How to Highlight Highlights

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 18 June 2024


  • Use a sponge or a makeup brush to evenly brush the face.
  • If your face has dark spots or minor defects, put some concealer on it. This will make the highlighted areas stand out even more.
  • You can also use concealer to highlight areas that need highlighting. Dab a small amount of concealer on the bridge of the nose, cheeks, a line between the forehead, under the eyes, and in the wrinkles of the chin. Be sure to apply concealer evenly in these areas.
  • Apply highlighting powder on the cheeks. Use a blush brush or kabuki brush to apply a little highlight from your temples to the top of your cheeks in a C shape. You can apply a single layer to create a light effect or apply multiple layers for more emphasis.

  • Dab a little highlighting powder on the top of your nose. Take a little highlight on your fingertips and dab it on the top of your nose. Move your finger back and forth to apply the powder evenly. Remember not to take too much chalk, you just need to dab a little.
  • Apply highlighting powder down the middle of the forehead. To emphasize the center line of the forehead, you can apply a little highlighting from the middle of the forehead to the bridge of the nose. Start with the hairline on the forehead and sweep it down.
    • If you want to create a stronger highlight effect, you can sweep the chalk down the bridge of the nose, but it's up to you to choose.
  • Method 2 of 2: Create accents for the eyes, lips, and chin

    1. Apply highlighting powder to the inner corner of the eye. Use the eyeshadow brush to grab some highlighting powder on the tip of the brush. Then, sweep the brush against the inner corner of the eye.
      • You can apply multiple layers if you want to make the effect more prominent or apply a thin layer for a softer effect.
    2. Apply highlighting powder to your brow bone. The area directly below the eyebrows will receive the most light, so this is a good place to create accents. You will apply highlighting powder on the brow bone - the area just below the eyebrows.
      • Try to apply the powder primarily to the outer edge of your brow bone. You do not need to brush the entire brow bone.
      • You can also extend the powder line down the crease of the eyelids for a brighter eye effect.

    3. Dab a little highlighting powder on the upper lip. The area between the upper lip is also known as the top of the lips, and brushing on this area draws more attention to the lips. Use your fingertips to take some highlighting powder and apply it to this area.
      • Only apply the powder to the area just above the lips, but don't get on the lips.
    4. Hit the highlight on the center of the chin. Emphasizing the area between the chin also helps to draw attention to the lips. Please apply some highlighting powder to the center of the chin.
      • Be careful not to put too much chalk on this area. You should only apply a thin layer.
      • If you have highlighting powder already, try to match your chin powder with the chalk on your forehead.


    • If you wear highlight chalk for school, you should use the type with a light sparkle instead of the one that contains a lot of glitter.
    • Remember to choose highlighting powder that matches your skin color. Highlights matching your skin tone create an even sparkle. Your skin will not look like glitter. Try using highlighters in different shades to find the right one.


    • Do not apply highlighting powder all over your face, or your skin will look like metal. You should only apply powder to areas that receive light.