Basic ways to self-study karate

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How You Can Learn Martial Arts At Home By Yourself
Video: How You Can Learn Martial Arts At Home By Yourself


  • Forget your homework. Forget about work. Forget your family, your troubles and everything - imagine it all evaporating before your eyes. When everything is gone, you will find an empty room, and in the middle of the room is a fireball that begins to burn from nothing. This flame of power and energy represents anything you can hope to achieve by learning karate yourself. When the time for meditation is almost finished, that room is completely engulfed in flames.
  • Warm the body. (10 minutes) Start by jogging in place or running around the building for 5 minutes; plus about 5 minutes (or 20 beats per exercise) push-ups, long-range crunches (or short-range crunches), leg lifts and push-ups.
    • Warming is very important to the ability of muscles to work. If you don't loosen your muscles ready for training and stretching, they will work against you and even the basic movements will be difficult to get right.

  • Muscle relaxants. (15 minutes) Stretching all major muscle groups before working out is very important for relaxed and flexible body; Look for the stretching guide if you aren't familiar with stretching exercises. In karate, stretching the leg muscles is essential to prevent injury.
    • Muscle stretching is performed after warm up. Once the muscles have warmed, that's when they most easily absorb the stretching force, and when the stretching is done most safely and effectively.
  • Learn the philosophy behind karate. In the eyes of a person who doesn't know karate, karate seems to show violence. Actually it is at the extreme opposite extreme. At the core of karate is peace, and moreover, peace of mind. In life, conflict is inevitable. When this happens, the conflict needs to be dealt with quickly and with force. As a result, karate learners have a somewhat modest inborn confidence.
    • It is an art form where mind and spirit are just as important as the body. All three must be developed at the same time so that the practitioner can master the sport. While the body has to memorize the movement, the mind has to remember how to remain still.
    • Karate always begins and ends with martial spirit. In karate, there is rarely any point of being selfish. It is believed that you will be rewarded for your chivalry.
  • Part 2 of 3: Learn standing positions, develop balance and strength

    1. Master the basic poses. Yes, you always want to speed up to learn engaging tricks. Unfortunately, kicking, hitting and defending won't work if you're not in the right posture. You wouldn't be a good baseball player if you held the bat the wrong way, right? Of course. Basic technique is really the foundation to create a good karate fighter.
      • There are different schools of karate. You will find different stances depending on what type of karate you are studying. The majority of the karate schools have the following three positions but are slightly modified:
        • Shizentai-dachi is when the front foot is pointing forward, the back foot is open at a 45 degree angle pointing back. The feet are spaced a distance apart as if walking.
        • The front attack (zenkutsu-dachi) is like a natural standing position but the feet are further away and the body weight is mainly on the forelegs.
        • The cat's foot attack (nekoashi-dachi). The position of the foot is like a natural stand, but the body weight is mainly on the hind legs. If you want, you can raise your front heel.

    2. Start with a prepared stance. The stance above is the stance fight. However, at the start of the fight, you must be prepared. You have three basic options:
      • The preparation posture in the Fukyugata series involves placing the heels together and the tip of the foot being opened at a 60 degree angle.
      • The preparatory posture in the Pinan series involves placing feet shoulder-width apart, the table head pointing outward and forming a 45-degree angle.
      • The preparation posture in the Naihanchi series involves placing feet parallel and close together.
    3. Pay attention to your ability to balance. Karate is not exactly something intoxicated people can practice, for one reason is that it requires some balance. very big. This also explains why the stances are so important! They help you keep your body centered, and deliver smooth and powerful attacks.But the power you feel in a standing position cannot disappear when you start kicking!
      • Always think about the center of the body. If your legs are wide open, meaning the body goes down, this gives greater stability and power. But if you lower yourself too low, the agility and speed will be lost. When it comes to balance, you need to find your ideal balance.
      • While balance is important, when you start to defend yourself, you also need to be able to shift it quickly. If you stay in a pose for too long, the opponent can attack you easily. Therefore, the movement between postures is also important.
    4. Focus on power and speed. There are many people who can lift hundreds of pounds but still cannot be good at karate. It is not a matter of whether or not you have a lot of muscle - it matters power and speed.
      • These two factors are closely related. On the long way to your goal, you will develop faster speed and therefore more power. If you use the whole body, the power to focus on the attack will be greater, but you will necessarily use the higher speed. However, do not assume that karate is a martial art that focuses on strength, instead, it focuses on fast and precise movements.

    Part 3 of 3: Learn the movements

    1. Practice attacks and defenses. (15 minutes) There are some important moves you need to learn to strike effectively. Some of the hand blows are straight punch, hook up punches, side punches, oblique punches, index punches and back punches. Practice these moves in sequence and alternate arms.
      • Defense is also important! When you practice defensively, you imagine yourself being attacked. Test a combination of defense and counterattack. Defense, attack, defense, attack etc ...
      • Remember that of the knuckles, the first two joints are the strongest. They can be aligned with the forearm bones (rotating bones and pillars) for increased strength. The most common mistakes are a fist to bend, punch too high or punch with the shoulder.
    2. Practice rock. (15 minutes) Doing 10 free kicks is enough to develop leg strength. Raise your target for maximum strength, but you should practice kicking with constant motion to create smooth movement between movements.
      • There are five basic moves in karate:
      • Stone front. Basically, you imagine your feet swooping forward like you are pulling a towel. In a natural standing position, bring your back foot back, bend your knees, and kick your feet forward, immediately then bring your feet back to the same position.
      • Horizontal stones. Similar to the previous rock ... only sideways.
      • Kick to cross. Raise the kick foot to about the level of the opposite knee, kick and rotate the hips forward. In normal horizontal kicks, the upper body is held straight. For a horizontal kick, the upper body falls almost in line with the kick's foot, exerting strength to push the kick foot up.
        • The person pictured above is performing a cross-kick. See how he dumped people?
      • Kick back. Like kicking through, but you look back and kick in the direction you are looking at.
      • Stone sphere. In a cat-paw pose, swing the kick-foot towards the elbow in the same direction as the kick-leg. Push your hips forward and turn your foot kicker in a "roundabout". Then pull back as quickly as possible.
    3. Start practicing together. (15+ minutes) Find a partner to practice with and use all the techniques to hit them in 15-30 minutes. After learning a few defensive and attacking techniques, practicing together will help you increase the endurance and coordination of attacks, defense when attacked continuously or attacked by many people. public.
    4. Practice all the exercises many times. Focus on one exercise in one session. Once mastered, you can move on to another lesson. It's important to focus on low-level as well as higher-level cards to improve gradually.
      • Remember to practice after studying! After you have learned many techniques, you connect them together and coordinate in a more difficult way as you progress.


    • When fighting / practicing, always make eye contact with the opponent.
    • Practice with confidence with classmates. While practicing martial arts with others, you should focus on the arm and leg blows.
    • Be sure to change into damaged or frayed training clothing. Your safety comes first in all martial arts lessons.
    • Make sure you can control your lower body well.
    • Take pride in your appearance. Always have some new karate training uniforms ready.
    • Always keep calm and gentle when playing, respect your opponents, never underestimate them because they can beat you more easily if you have that mindset.
    • Exercise equipment to learn acrobatics and supplement your karate moves.
    • Repeatedly attack your opponent's weaknesses to make them tired and defeated more easily.
    • Remember that karate is a peaceful, non-violent martial art. Seemingly violent karate moves are primarily self-defense.
    • Practice a lot of all the techniques you have learned so that when fighting for real, you do not need to think, just act.
    • Practice with the mannequin after warming up.


    • Remember that a fellow student is a real person, not a punch. Therefore both people should wear protective clothing and always be cautious.
    • Remember to stretch whole body. A muscle strain or ligament stretches will cause terrible pain!
    • When blocking a punch or kick from a partner, always remember to block with your forearm.