How to Forget Memory Deliberately

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Can You Erase Bad Memories?
Video: Can You Erase Bad Memories?


Some memories can be so painful that you just want to forget them. While you won't be able to completely erase your memory from your mind, there are many strategies you can use to make it less obvious. You can also take a few actions to change the emotion your memory brings you and to replace it with a new happy memory. Remember that you cannot forget a memory, so you may need to see a therapist if an unpleasant experience is affecting your life.


Method 1 of 2: Forget Memory

  1. Determine what you want to forget. Before you can forget a memory, you need to think about it in detail. This can be difficult, but it is absolutely essential. Write down answers to the following questions to learn more about the memory:
    • what happened?
    • related to whom?
    • When and where does it happen?
    • What else happened?
    • How did you feel?

  2. Think about something in your memory that annoys you the most. The next step is to identify the saddest part of your memory. Getting to know the things that annoy you the most will help you see what you need to forget. Write these specifics down on paper so you can begin the process of forgetting them.
    • Remember that you cannot forget the existence of your ex, but you can forget about specific dates, events, or memories. For example, you might forget the scent of his perfume, his first date, or something he told you about.
    • If you find that you are immersed in a traumatic experience, you can make a list of people who bothered you, specific places that grieved you, and other sensory-related details such as smell incense in the dining room, personal locker room, or the gym.

  3. Erase memory with the ritual of liberation. You can use the details you have identified to perform the ritual of liberation. Liberation rituals are spiritual exercises that can help you forget your memories. To perform this ritual, all you need to do is turn your memory into a mental photograph and imagine that you are burning it.
    • In your mind, think about the part of the memory you want to forget. Try to visualize it as a picture. Then, imagine that you are burning that photo. Imagine that the edges of the photo are turning brown and curled up, then turning black and melting into smoke. Imagine that the fire is burning your mental image until it is completely gone.
    • You can also use another image to replace your real memory. For example, you can picture your bully like a Honda Civic sinking into a lake or like a cargo car slammed slowly into a wall.

  4. Remove "trigger agent". Some specific objects or pictures can trigger your painful memory and make it hard to forget. If you have any objects or images that trigger your bad memories, you should either hide them or get rid of them altogether.
    • For example, remove anything that reminds you of your ex, including photos and gifts that he or she gave you.
  5. Consider hypnosis. You may also find that hypnosis helps you forget unwanted memories. Hypnosis requires you to enter a state of relaxation so that you become more open to suggestions. You can look for a hypnotherapist in your area if this is something you want to try.
    • Remember, not everyone can be hypnotized, so it probably won't work for you. For those who can be hypnotized, there's a chance that the effect will last only for a short period of time.

Method 2 of 2: Replace Memory

  1. Think about bad memories while doing good things. One way to overcome bad feelings associated with a memory is to teach yourself how to associate unhappy memories with good things. Your goal is to make these memories less painful through positive association.
    • Do something that makes you happy while thinking about bad memories. For example, you can look back at the shame you felt when you broke up with your partner while listening to some kind of soothing music. Or, you can comfortably soak in the tub with a few scented candles while thinking about the time when you lost your job.
    • If positive bonding doesn't help, you can try listening to white noise to drown painful memories.Listen to the sound of a radio that has been switched to static mode, or another type of white noise generator, while contemplating your painful memories.
  2. Create new memories. Another great way to get rid of old memories is to step outside of society and form some new memories. Even if you don't do things related to memories you want to forget, forming new memories will help you get rid of things you want to forget. Some things you can take to create new memories include:
    • pursue a new hobby
    • read a new book
    • watch a movie
    • Find a new job
    • make a new friend
  3. Find ways to improve bad memory. You can replace a memory that you want to forget by building a new memory similar to your old memory. Find ways to experience positive things like memories that you want to forget. After a while, both of your mental memories will begin to intersect and your original memories won't be as strong as before.
    • For example, if you want to forget about the trip to Hoi An that you already have, you can go to Hoi An again or go somewhere near Hoi An. You can visit Da Nang, Hue, etc. During the trip, buy some new T-shirts, take new pictures at sea, and try out many new restaurants.
    • If you can't forget the scent of your ex's perfume, go to the perfume counter at the mall or supermarket. Smell each of the fragrances for men, filling your mind with new scents and different scents.
    • Dating. If the memory of your ex is upsetting you, dating someone else can help you move forward and create good memories.
  4. Consider talking to a therapist. If you can't forget or overcome your negative emotions because of a bad memory, it might be a good idea to see a therapist. A therapist can help you deal with emotions related to your memories so that you can move forward with your life. advertisement


  • Listening to the audio book and focusing on the story can help. Try listening to a story that's light, but interesting enough, to distract yourself.
  • Please be patient. Each method takes time and needs to be done over and over again to be successful. Don't be discouraged by the failure but keep trying. Get help if you need it.