How to open a lemonade stand

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Start a Lemonade Stand
Video: How to Start a Lemonade Stand


There is nothing more wonderful than a cool glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. Lots of kids make money selling lemonade in the summer. Choosing the right location and promoting your lemonade stand are two of the most effective ways to make a lot of sales. However, the most important thing is to serve fresh beverages, such as lemonade, to keep customers coming back for more. You should also sell a few more items to please customers and persuade them to recommend to friends.


Part 1 of 3: Planning

  1. Search for a counter location. Do you know the rules of where to book counters? Before doing this, you need to make sure your counter is not in violation of the rules / regulations. To see if you can set up a counter, you need to check if you need a license or follow a certain regulation.
    • Ask parents for permission before setting up the counter. Tell your parents that, by regulations in many places, you need their permission before opening the counter.
    • Or do your own research by contacting your local Business Support Office for more information.

  2. Choose a crowded place. If you live in a dead end, you should choose a different place with more crowds. Intersections may be more ideal locations than one-way streets. Make sure you choose a safe location. Do not set up the counter too close to the road.
    • You can also set up a counter in your front yard. This would be a good place if you live on a busy street.
    • Use caution when setting up counters in parks or at outdoor sporting events. Some places have regulations that do not allow people to set up stalls in such areas.

  3. Invite other little friends to join. You can invite a friend to work together to share work. Plus, having someone working together is more fun.
    • If you're going to sell all day, you need to make sure you can trust your partner not to steal money when you change shifts. An dishonest business partner can ruin your business.
  4. Prepare drinks and snacks for the bartender (you and maybe everyone else). If you sell all day, you will be thirsty and will probably drink all the lemonade and business snacks (if you don't prepare).

  5. Consider the price. If you use fresh lemon, clean ice and big cup, you can sell for 20,000 VND / cup. If you use a mixture of powder and small cups, people will not pay you more than 5,000 VND to 10,000 VND. Normally, whether it is expensive or cheap, you won't make too much money from the lemonade stand. Remember to prepare a little change to pay it back.
  6. Make a signboard. Use a poster board and marker to make a large, colorful sign to hang at the counter. Signs need to show what you're selling and how much it will cost. Use your handwriting carefully with playful handwriting. You can also draw lemons or a cup of lemonade to make the sign more appealing.
    • You could also make some flyers to put up in the neighborhood and tell people where they can buy lemonade.
    • If you do decide to do so, remember to remove the pasted leaflets as you unload the counter.

Part 2 of 3: Building Counter

  1. Set of folding tables and chairs. The table should be large enough to accommodate the lemonade, cups, towels and other items if available. Prepare a chair for the bartender with you. To attract more customers, you should use a nice (but not too prominent) tablecloth and have a sign on the front. Bright colors will make people pay attention to your counter and think about whether you want to buy something or not.
  2. Make a lemonade. There are many different ways to make lemonade. Experimenting to find a recipe for a delicious lemonade is absolutely worth it so as not to disappoint customers. Try each preparation to make sure your lemonade is sweet enough and sour enough before selling it. And always give ice for cool lemonade. Here are 3 ways to make lemonade:
    • Mix with fresh lemon. To get 4 liters of lemon juice, you need 2 cups of fresh lemon juice and 2 cups of white sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves.
    • Mix with concentrated lemon juice. You can purchase frozen concentrated lemon juice in the frozen items section of the grocery store. Mix the lemon juice with water according to the instructions on the package.
    • Mix with lemon powder. Buy a powdered lemonade. Follow the instructions to dissolve the powder in cold water.
  3. Prepare disposable cups and paper towels. The most popular option is small paper cups; however, you can use a large plastic cup if you want. Usually, one batch is enough to sell for one day. Remember to prepare a packet of tissues.
  4. Sell ​​a few other items if desired. Why just stop at lemon juice? Since you have set up the counter, you can sell a few more items. It would be fun if you sell extra cookies, chocolate cakes and other baked goods. You can also sell other drinks. Strawberry lemonade, iced tea or fruit juice are all fresh and delicious drinks that your customers will probably love too. There are a few websites that allow you to log in so you can get started preparing a lemonade stand or scones, and after that, you can donate a portion of your profits to help those in need. . advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Selling Lemonade

  1. Talk to people passing by. If you just sit there and be quiet, people may feel they are not welcome and don't want to come buy lemonade. So smile and say "would you like a glass of lemonade?" That way, you will get people to notice and want to buy your lemonade more. You should also prepare a few responses in response to customer questions if any. You should speak loud enough. Even if they don't want to buy, you should still say "good day to you".
  2. Polite. People won't want to buy anything if you are angry or upset with them. If they are with children, you can talk to them or give them a compliment. If it's an adult, behave happily, politely, and be yourself. If they decide not to buy, just smile and say, "Good day to you" politely.
  3. Be professional and proper. When a guest wants to buy lemonade, carefully pour the lemonade into a glass, hand it over to the guest with a tissue. Once the guest has the lemonade, your job is to take the money and put it in the box. And don't forget to say "Thank you". After the customer has bought something, if they are lucky, they will introduce your friends to your counter. advertisement


  • Choose a clean, beautiful table with bright, decorative details to attract customers. You can try using paint to decorate the tablecloth or buy products specifically for the lemonade stand.
  • Ask your friends for help! However, if you ask someone for help, remember to share the profits fairly. Good luck.
  • Helpful advice - you'll usually have more clients around 5pm. These are very hot times and everyone is going home or about to finish work for the day.
  • If you have a sign on the curb, write it loud enough for people on the road to see it.
  • Promotion. You can sell 1 cup of lemonade for 5,000 VND and 5 cups for 20,000 VND.You can make less money, but only a little. This can help you attract more visitors and have something compelling to write on your signboard.
  • If you want to sell more lemonade, make your own at home. You should also add ice to keep the lemon juice cool, and keep the excess lemon slices and mint stalks for decoration.
  • If you sell more than a day, count the number of customers per day to see if your business is doing better. You may need a small notebook to record each count.
  • You can make an icon for your counter, for example a lemon with eyes, hands and a smile. If you work with other people, you should discuss with everyone to choose a beautiful icon. Besides, people shouldn't make people wear uniforms if they don't want to. You just need to draw the symbol on the paper, as long as it is clear enough for everyone to see it from the other side of the street.
  • Advertisement. Make flyers with some pictures and information about your lemonade stand. You can print a lot and stick it on mailboxes, street lights in the surrounding areas. Remember: you should get permission from your neighbor before posting it on their inbox.
  • Don't leave the lemon juice out for too long to let the ice melt. You can ask your parents to make a few more bottles of lemonade. And don't forget to taste it before selling it.
  • The more effort you put in, the more special your counter is, the more you will sell. You can add accents to tablecloths, paper cups, tissues, donation jars, cash boxes, or anything else on the counter to make them stand out.
  • Always smile and say "good day".
  • If you are a child, be sure to get permission from a parent or guardian before working.


  • Make sure you don't sell too expensive or too cheap. You want to be profitable, right? Sell ​​at the price of 5,000 - 15,000 VND / cup and 20,000 - 50,000 VND / cake (if any).
  • If making a cake, make sure you get the recipe right. Remember to try the cake before selling.
  • Keep money in a safe place. Use a locked cash box and always have 2 people stand at the counter at the same time.
  • Try lemon juice. The lemons you used to make your water may be out of date without your knowledge. Therefore, it is recommended that you taste the lemonade after making it to make sure you have a delicious lemonade.

What you need

  • A sturdy desk (metal if possible)
  • Tablecloths
  • Chair
  • Poster board
  • Seal pen
  • Tape
  • Water container
  • Lemon
  • Street
  • Country
  • Đá
  • Other items (optional)
  • The cup
  • Tissue
  • Money box
  • Money to pay back
  • Tipping or donation jars
  • Disc, if needed