How to Express yourself beautiful and confident

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Express Yourself | The Key to Self Expression
Video: How to Express Yourself | The Key to Self Expression


Did you know that only about 4% of women 18 to 29 actually consider themselves "pretty" while 60% of women prefer to describe themselves as "average" or "natural"? Unfortunately, this may be partly due to the media and popular culture, leaving women feeling an unrealistic standard of beauty that they are unable to achieve. beauty does not prescribe you, but you can define it for yourself.In fact, many women "feel" beautiful because many factors, such as being loved, taken care of, have many people. best friends, commitment in a relationship, and so much more: Beauty is not your appearance, it is your own person.


Part 1 of 3: Show off your beauty

  1. Smile. There is a saying that says "Smile and the world will laugh at you". That is great advice. This advice is even more amazing when you realize that smiling can actually change brain chemistry - in a beneficial way. Laughing when you're unhappy actually has the potential to make you feel better. Even if you don't want to laugh, give it a try no matter what. Yes, you may have to start with a fake smile, but before you know it, it becomes a smile. You also won't feel hurt laughing. Laughing increases oxygen to the brain, it releases a chemical compound called endorphins. Endorphins are beneficial chemical compounds that make you feel good and comfortable.

  2. Be always fine. Stay as healthy as possible by eating right, getting enough sleep each night, and exercising regularly. But at the same time, don't pressure yourself if you miss a day or two - you are allowed to take breaks. Staying healthy also includes controlling your stress levels. Keeping stress in your life as low as possible will have many healthy results, and you will find yourself in a better mood more often.
    • Take a few minutes a day for yourself, and have some time to yourself.
    • Regularly consider massages, foot treatments, etc., any activity that makes you feel relaxed.
    • Do not use the scale. Sometimes seeing a number on a scale can have a huge emotional effect on us. That number is not really related to our feelings and thoughts about ourselves. Don't let yourself be disappointed.

  3. There is a positive self-assessment. Self-esteem is the mental image you have of yourself. It is directly related to self-esteem and self-confidence. Self-assessment is built over time based on personal life experiences. If your experience is largely positive, you will tend to judge positively, and vice versa. If you have had a negative experience, then it leads to negative self-assessment, you tend to doubt your abilities. Having good self-esteem results in empathy skills and a sense of satisfaction.
    • Sit back and make a list of all of your positive traits and energies. You will be surprised to find yourself so talented, and should feel proud.
    • Don't try to compare yourself to others, whether they're celebrities, friends or family members. You are not them, so there is no need to compare yourself to them. You are yourself and a comparison is not necessary.
    • Learn to love yourself. You are unique and that's great! No matter what you've been through in life, it has been a long and arduous journey, and you have passed it.
  4. Beautiful haircut. Surprisingly, your hair can affect everything you do! If you have a favorite hairstyle, you will easily feel confident and happy. If you don't like your hairstyle, it can be really upsetting and frustrating. Next time you get a haircut, take a few minutes to prepare it in advance to make sure you have the best hairstyle according to your needs and preferences.
    • Ask yourself a list of questions about your hairstyle, then come up with an answer based on your request for the hairstyle:
      • Would you like to tie your hair back?
      • How much time do you have to spend 'styling' your hair every morning?
      • What styling tools do you have (hair dryer, straightener, etc.) and know which one to use?
    • Google hairstyles and look at the pictures. If you see something that fits your expectations, print it out and take it with you. This is very effective if you are trying to dye your hair.It helps you in trying to describe the shades you want with words.
    • Give the hairdresser as much detail as possible before they get started. Explain exactly what you want to do with your hair.
    • When you are cutting your hair or after it is done, ask your hairdresser for some tips on how to style your hair properly. Maybe you can't style exactly as they do, but they'll guide you through a few helpful tips.
  5. Change of wardrobe. If you appear confident, you will feel confident. However that means you have to wear costumes, not let them decide you. When trying to dress comfortably and confidently, you need to make sure you're using colors and styles that match your personality and image. You need to wear clothes that reflect your personal style, not the style of anyone else. Most importantly, you need to feel comfortable in the clothes you wear.
    • Highlighting your 'most attractive', on the contrary focusing on hiding the flaws that you don't like about yourself.
    • Wear something that you will be known for - as a brand. Be it always wearing sparkling earrings, or always wearing colorful shoes. Anything that suits you.
    • If you're not sure where to start, consider making an appointment with the salesperson at your local mall. They can help you sort through a variety of templates and choose the right items for you.
  6. Erect. And temporarily know the slumped gait! Unfortunately this is easier said than done! Correct posture is compatible with well-balanced and well-aligned muscles. Incorrect posture means that the muscles are injured and ached. Correct posture also affects joints and may help prevent arthritis. Along with the physical benefits, the right posture also helps you look confident and ready to take on the world!
    • When standing - keep your shoulders back and relax; Squeeze your stomach; feet hip-width apart; equal body weight distribution on feet; and let your hand naturally follow the human direction. Avoid tilting your head in any direction, or locking your knees.
    • When sitting - make sure your feet can rest comfortably on the ground / floor while knees are hip-width; sit leaning against a chair; place a curled towel or pillow behind the lower back muscles (if the chair does not have lumbar support); head up towards the ceiling, chin pull back slightly; Keep your upper back and neck muscles in a straight line, and relax your shoulders.
    • When you sleep - maintain a position where your back is naturally arched; try to avoid sleeping on your stomach; Hard mattress will be better than soft mattress; and if you are in your angled sleeping position, place a pillow between your knees to keep your upper knee muscles in line with your spine.
    • Use your knees to lift something, not your back. When you are lifting something heavy, keep your back straight and bend your knees. When you stand up, straighten your knees. Do not bend your waist to lift something up.

Part 2 of 3: Demonstrating confidence

  1. Think about what your body language says. Body language can sometimes express more than words. Your body language is mostly determined by your emotions, not what you want to express. However, you can change it by simply paying attention to your posture while talking. There are specific ways to adjust your body to convey confidence, including:
    • No fidgeting. Stand firmly in position, with feet hip-width apart. Stand evenly on both feet, don't move from one leg to the other.
    • Lean back in the chair while sitting. Don't let your lower body sit still. If you want to cross your legs, do it comfortably and not too tight. Put your hands in a free position.
    • Look at a common point or area. Keep your head still. Then, point your head up with your chin in line with the ground / floor.
    • Re-hold your fists in front or behind you when not in use. If you grip your hands tightly, do it gently. However, do not hide the tau in your pocket / pocket and do not hold your hands tightly to create a punch.
    • Don't be hasty. Walk slowly. Speak slowly, not hasty. Confident people are not in a hurry.
    • Stop once in a while - whether you're walking or talking.
    • Be comfortable and don't fidget when a conversation pauses or when everyone is quiet.
    • Become assertive. Smile. Make eye contact with other people. If you are shaking someone's hand, shake hands firmly.
  2. Respect and be kind to others. To truly see your inner beauty, you need to recognize it from yourself AND from everyone. Each individual has one or several great personalities that make them special and unique. When you are with someone, look at them with a new perspective and find out who they really are - from within. By seeing these traits from others, you will begin to notice them from yourself.
    • Use this opportunity to discover certain unique personalities you admire in others, and how you can achieve them on your own. Choose for yourself an image based on these characteristics.
    • Don't be afraid to tell others what you admire about them. Nothing boosts confidence and self-esteem better than praise from people who admire you.
  3. Become assertive. Assertiveness helps you to be sure of what you do need in life. It is not control over others. Becoming assertive involves: knowing how to refuse; confirm opinion; help me; praise someone; and do not bow under pressure. Being an assertive communicator means that you have the ability to express yourself openly and honestly, while still respecting the other person. Showing assertiveness is a great way to boost your self-confidence, and you'll feel good after being able to get what you want without making anyone sad or mad.
    • When speaking assertively with someone, remember: looking at them without staring makes them bend down daring to look at themselves; keep the volume normal, and voice properly; do not use hand gestures to distract; and respect the personal space of others.
    • Convey your feelings into sentences that begin with "I". Sentences that begin with "I" have 4 parts: feelings, actions, reasons, and desires - "I feel xxx when xxx because of xxx. I want to be xxx." For example, "I feel annoyed when You told me to work in the email because it made me feel looked down. I want you to ask me to do my job rather than to order me.
  4. Prepare in advance. Remember that you cannot change the past, and you cannot control the future. However, you can prepare for upcoming events by considering what is under your control and creating a plan of action. When creating plans, avoid a serious approach like trying to analyze all possible outcomes. There is no way you can prepare all of them, so pay attention to only a few possible outcomes. Once you have a modest list of potential results, prioritize them. Should handle the incident with the highest priority first. And don't think you have to be prepared alone. Ask friends and family for help. Share your thoughts with someone, or practice what you plan to say.
    • Preparing in advance can also include saying no. Don't feel compelled to do something because someone asks you. If in reality you cannot fulfill what they asked for, refuse.
    • After the event or situation has happened, reward yourself for doing well on the task.

Part 3 of 3: Believe in yourself

  1. Stop self-criticism. Please appreciate and respect yourself. You don't have to be perfect. It's okay if not everyone loves you. And it's okay if you don't complete all the tasks. Your personal worth is not determined by what you achieve and what you do not. You are valuable and worthy no matter what you do, and do nothing. There is no need to have an "all or nothing" attitude.
    • Change your vocabulary and stop using the word "should".The word "should" refers to perfection, it is not necessary, and can sometimes cause unworthy and unhelpful expectations of others.
    • Replace self-criticism with motivational thoughts. Making a constructive self-criticism can help you make a positive change.
    • There's no need to feel like you need to take responsibility for everything. Not only does it increase your stress levels and overwhelm you, but it also removes the opportunity for others to take responsibility for something (including themselves).
    • If it was under your control, and you made a mistake, admit it. However, if it is beyond your control, there is no need to accept responsibility or feel guilty.
  2. Positive thinking. Being active is important to you, and to the people around you. Young people listen to what the older person says, and if they hear you say negative things about yourself (like my fat ass), they can become self-critical too. Such comments are spoken so we forget we actually said them. Then next time you feel like you're going to make a negative comment, consciously try to replace it with a positive one. You won't be able to change overnight, and there will be days when you feel like you can't think positively, but start small. It is important that you get out when you become negative and do something when it happens.
    • Look at yourself in the mirror at least once a day and make a positive comment.
    • Don't just think positive comments, say them. If you like your new hairstyle, say you like it!
  3. Non-stop learning. See this as an opportunity to challenge yourself. Learn something new every day. Sign up for courses that bring you new and exciting knowledge, like: sketching, painting, cooking, singing, pottery, and more. Either apply to college or university courses in a subject you've always enjoyed, but you didn't have time to study before. Expand your horizons. Encourage a friend to join one of ‘exploration lessons’ with you.
    • Take risks. Don't see every new learning opportunity as having to win or lose, or be perfect. Understand in advance that it's okay to get stuck on something, because you can still feel happy. But if you don't get out of your comfort zone and take a little bit of risk, you probably never know how exciting it will be to learn something new without expectations.
  4. Work toward your definition of success. Success in your life does not depend on other people, it depends on what YOU want. Success doesn't need to be a pre-established “standard” like that America dream. Your success should also be based on workable goals that you have for yourself, on your own wants and needs. Success doesn't necessarily mean perfection either, it can include goals that you can achieve at a certain level instead of perfection. And success is not the end goal either, it is a journey. If you've put in an effort for something (like knitting a scarf) and can't understand it (it looks like a bunch of thread for example), that's fine too! If you've had fun trying it out, that's what matters.
  5. See your mistake as an accumulation of knowledge. No matter what you make an effort to do in life, there will be times when you make mistakes somewhere. Everyone makes mistakes. First of all, making mistakes is not always completely wrong. Some historic mistakes have really changed the world (such as the introduction of teflon polymers, vulcanized rubber, Post-it Notes, Penicillin). Instead of stressing over the fact that you made a mistake, use it as an opportunity to learn. Think about what you could have done differently. The more mistakes you make, the more you learn and become wiser! advertisement


  • If you are a post-secondary student, be aware that many colleges and universities have physical and mental health offices on campus, providing a variety of resources. diversity for students. These resources may include counseling activities, workshops, group meetings, and information books. If you are having trouble displaying beauty and confidence, consider seeking help from a counselor who can help you with your personal problem.