How to Use Snapchat with a Girl

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO SNAPCHAT A GIRL | #1 Way to Get a Girl on Snapchat
Video: HOW TO SNAPCHAT A GIRL | #1 Way to Get a Girl on Snapchat


It can be overwhelming to send the snap (photo / video) to a girl as well as when you talk to her face to face. The first step in creating that relationship is to add friends on Snapchat and start sending her some regular photos / videos. After you communicate more often, you can start a conversation about common interests, comments, etc. Use features like filters to increase the variety, humor, and creativity of your photo / video messages.


Part 1 of 3: Create a relationship

  1. Make friends with her on Snapchat. Open the Snapchat app and select the ghost icon in the top corner of the screen. In the resulting menu, select “Add Friends”. You will then be able to add her using her username, phone book contact (you'll need her phone number), or a special Snapchat code.
    • If you don't know her username, phone number, or Snapchat code, you can always add a friend by finding her in a mutual friend's friends list.
    • Avoid following her on multiple social media platforms, such as Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram on the same day. Doing so would be considered too overwhelming.

  2. Send her some normal photo / video messages after a few days of adding friends. Wait a few days before sending her your first photo / video. Contacting her right away will seem a bit reckless. Then, text her once in a while about things like a dog eating snow, street performers, your pile of math homework.
    • When you send her regular pictures / videos, she will expect news from you. This will naturally develop a relationship with more messages in the future.

  3. Increase the frequency of your texting. As you get to know her better through regular video / photo messages, you will begin to communicate more frequently. Sending too many texts too soon could be boring for her, though, if she kept responding, she probably wanted to continue talking.
  4. Tailor your responses to the situation for a natural conversation. If she answers you, let the conversation go as if you were chatting face to face. Ask questions about what she said to show that you are listening.
    • Use picture / video messages to help her figure out what you like, what you do, and what you value.

  5. Avoid negative and exaggerated words. Phrases like "hey, how's it going", "what are you doing", "what's wrong" won't attract her attention and she won't read it. Wrong and overly silly comments can also make her ignore your messages.
    • Instead of saying "hey, how's it going", try sending her a picture of a cowboy hat with the text, "hello."
    • Aim for a friendly, enjoyable, and fun voice. For example, you could write, "They will never catch me" with a picture of a policeman driving past.

Part 2 of 3: Continuing the conversation

  1. Connect common ground. It will be easier to chat about your mutual interests. Think about her interests, the clubs she joins, and her goals. Any of these could be a cool topic to chat with on Snapchat. Here are some general areas for you to explore:
    • Art
    • Book
    • Music
    • Schools
    • TV show
    • Sport
  2. Tell a story with a picture / video message. Here's how she takes care of your text. For example, if there is a lot of noise and pushing behind you, you can pretend you're running away from the crowd. Use pictures / videos of an empty office with a witty text (“a busy day at work”) to increase her excitement.
    • Show her how things changed during the day. For example, you can take photos / videos early in the morning while you're at work, at a hustle lunch, and before you leave the company to show how busy you are.
  3. Comment on her Snapchat stories. When you start sending out your first photo / video message, you should only comment once in a while. As you start to communicate more, increase the level of comments. You don't have to be funny or weird when commenting. For example, in your story about her playing with a dog, you could say, "It's the cutest dog I've ever seen."
    • Comments are great for asking casual questions. If you notice that she watched a concert, you might ask, "Whose concert did you see?" She will usually answer, and you can start chatting about music.
  4. Create an opportunity to chat. Send her a picture / video message every time your favorite song plays on the radio. This way, when she listens to the song, she will send you a message and you will have a better chance of talking. Here are some picture / video messages that help create chat opportunities:
    • Cute animals
    • General hobbies (such as cars, books, and food)
    • Familiar locations (such as classrooms and buildings)
    • Acquaintances (such as mutual friends)
  5. Ignore the ignored messages. Typically, people are less responsive to photo / video messages than text messages or phone calls. Therefore, multiple picture / video messages will not be viewed. If your Snapchat messages are ignored, don't take it as your fault. When you're busy, you also won't want to have to reply to photo / video messages. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Using features and respect for boundaries

  1. Use filters to create animated and artistic effects. You can use many of Snapchat's image and audio filters to customize your photo / video messages. For example, you can apply a rabbit filter to your photo with the message, “I'm hungry. How about you?" to create an extremely cute effect.
    • You can also find filters by selecting the camera mode, touch and hold your face, and swipe left.
    • Snapchat regularly introduces new filters. Experience the different filters available to find your favorites.
  2. Use the streak feature (a string that counts how many days in a row the two of them sent each other's snap). By sending photo / video messages every day, you will create a longer counting sequence. This is an automatic feature.Like most Snapchat users, she will probably turn on series counting. This will give you more opportunities to chat with her.
    • By building in how often you send picture / video messages gradually, you can subtly get the sequence count feature started.
  3. Respect boundaries. Since Snapchat sends videos, the boundary is sometimes crossed. Some people may think that it is not a big deal to walk without a shirt, but for others this is rude. Sending inappropriate messages on Snapchat could cause your account to be revoked.
    • While this will be different for some, it's generally not good to share private images / videos on your Snapchat stories.
  4. Add links to your images / videos. When adjusting the photo / video, you will see a paperclip icon on the right side of the screen. Tapping on this icon will allow you to add a link. Use the link to add emojis, websites, Rick Astley, and more.
    • Linking is perfect if you just sent her an image of something she would want to buy. For example, you could include a link so she can buy the shoes you texted her on.
  5. Surprise her with a dumb voice. Voice filter can make you have high and cute voice, voice deep and hard like robot, etc. Find these filters by tapping the speaker icon in the lower left corner of the screen. advertisement