How to get emotional texting when a guy is angry with you

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Texts To Make Him Miss You | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs
Video: 3 Texts To Make Him Miss You | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs


You think a guy - maybe a friend, lover, or a guy you like - doesn't like you anymore. Maybe he ignores or refuses to hang out with you, so what should you do? If you can't talk in person, try to get him back by sending a text. Read on to learn how to apply effective strategies; But before you get started, you need to make sure you really want to heal the relationship.


Part 1 of 3: Understanding the Problem

  1. Think about what happened. Maybe he doesn't talk or hang out with you anymore because he's angry at something you've done or he has new friends and is busy with other things.
    • If the guy changes his behavior around you because he's no longer interested in being your friend (your lover or anyone), you probably can't change that. In these cases, the problem is with him, not with you.
    • If you think he might be angry, find out why. People get angry when you do something that affects them badly. Therefore, the first step in reconciliation is to find out what you did to make them angry.
    • Remember that sometimes small actions or decisions have a big impact on others, so you'll need to think about what you've been doing recently and determine which action has a picture. negatively affect him.
    • Once you know what you've done to upset him, you can begin to ease the situation.

  2. Sympathize with his thoughts. The key to making someone forget their anger or frustration is to show that you understand their point of view and recognize your mistake.
    • Put yourself in his shoes and imagine whatever is causing him to be upset. Please sympathize with those feelings and approach him with empathy.
    • For example, you came to pick him up late because of the traffic jam and you left your phone at home half the way. This is not a big deal for you. However, he had to stand on the curb waiting for you 45 minutes when it was dark and cold, he even reminded you three times about your scheduled time and you promised to be on time.

  3. Empathetic. Once you understand the cause, understand when he is angry.
    • If you are late to pick him up, besides thinking through his point of view, you also need to figure out how he feels. For example, perhaps he assumed you weren't prioritizing him, disregarding the annoyance or whether he was busy with anything else, and you broke your promise. Think about how you will feel when you encounter these things, and then sympathize with him.

Part 2 of 3: Sorry

  1. Sorry. Say sorry early and often; admit that you are wrong (if so) and take responsibility.
    • Admit that you know you were wrong and that you won't repeat it (whatever). Don't do it again.
    • Don't make a careless apology like "I'm sorry for making you so upset". Saying that puts the blame on him and it doesn't seem like you're apologizing for your actions, you just hope that he won't be angry.
    • If he responds with a text that expresses his anger - even if it is justified - apologize again. Continue to apologize if he reacts more angrily. Just say something like, “I'm sorry. You're wrong".
  2. Show that you understand your actions influence him. Just apologizing or trying to explain that you meant it well won't work.
    • If apologizing isn't enough, you need to show that you recognize the negative effects of your actions on him and that you truly regret.
    • If he feels that you truly understand your actions were the cause of his anger, he will feel understood and forgive you gradually.
    • Even if you think his feelings or reactions don't have a good reason, apologize. If you want to get your feelings back, show that you understand how he feels.
  3. Avoid making the situation more stressful. Even if you're sorry, it won't be enough to make him fall in love with you again if you then start to say things that cause the tension to escalate.
    • For example, don't say anything to suggest that he was overreacting or overreacting. This will make him feel like you don't feel guilty and don't really understand - he'll get angry again.
    • Don't repeat anything he did that annoyed you in the past. Retaliation or criticism will not alleviate the situation. That will only make the problem persistent and it will be difficult for him to forgive you.
  4. Ask him what you can do to make up for it. Asking him for his opinion of what you can do will show that you are listening and really want to improve the situation according to him.
    • You can text like this, “I know you've been waiting for me for 45 minutes and feel like I don't respect you. What should I do to atone? "
  5. Makes him laugh. Humor can calm someone down. If you can make him laugh, or even smile a little, you've got it to the top.
    • Try humorously defaming yourself. If humor can calm someone down, then gently defaming yourself will multiply.So, you can try making fun of yourself or admitting one of your cute flaws.
    • You can wryly text him like this, “I'm really sorry I came to pick you up late. You know I'm a clumsy kid, I hit at least five walls to get there.
    • Or, you can text more honestly but still gently blame yourself like, “Did you know I had to race against time? After all, I'm still late ”.
  6. Let's say you're missing him. In the case of a guy getting mad because you feel indifferent or ignoring his needs, remind him that you think about him often.
    • For example, you could send an emotional text about something that reminds you of him (as well as possible if it involves a private joke between you two), like, “I just saw one Hanoi's number plate car, it reminds me of the stories you told about your hometown. Thinking about you makes me happy ”.

Part 3 of 3: Realizing when to quit or quit

  1. Know when you should retreat. Don't text him too much. You're sorry, but if he doesn't respond right away or doesn't forgive you, retreat.
    • If you text him, you are doing bad things about the good things you've done by pissing him off instead of being graceful.
    • If he needs time to let it go, give him time. You should let him contact you when he is ready.
  2. Don't force it if he doesn't tell you what made him angry. If he doesn't share the reason for his frustration, it could be because he's too angry to say anything more or it's a ploy to get your attention. Either way, let the situation cool down and he will miss you.
    • If he's really angry but can't or doesn't want to tell you why, he may need time to process it and let the anger pass. Even if you don't know what you've done and this annoys you, just let it go. Don't force him to speak to you; Give him time. When he is ready, he will speak up, and then you can solve the problem.
    • If he doesn't get really angry, maybe he just wants to get your attention, then the more you find out what happened, the more he will extend the situation to make you more. care. Just say that you don't know what upsets him and that you're sorry if you've done something. Then, just let it go, he will get in touch when he ends the joke to get your attention.
  3. Realize when you should give up. If he is so angry that neither your empathy efforts nor your apology are working, give up.
    • You can't do or say anything else right now to make him fall in love with you again, so it's best to give up.
    • After a while, he will probably feel less angry and will talk to you when he is ready. You can't force him to talk to you when he's not ready, so it's best to wait.
  4. Realize if he doesn't deserve it. If he keeps getting angry at you over things that you don't understand or feel unreasonable, consider whether the relationship is really worth it.
    • If being with him makes you feel more sad than happy, maybe it's time to end the relationship.
    • If he has verbally, emotionally, or physically abused you when he is angry, end the relationship immediately.
  5. Seek fun. If everything else doesn't work and the guy doesn't like you no matter what you do, have some fun.
    • The “heal app” allows you to choose the gender of a person you want to heal and use the reason to heal the relationship with them. If all of your attempts fail, the app will provide no more reason, and when there is no reason to use it, then obviously you are in real life. In the worst case scenario, you will be poked at with the messages the app sends on your behalf with the information that you have been kidnapped.
    • Try to think of smart messages that he doesn't respond to. If he doesn't text you back and you know he'll probably never text you, end here. Be exaggerating ("I've been waiting for you to text me for so long that the stray cat has eaten my face and arms and now I'm texting you with my toes while I'm dying".) Or a few combinations Funny meme or animation on goodbye signature.
  6. Next step. Don't hang on to things or think restlessly about what you should have said or how dumb he was.
    • Accept that he's angry and maybe this relationship should end. Go on with your own life.


  • If he refuses to chat via text, ask if he wants to speak in person. Some people prefer face-to-face interactions.
  • Remember to stay calm. You cannot beg someone not to be angry with you. If he's really angry, give him time to calm down.
  • Accept and acknowledge his feelings. Even if you think he is unreasonable, acknowledge his feelings. At the very least, you'll need to accept this if you want to fix the problem.
  • Know when to quit. If he doesn't forgive you, don't force it. The more you try, the more you will make the situation worse.