How to respond to birthday greetings

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top 10 Ways to say Thank you |Best Thank you Replies for birthday wishes|Thankyou reply in English
Video: Top 10 Ways to say Thank you |Best Thank you Replies for birthday wishes|Thankyou reply in English


Today is your birthday! It's great to see that my friends care about you, but how to respond appropriately to their wishes? When you meet someone in person, you can say "Thank you!". If the compliments are sent via social media or by hand, the courtesy might be a little different, but it's also very easy to do.


Method 1 of 3: On social networks

  1. Post a message of thanks. If you regularly use social media, you may receive birthday greetings from acquaintances, old friends, and people you cannot remember. Not even your friends expect to receive a personalized response from you. The most common response is to post a general thank you message on the wall, which won't offend anyone. Here are some examples:
    • Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! Today I am very happy!
    • Person. One birthday. Too many good wishes. :)
    • TODAY IS MY BIRTH, so I am entitled to write flowers. Thank you everyone for the best wishes!
    • Refer to the examples in these few articles for more ideas.

  2. Upload a photo (optional). If you want to thank people more clearly, take a picture of you smiling and wearing your birthday hat next to a cake, or another birthday icon. Upload photos with thanks to everyone. This shows that you've worked hard to have a special thank you, but is still very easy to do.

  3. Respond enthusiastic wishes. If someone posts a long and sincere congratulation to you, reply to them directly. You can answer them with a message that is at least 3 sentences long. Respond directly to the comments section or use a private message. You don't have to reply with a new post on their wall.
    • Older relatives, people who are not computer savvy, and non-social media users will often expect you to respond more personally.
    • You can take this opportunity to re-bond with long-distance friends, even if they just post a brief message to celebrate your birthday.

  4. Respond briefly to other posts (optional). As mentioned above, you do not need to answer one by one. However, if you have time, you can press "like" each greeting one by one, or reply to all wishes with a brief thank you, eg "Thank you for remembering me!" or "Thank you very much!" advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Direct response

  1. Thanks a person directly. When possible, thank someone in person after they've given a gift or congratulate you with great enthusiasm. Always be wholehearted, smile, and make eye contact when thanking each person or group of friends. Here are some ideas:
    • Your card is very meaningful to me. It makes me feel much happier.
    • It's a great birthday gift! You understand me too.
    • See the examples in this article for more ideas.
  2. Send a postcard or hand letter. Relatives or older friends will often enjoy receiving a thank you card. Always include a handwritten message. A short thank you is enough, but add a sincere message for those who are too kind and overly generous.
    • See the examples section if you need more ideas to write about.
  3. Specific presentation. Make your friends feel special for the good things you have for your birthday and your life. Mention a special gift or card they gave you. Tell them how you will use the gift, or you will "always love it".
  4. Say what your friends want to hear. Don't criticize a friend's gift, say something embarrassing, or do anything that makes them feel offended. If you don't like a gift, find something about it that you like, or thank a friend for taking the time to choose (or make) a meaningful gift. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Example

  1. Praise. Let the people who congratulate you know how wonderful they are and that you appreciate them. You can use specific compliments that are relevant to your friends, or use the following examples:
    • Thank you so much for congratulating me!
    • Thank you, you are a wonderful part of my life.
    • I am very lucky to have a group of friends like you.
    • Be proud of being my great friends over the years.
  2. Tell everyone that their wishes are meaningful. Let your friends know how much you appreciate for the positive things they bring. Here are some examples:
    • Your wishes make me happy all day.
    • Nice to have you congratulate. You make your birthday so special.
  3. Post a special content. If you have to post a general thank you on social media, sometimes you will want to make it a little different. Try one of these ideas:
    • Say something like: "It's great to have so many friends giving me birthday greetings. Each person will enjoy 1/207 birthday cake. "
    • Say "thank you" in different languages. Try it Salamat!, Foole tunk!, or choose your preferred language by searching online.
    • Link to a video. There are lots of "thank you" videos available online, or you can find a short clip from your favorite movie, band, or some cute animal.
  4. Thank you solemnly and meaningfully. At times, it would be wonderful to show your sincere and deep gratitude for everyone's kindness and support throughout the year. You can use the following examples to match the major events of your life for greater efficiency:
    • I feel blessed every day, but blessings come most on the day my friends send me countless good wishes. Thank you everyone for reminding me of the most important thing for this year's birthday. "
    • This year has been tough, but the support of friends and family has made a lot of difference. This sincere thanks goes to all those who have helped me stand up and face my new age with a smile.


  • You can respond to phone messages in a way that applies to social networks. Answer long and affectionate wishes, and dedicate the social media post to the rest. (One message sent to many people is fine, but you should be sure about the amount of the message is due to the carrier.)