Ways to Seduce a Man

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you want to seduce a man, confidence is key. Get his attention by yourself, prepare the necessary conditions, then slowly move on to physical contact.


Part 1 of 3: Win Your Care

  1. Be confident. Men are attracted to confidence. In fact, many men find confidence much more captivating than physical beauty. Try to be more assertive about your interests, goals, and opinions. It will show off male charm.
    • It is important that you feel confident and charismatic when you are trying to win his interest. In other words, don't try to be someone other than you. Be yourself and be honest about your interests and passions.
    • This also helps with online dating. While a cute profile picture can cause a man to click through to your page, he won't text you if you don't have specific information in the "About Me" section. Let your personality show in online dating.

  2. Nice dress. When they first meet someone, most people visualize them. If you're trying to seduce a man, be sure to wear clothes that flatter your charm to get his attention.
    • Remember, confidence is key. If you don't feel sexy, you shouldn't show up like that in front of a man. If you are more comfortable wearing jeans and a T-shirt than skirts, choose flattering and sexy casual clothes rather than trying to force yourself to wear prom dresses.
    • If you are not sure what fashion to wear, try asking a store time consultant to help you choose the right outfit for your physique and body frame.

  3. Eye contact. When trying to get a man's attention, eye contact is very important. Men often judge sexual attraction and romance based on a woman's eyes and facial expression. Some studies suggest that it is because women are less likely to show concern through their bodies. Maintaining eye contact throughout the evening can show your interest in him.

  4. Use body language. Don't be afraid to use your body to seduce him. This will suggest to the guy that he finds him sexually attractive.
    • Sit up straight and do not lower your chin. This posture will help you appear confident in your body.
    • Don't be afraid to lightly touch him. Touch his arm or shoulder. Put your hand on his knee. Pulling his hair.
  5. Flirting. You should always find ways to flirt the first time you meet him. A few flirting actions can go a step further in winning his interest.
    • If you're at a bar, offer him a drink. Be polite to the bartender and respectful of any friends with him. Try to get your attention by being sexy, but still being yourself. Use your own unique sense of humor and perspective to impress him.
    • Find activities you can do together. Challenge him to a pool game or quiz and take the opportunity to talk to him and learn more about him.
  6. Be truth. Men often like to be frank about libido. If you are interested in having physical contact with a guy, show it in the introductory conversation. Timidly suggest that he can come to you. Ask him charming questions about his body. Men often react very affectionately to such straightforward suggestions, so don't hesitate to express what you want.

Part 2 of 3: Creating appropriate conditions

  1. Try to play a game together. When you're trying to make a guy happy after your first introduction, try playing a game with him. Go to a tennis court and play a round, card or board. Try out competitive video games. Competition can increase testosterone levels in both men and women, leading to higher sexual attraction.
  2. Use pomegranates. Pomegranate has been shown in several studies to increase libido in men. If you want to seduce a man, try offering him a pomegranate cocktail. If he doesn't drink, offer him a glass of pomegranate juice as a soft drink.
  3. Haircuts. If you're trying to create a romantic or sexy ambience, pay attention to the hairstyle. Men often won't immediately notice that you've changed your hairstyle, but they'll notice that you look more attractive. And this will attract him more.
    • Should pay attention to outfits, choose the ant outfits you feel comfortable with rather than dress up to his liking. Even if a guy says he likes long, layered hair, if you find yourself most attractive with short bob hairstyles it shows how you adjust to your new style.
    • Talk to a hair stylist about the style and color that will appeal to you most.
  4. Share great things. Talk to each other about the great things about sex. Those things are not necessarily what you want to adopt, but just sharing your secret desires can boost both parties' libido.
    • Talk about scenes from a movie or TV show that you enjoyed. You can even try watching some such movies together to make the two of you happier.
    • Try playing a fun game like "I've never been" but with the captivating version. In this game, the two will take turns saying something captivating that they have never done but are always curious. This could be the beginning of physical contact afterward.

Part 3 of 3: Body contact

  1. Try a massage. If you are unsure how to initiate physical contact, try suggesting a massage for him. Massaging the scalp, back, shoulders, or feet can make him happy. It also sends the message that you're ready for more physical contact.
  2. Make fun of your sexually sensitive areas. Men often have sexually sensitive areas in many parts of the body. These are the areas where sexual reactions will occur to touch, kiss or lick, etc.
    • In both men and women, the earlobes and neck are areas of the body that can react sexually to touching, licking, kissing, biting, and other arousal. Try to focus on these areas when you start playing.
    • The forearm is also a highly arousal area in men. Try to massage your earlobes and see if he feels comfortable.
  3. Wear underwear. Men often respond positively to visual stimuli. Wear underwear. It will help him feel happy.
    • Again, choose clothes that make you feel confident. If you don't feel sexy, don't wear it.
    • If you feel uncomfortable shopping for underwear on your own, go with a friend. You can also buy underwear online, but the downside is that you can't try it on first. If you buy something online, make sure it is exchangeable.
    • Lots of lingerie stores have a lot of enthusiastic staff trained to help people choose. It may feel awkward, but asking a staff for help is a great way to make sure you pick something glamorous that makes you feel confident.
  4. Confident about sex. Women will sometimes feel they should be shy about sex so as not to make men afraid. However, many men find it interesting to have a girlfriend or wife taking the initiative in sex. Don't be afraid to be in control in that situation. Helpful? Start with seductive physical contact. Try to get him to follow you. Lots of men find sex more attractive and interested in women who demonstrate their confidence in sex.


  • When you first make physical contact with someone, make sure to stop and ask if it's okay for you to do so. You need to make sure he feels comfortable and ready to play.
  • Always have safe sex using a condom. It will help you avoid sexually transmitted diseases.