feels more attached to gifts.

  2. Make them a record. Record a record of songs that are reminiscent of a relationship, or just songs you think they'll like. The buffet disc is a great gift that proves you've spent time searching for the music they like. You can casually ask the person about their taste. If you make the right choice and the person likes the songs, then you have heard and understood them on a more intimate level.
  3. Give them a gift from nature. Pick up from somewhere special of nature - your childhood home or a place you go to relax and ponder. Then collect souvenirs from there to give to loved ones. Give them a snail shell, a beautiful pebble, a feather or anything cute little you can find. Tell the person that when you see them, you think of them. Say it's a part of you and want them to keep it close. Your ex will feel special and close to you.
  4. Buy or make gift certificates for romantic activities. Buy or make a gift voucher set yourself for your partner, with which they can "pay" for their romantic activities. These are available online or in gift shops, but it's better to make your own for personalization and creativity.
    • Think of ideas like romantic meal coupons, hundred-kiss tickets, or stimulant massage coupons.
    • Instead it could also be a dishwasher for them, taking the dog for a walk even if it's their turn. It doesn't sound very romantic, but the person will definitely appreciate it.
  5. Frame a photo of the two of you. Frame pictures of you and your partner. Choose which one looks both happy and enjoy the relationship. Show the frame to the person and tell them why you chose the picture, which will bring back memories. Their heart will melt somewhat.
    • Before framing, write the date and notes behind. Then choose a nice frame, wrap it up and tie the ribbon.
    • Make sure it's a photo they like. The person will not want me to appear in the picture with a lethargic look or something entangled with teeth. Put it in beautiful frames.
  6. Give them balloons. If you want to do something fun and cute for your lover, think of a bubble. Bubbles are attention-grabbing and hype, so if you want to emphasize the main idea, this is one way. Making sure the face of your lover sees that will be invaluable.
    • Pick your opponent's favorite color and column with colorful ribbons. As monumental as possible.
    • Remember to choose a baby balloon, that person will be more interested in the non-flying type.
  7. Give the person tickets to see what they like. Give them tickets to see their favorite things like a group or a movie they've always wanted to see, or a sports match. This gift shows that you listen to the person, support them, and will do everything to make them happy.
    • You need to give it away, whether it's something that makes you yawn, like a ball fight or a water puppet show. It is important that the person you love is okay.
    • Make sure they are free at the time of printing on the ticket. Even if your ex appreciates your heart, it will be a pity if they can't go.


  • Do not ignore or neglect your lover. Your ex will think you don't care.
  • Don't be shy or afraid of rejection. Everyone wants to be loved.
  • Words are never enough. Do things like tell others you love, introduce them to friends and family, and make them feel a part of your life. Show your ex that you are proud of being with them and not hiding them.


  • If you've gathered the courage to say a love word, don't be discouraged if the other person hasn't responded. Showing affection can be intimidating, and they need more time.