Ways to Forget Sorrow

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Watch this to deal with your pains | Gaur Gopal Das
Video: Watch this to deal with your pains | Gaur Gopal Das


Almost anyone wants to be carefree and enjoy everyday life. The problem here is that we all have troubling concerns. Negative thoughts and feelings can affect our moods. Fortunately, you can forget your worries and make yourself happy in many ways. Like the lyrics of Judy Garland's lyrics, "Forget your sorrow, have fun! Putting aside all concerns. ”


Method 1 of 3: Change perspective

  1. Leaving the city. You should leave home for a few days. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to go to beautiful places. Sometimes a change of place can make you stop thinking and forget your worries.
    • Going to visit friends in the neighboring province.
    • Go home to visit relatives.
    • Go online to find new places according to local advice.

  2. Go through the door. We all experience this situation: You realize that you need to call the credit card, then quickly go to the kitchen to pick up your phone. Suddenly, when you go to the kitchen you don't remember why you're here. Research has shown that just by walking into another room, we tend to forget everything in our heads.So you can use this to temporarily forget your current problems.
    • When you have a negative thought, just get up and move to another room.
    • Repeat this action every time you have a bad thought.

  3. Get rid of your thoughts. If you want to forget something, you can force yourself by "forgetting the initiative." Much like remembering something, studies have shown that you can practice forgetting.
    • Every time a bad thought arises, you need to let it go.
    • You can say “No. I won't think about it anymore. ”
    • Repeat this process several times. Just like when you remember something, forgetting takes practice and time.
    • You will start to forget details of your memory. Eventually everything will fade with time.

  4. Force yourself to feel bored. Repeat the negative thoughts over and over to get them bored. Distract the effects of bad thoughts by making them habitual. Isolate annoying thoughts and repeat them over and over again.
    • For example, if you're worried about your way of doing things, you could say, “I'm going to get fired. I'll be fired, I'll be fired. ”
    • When you repeat it often, you will find this thought strange, silly, and funny.
    • Over time, this thought will no longer bother you.
  5. Pay attention to gratitude. Thinking about the things you are grateful for can help you forget your troubles. Forming gratitude helps you move from being anxious to a positive attitude toward the world around you.
    • Whenever you have a problem, stop and write down five things for which you are grateful.
    • You may be grateful for family, health, housing, good memories, or good opportunities.

Method 2 of 3: Travel in mind

  1. Immerse yourself in the fantasy world. Reading or watching a movie is a great way to let go of your troubles. You can choose interesting stories in your favorite genre.
    • Choose a book (or movie) whose content isn't too complicated. Then you will easily immerse yourself in the fantasy scene.
    • Teen novels are often the ideal choice for the following reasons: (1) they are easy to read, (2) most are serialized, and (3) some are available in book form. and movie.
    • Try reading Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, or Twilight.
  2. Go to "happy place."You can temporarily get rid of all your troubles by taking your adventurous mind to a" happy place. " This could be where you went, or not. Going to a happy place in a few minutes also improves your mood and forgets distractions.
    • Close eyes.
    • Muscle relaxation.
    • Take your mind to a fun place.
    • Visualize as much detail as possible: What sound did you hear? What do you see? What taste do they taste? What is the feeling in contact with space?
    • Spend a few minutes enjoying that ideal location.
    • Repeat this every time you want to let go of your troubles.
  3. Listening to music. Music has a great influence on people's emotions. Sad music can make you unhappy, vibrant music can help dispel negative emotions. You can get rid of your troubles by listening to cheerful music, turning on the volume, and / or singing along.
    • You can dispel stress by dancing to the music!
  4. Call your friends. If you want to forget something, you can pick up the phone and make a call. Focus on conversation with the other person. Ask questions and pay attention to the answers. Talking with your friends can improve your mood, as well as lose your attention to irritating issues.
    • Ask about work.
    • Ask about new things in life.
    • Have them describe their interesting recent experience.
  5. Think about the good things. Replace negative thoughts with good things. Think as much positively as possible to keep the negative thoughts out of your head. Start with the thought of praising yourself (even the tiniest things). Continue to praise the things you enjoy in life.
    • For example you might think, "I have beautiful hair," "I've never been sick," or "I'm good at basketball."
    • For example you might think, "I live in a beautiful city," "My parents are still alive," or "I'm never hungry."
  6. Practice mindfulness. Depression arises when we think too much about the future or the past. You need to bring your mind back to reality by practicing mindfulness. Choose something as simple as folding clothes or making tea, and spend five minutes doing it without thinking about anything else. Try to note as many details as possible. After five minutes, you will no longer feel sad about the future or the past. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Distract your body

  1. Physical activity. Physical activity has been shown to be helpful in alleviating depression and improving mood. Exercise helps you focus and control your life, releasing endorphins that promote positive emotions.
    • Dance. Join a dance club or dance at home.
    • Cycling. You can rent bicycles in many places.
    • Play tennis with your friends, or play against the wall yourself.
    • Take a yoga class.
  2. Walk. Aerobic exercise has been shown to help dispel stress and improve mood. Walking is a great way to let go of your troubles. In fact, one study has estimated that a 30-minute walk can act as a mild sedative.
  3. Laugh. Sincere laughter is responsible for the production of beta-endorphins in the brain. You can dispel your troubles with laughter!
    • Going to see comedy.
    • Watch a comedy movie.
    • Recall a happy memory with your friends.
  4. Go to bed. One of the best ways to let go of your anxiety is to go to bed. You can't think about unpleasant things while you are in a dream! What's more, studies show that people who go to bed early tend to think less often.
    • Sleep for 8 hours a night.
    • If you get a little sleep, you can get six hours of sleep each night.
  5. Hug. Body contact is considered to have beneficial effects on mental health. Acting close to a loved one produces oxytocin (the binding hormone). This helps us feel more secure and lowers our cortisol (a stress hormone). advertisement


  • Always remember that there is more to life than something lost. Always think positively. Everything that happens makes you stronger.
  • If you are financially constrained, you do not need to travel for a long time, you should only go to a local resort or cheap price for about a week. Do not overspend.
  • Do not take drugs or drink alcohol. They only work temporarily and then you will feel worse.
  • Seek professional help if you feel you can't handle it on your own.
  • If you have a problem with your partner, talk to it or forget it.


  • Do not use drugs to relieve stress as they can have serious long-term health effects.