How to Count to 10 in German

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Count to Ten in German
Video: How to Count to Ten in German


You may need to learn to count to 10 in German to travel, work, or just be curious. Learning how to count in German is as easy as eins, zwei, drei! German is a very popular language spoken by more than 100 million people around the world, so this knowledge may be useful to you.


Part 1 of 3: Learn how to pronounce German

  1. Tense your mouth when you speak. Learning German won't work if you don't pronounce it correctly. Bear in mind that Germans put a lot of pressure on their cheeks when speaking. In order to sound like a German, you need to hold the shutter properly.
    • When you open your mouth, the aperture should look like a big "o" or a small "u".
    • Try searching for videos with German pronunciation to learn how to keep the picture in motion. Some German consonants and vowels are also pronounced differently from Vietnamese.

  2. Learn how to pronounce German vowels. Although German has a similarity with Vietnamese, some vowels are spoken differently. This is very important when you practice counting in German.
    • In German, the double vowel "ei" is pronounced "ai" For example, the word "drei" in German means three. However, the word is pronounced "drai". Likewise, the German word "frei" means freedom. This word is pronounced "frai".
    • The opposite applies to the double vowel "ie". This vowel is pronounced like "i". Hence the double vowel in the word "vier" (four) is pronounced "i".
    • The double vowel "eu" is pronounced "oy" in German.
    • If you see two dots on the vowel, you need to pronounce the vowel differently. The word "year" in German has two dots: fünf. The ü sound is pronounced like "i" but with rounded lips.

  3. Learn how to pronounce German consonants. One of the key differences between German and Vietnamese pronunciation is the consonant portion. Some consonants will be pronounced similar to Vietnamese, but some will not.
    • Consonant "v" is pronounced "f". So you should pronounce "f" instead of "v" when you pronounce the number four in German.
    • In German, the "s" consonant is pronounced "z" at the beginning of a word, like "sieben" (the number seven in German).
    • When you have an "r" at the end of a word, pronounce it softly as "uh". The letter "r" is also very lightly pronounced in the middle of the word. Place your tongue on the palate when you pronounce this consonant.
    • So the number four in German "vier" is pronounced "fia." When the "z" consonant starts a word, it is pronounced "ts".

Part 2 of 3: Counting in German

  1. Start counting from 1 to 10 with the word "eins" (one). "Eins" is pronounced "ainz". To pronounce this word say "ai" and add nz on the tail. Counting to 10 in German should be easy if you know how to pronounce some of the main consonants and vowels.
  2. Counting number two is "zwei". In German, "zwei" is pronounced "tsvy". Consonant "zw" is pronounced "ts", instead of the usual "z".
  3. Counting three is "drei". Pronounced "drai", with the word "r".
  4. Use the word "vier" for the number four. The consonant pronunciation in this word is also different from Vietnamese. The "vier" pronunciation is "fia", does not end with a strong "r" sound.
  5. Say "fünf" for the number of years. Read like "fuunf," and insist "u" to stretch the vowel.
  6. Use the word "sechs" to mean six in German. This time, you use the "z" sound. Pronounced "zecks".
  7. Say the word "sieben" for the number seven. Pronounced "zibhen". The "s" sound at the beginning of a word is pronounced "z."
  8. Use the word "acht" for the number eight. Pronounce this word as "ahkt".
  9. Say "neun" to the number nine. Pronounced "noyn."
  10. Complete the counting with the word ten as "zehn". Don't forget in German the "z" sound begins with a sentence pronounced "ts"; hence the pronunciation "zehn" is "tsehn".
    • You also need to know how to say zero in German after having proficiently counted from 1 to 10. Zero is "null", but pronounced "nuul".
  11. Learn how to count numbers greater than 10 in German. If you have mastered the basic German pronunciation and how to count bigger than 10, you should try counting higher! This is pretty easy.
    • Add the word "zehn" after each number starting 13-19. For example, 19 is "neunzehn" and 18 is "achtzehn", and so on. Eleven is pronounced "elf" and 12 is "zwölf".
    • Twenty is "zwanzig". To count numbers greater than 20, start with 1-10, then add the word "und" followed by "zwanzig". Thus, the number 21 is "einundzwanzig", literally "1 and 20" ("s" in "eins" is omitted). Similarly, the number 22 is "zweiundzwanzig". Just like that until number 29.
    • Follow the same procedure until the number 100. Instead of zwanzig, add the word 30 ("dreißig" - ß is "ss" in German and pronounce like "s" in Vietnamese), 40 (" vierzig "- pronounced" fiahtsig '), 50 ("funfzig"), 60 ("sechzig"), 70 ("siebzig"), 80 ("achtzig"), and 90 ("neunzig"). German is "(ein) hundert" (the "d" sound is pronounced "t" and the "u" sound is "uu").

Part 3 of 3: Methods of learning German

  1. Find a local. One advantage of the Internet is that you can find native speakers of different languages ​​to practice with, including German.
    • Different language websites will connect you with native speakers. Some let you hear the pronunciation by placing the pointer over the letter.
    • Find German videos on You Tube, which include counting videos from 1 to 10 so you hear the correct pronunciation before you speak.Some websites use music and songs to teach kids and adults how to count numbers in German.
  2. Take a language course online or at university. German is a very popular language in universities. You can easily find this language teaching facility in the big city. If not you can try searching on the internet.
    • Alternatively you can record the count to 10 in German, then play it back. This is one of the most effective ways to practice sound.
    • Traveling or living in Germany will improve your German language skills. Talking in a foreign language regularly with native speakers is one of the best ways to learn.


  • Try memorizing the first five digits, then continue with the last five.
  • Numbers in German are not capitalized, unless they are changed to nouns, such as "Ba ...", or "Die Drei ..."
  • If you are serious about learning how to count extra in German, you can look for a German teacher or teaching software.
  • You can use vocabulary cards.