Ways to Give Up Narrowness

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Focus: Methods for Selecting or Narrowing your Topic
Video: Focus: Methods for Selecting or Narrowing your Topic


Narrowness is often rooted in emotional problems. So to give up your narrowness you have to deal with this source of negative emotions, which is also a way for you to have a happier life. In addition, learning how to convey your thoughts and understand others will also help limit the situations that make you narrow. You can change your thoughts, feelings and actions to become a better person.


Method 1 of 3: Understand your emotions

  1. Understand why you are acting selfish. Many people are selfish about others to make themselves more satisfied. However, this method is not really effective if you want to be a good person in the eyes of others. Sure, when you criticize a person, you feel gloomy right then, but then you feel bad about acting like that. Other reasons for being narrow-minded are:
    • Being unable to overcome your negative feelings should vent anger into others.
    • Feeling threatened, use your narrowness to defend yourself.
    • Being jealous of other people's lives and accomplishments should want to hurt them.
    • Direct the individual's feelings of sadness towards others.
    • Try to make yourself special and different from the majority by highlighting the differences between you and them in a selfish way.

  2. Recognize the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is difficult to distinguish between thoughts and feelings, because they are actually related: thoughts affect emotions. On the contrary, emotions influence actions. So if you want to change your actions or words, you have to change your mind first.
    • For example, if you think “this guy is an idiot!”, You will get annoyed when you talk to him and that thought shows in your words and actions. However, if you think that "this person needs to learn more about the topic", you will tend to teach them and how to talk more patiently.
    • Even if you feel you can't control your thoughts or feelings, you still have a choice about how you should act. Every time you say or do something, choose your words and actions accordingly.

  3. Control your emotions before you speak. If you're talking and feel like you're going to behave narrowly, try to delay it for a while before you react. Your reaction will be more positive and no longer narrow-minded if you know how to prioritize the use of reason.
    • If you are upset, angry, hurt, or frustrated, pause, because these emotions interfere with positive communication and increase your risk of getting angry with others.

  4. Keep a "be a good person" journal. Journal about how you interact with people throughout the day. If there are times when you appear narrow, try to remember the person in detail, the reasons you thought you were narrow, what was said and what events led to the situation. If you have a moment of being nice to others, especially in situations where you would have acted narrowly, reward yourself for this "good manners".
    • Gathering a narrow archive of actions is a way for you to identify who, what events and circumstances seem to be the "driving forces" for such behavioral tendencies. Identify the motivating factor as an opportunity for you to improve yourself in similar situations in the future.
  5. Build a sense of humor. Always laughing at people (not laughing) so humor prevails and overcomes the tendency to be selfish. If you are getting impatient and preparing to act selfishly, try to find humor in the situation to have fun together, this is a way to calm the atmosphere and it really causes your body to reproduce. Playful substances for negative emotions or anger.
  6. Get enough sleep at night. You need to get plenty of sleep (at least 7-8 hours) each night to stay healthy. Lack of sleep is a contributor to many health problems, including the inability to control your emotions. Getting enough sleep can help you be more patient and understandable to others, regardless of your mood.
    • If you have chronic trouble sleeping, ask your doctor or pharmacist to advise you on how to help sleep better. Changing your eating habits can also improve your sleep, such as reducing your caffeine and sugar consumption, or changing your daily routine like limiting screen time at night.
  7. Meditate before potentially stressful events or talks. Meditation helps you regulate your emotions, so you can behave more gently. Whenever you feel angry, impatient, and about to get angry, try to take some time to meditate to calm yourself down. Find somewhere quiet and private, do the following:
    • Take a slow, deep breath. Deep breathing can lower your heart rate, thus helping you to calm down. The breath should be deep enough that the abdomen will stretch with each inhalation.
    • Imagine a stream of white-yellow light entering your body as you breathe it, and that light is helping to relax your mind. As you exhale, you visualize a dark light leaving your body.
    • Meditation is a calm way of communicating with others in a kinder way.

Method 2 of 3: Treat others well

  1. Selfishness has an intrinsic origin. People often behave selfishly when they are intimidated, looked down on, or bullied. You will determine if your selfish words or behavior are appropriate when you realize that selfishness is your problem, not someone else's.
  2. Develop empathy. People who are empathetic have always made it a priority to be kind to others. Empathy can take the form of understanding another person's point of view, feeling sad at a difficult situation, and making a connection with their feelings. Regardless of the way you want to manifest it, you must focus on understanding and bonding with the person you are talking to.
  3. Imagine a pattern. Find someone whose words and actions inspire you, and visualize how they say or behave in a particular situation. Then you try to imitate their communication.
  4. Smile at everyone. Laughing seems to make you a kind person. People tend to smile back, or your relationship and they will develop more easily. Laughter is also the spiritual medicine for a happier life. Smiling combined with friendly gestures can actually improve your mood, as your thoughts and feelings often react in proportion to your smile.
  5. Use positive body language. Communication is not just expressed with words. There are times when words are polite, but actions and body language show negative emotions, and the listener can recognize this signal and know you are upset.
    • For more neutral body language you should use the dynamic relaxation method, tense - loosening - is the process of stretching and then relaxing all the muscles in the body. This technique helps to remove stress from your body and mind.
  6. Express your feelings firmly when needed. Instead of expressing your emotions passively (angry but not saying anything) or aggressive (outbursting excessively with the situation), communicate assertively. To do this, you take advantage of the events of the case (not to distort your emotions) to politely convey your wishes (not the requirement) to others. Communicates clearly and effectively expresses emotions that meet the needs of both parties.
    • For example, if you have a tendency to scream when your spouse does not fold clothes after washing, then instead make it clear that you want to. You could say “I really like you to help me wash clothes, but I get annoyed when you keep piling up all the way in the closet without tidying up. I look so messy every time I have to wear wrinkled clothes, I want you to fold clothes next time before putting them in the closet, otherwise you just let me do it all ”.

Method 3 of 3: Improve general mood

  1. Do things you like. Taking care of yourself by participating in activities you enjoy can help you get in a good mood to be kinder to others, and forget the bad things. If you control your mood, you can make wise (not based on emotions) decisions about how to communicate with others.
  2. Spend time alone. If you are an introvert, you sometimes need time alone, as a way to relax you in a good mood. This is especially beneficial if the target groups of your narrow-minded behavior are loved ones; You will know how to behave properly after staying away from them for a while.
  3. Read books or watch your favorite TV show. Research shows that indirect experience through others (which happens when reading a book or watching a favorite TV show) can create a feeling of happiness in viewers. People also experience emotional excitement or suspense when going through fictional characters through the course of the film. Expressing your emotions in such a controlled environment helps you to control emotions in real life.
  4. Do exercise. Exercise has a strong relationship with mood. With moderate intensity exercise, your mood will generally be more stable. This makes life happier and positively affects your way of dealing with others.
    • Yoga. Yoga requires the practitioner to be physically and mentally active, so it has the same benefits as exercise and meditation. If you cannot go to the yoga studio, you should download a yoga video or application to your mobile phone to practice yourself.
    • Whenever your mind is in trouble, you can dance to both improve your health and activate the excitement control center of your brain.
    • Daily exercise is a comprehensive way to restore energy, help you behave alert and be patient with others, avoid agitation.
  5. Healthy eating. Hunger can also cause you to get angry easily with others, so you should eat more whole foods to stay healthy and be in a happier mood.
    • The diet should include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein. Foods high in healthy fats also keep you full for longer.
    • Avoid overprocessed and lean foods. They lack essential nutrients that keep you from feeling full.
    • Anti-inflammatory foods and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids are especially beneficial for the mood.Some of the foods in this group are leafy vegetables, avocados, asparagus, walnuts, dark chocolate and green tea.
  6. Socialize with friends. There are times when you put your frustration on others because you feel isolated. Spend more time with your friends to improve your mood if you feel separated from the world around you. For example, arrive early or leave late at lunch time to chat, to dinner, or to have a beer with a group of friends. If your budget does not allow you to go to the restaurant, you can walk with them in the park, sit on the bench or talk on a swing.
    • If you can't meet in person, talking on the phone (with a funny friend) is also a great way to improve your mood.


  • Avoid judging others. Judgment is what causes unpleasant thoughts about others, and thoughts can manifest through your interactions with them.
  • Whatever you do, don't be intimidated.
  • If you are confronted with someone with a narrow manner, stand up for yourself without being rude. You should talk with them respectfully.
  • Sincerely. Don't show yourself as a kind person just to achieve your goals. If you do this to be treated more favorably, then that goal goes against your good behavior - it's deceit and cliché, actually what we want is when we look back on life. experience, you find yourself living well no matter what.
  • Hard to listen. Always listen to what others are saying to you.
  • Always tell yourself that you are a good person so your mind will gradually accept it, followed by changing your behavior to fit these new standards. Your behavior is significantly influenced by the way you think that you are a "good person" instead of a "bad person". If you are a good person, your reaction will be more optimistic.
  • Be courteous, patient, observant, tolerant, and optimistic. Not pessimistic or harsh. Always look for the positive points in all situations.
  • Like all habits, narrow-mindedness is also very difficult to fix. However, if you persist, you will change this negative defense habit.
  • Before doing anything you should ask yourself: "Did this thought / action / remark make the world a better place, whether for me or anyone? If not, then let it go. Avoid the consequences that might come in. There is no point in trying to make yourself or others unhappy.
  • Think carefully what you want to say. Do not say what you just thought immediately because it does not help your situation.
  • Be helpful and be kind, but show your attitude when needed.