Ways to Hug a Guy

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Hug a Guy
Video: How to Hug a Guy


A real hug shouldn't be too stiff, awkward, or scared. All it takes to be able to hug someone is really a sincere desire to hug the other person. Men don't usually expect any movement or technique, they just need you to really pay attention to that hug. You don't have to be glamorous, shy or special, just put your arm around them and hold it for a few seconds.


Method 1 of 3: Hug the other person romantically

  1. Begin hugging by gently touching the person's arm, making eye contact, or smiling. Whether you're in love or just dating, this is a great way to transition to a hug. Just doing so is enough! A regular touch can signal a regular hug and an informal touch can provide an informal hug. Cuddle his hand a few times, or leave it on his hand for a while. Look into the eyes or buzz behind him and tilt your head at him. If you want to hug, give him a hug.

  2. Put your arms around the other person. Don't overthink, just put your arm around him. In general, your arm will slide between his arm and his upper body, wrapping it tightly around his back for a deeper, more intimate hug. However, if you want to be romantic, there are other ways to embrace your partner:
    • Put one arm behind the opponent, directly above the waist. Place another hand around the person's neck and place your finger between the person's neck and shoulders.
    • Gently wrap your left arm around the left (or right) side of his neck. If you want more romance, you can gently knit your hand in his hair.
    • Place your hand gently on the opponent's chest, wrapping the other arm around the waist.

  3. Leaning on her upper body towards him When you put your arm around his neck or chest, lean your upper body towards him. Leaning his upper body against his upper body is called a "heart-to-heart" hug. If you are taller than him, you can comfortably rest your hand on his shoulder. If you're shorter than him, turn your head so that your cheeks touch his chest.

  4. Relax your body and relax in his arms. Just do it slowly and comfortably. A simple hug is an opportunity to be intimate and enjoy the other's feelings. If the initial hugging position is not correct, move your arms and body into a more comfortable position. If you have been hugging the right way, stay in that position until the moment is over or when you feel he is starting to push away.
  5. Get closer to him if you want to be more intimate. Leaning on the upper half of his body on him will show his romantic feelings, but still relatively gentle. Allow your hands to move freely or knit your feet together to express stronger emotions and a stronger desire.
    • Use your fingers to gently rub your back, neck or chest to show your warmth.
    • Pull his head down with a kiss if appropriate or if both of you wish to go beyond a hug.
  6. Slowly release when appropriate. Instead of backing away and immediately and ceasing contact, step back a bit while your hand is still on his shoulder or chest. Look into each other's eyes and smile, or come over and give another kiss.
    • If you feel him gently push away, don't try to hold him tighter. Get on with your emotions and let things go.
    • There's no specific time for a hug, you just need to feel and enjoy it.

Method 2 of 3: Hugging the Male Friend

  1. Make eye contact and open arms before starting to approach. You don't have to date someone to give them a warm, wonderful hug. However, for male friends who are not in love, you usually point him out to greet him. Make eye contact, smile, and open your arms. Unless he holds out his hand to offer a handshake or is embarrassed / avoids eye contact, give him a hug.
    • Be flexible - if the other person doesn't seem to want to hug, don't hug them. If they want to hug, or you're not sure, be yourself and do what you want to do. Very few guys complain about a regular hug.
  2. Open your arms and step closer to the opponent. You will feel intimate and comfortable wrapping your arms around each other and touching the other person's chest. In general, your feet should be 15-20 cm away from them, but don't worry too much about that. This is just a normal hug, so just be normal. As long as you don't lean too deeply into them and pull them closer, you won't misunderstand them.
    • Open your arms depending on how much you feel. You are free to open your arms if you want a really open hug.
    • If your partner doesn't seem like you want to hug him, you can give him a hug. Move to his side and put your arm around your shoulder. A hug with one hand can save you from many embarrassing moments.
  3. Slide your hand under his arm if he is taller than you. Just make sure your head is facing him. If you are taller than the other person, let them put your hand under yours. This isn't a hard rule of course, but it's generally easier to get a hug if you don't have to bend down to put your hand under someone's arm.
  4. Put your arms around his back. Once your hand is fixed according to the person's reaction, move your arm around their body gently but still hold tightly. Keep your body comfortable while wrapping your arms around them. Your arms can extend and touch the other person's back or shoulder, or you can squeeze your hand behind them.
    • Don't think about yourself too much while hugging someone. That will make you feel awkward. Instead focus on who you are hugging and try to enjoy the moment.
    • Just smile if things go the wrong way and you feel awkward. Hugs aren't complicated cues or bonding rituals - it's just an informal way to say hello. Don't infer too much.
  5. Ideally you should hug for 2-3 seconds. Give him an informal and quick hug. To be able to give an intimate hug, think of him and not yourself, enjoy the moment and give him a tight but gentle hug. One way to estimate time, if you're nervous, is to simply indulge in that hug, relax your muscles, then step back at the end.
  6. Step back, make eye contact and smile. End the hug comfortably and step back - most of the time 99% of the time he will always do the same. You want to step out of the person's private space, but not too far away will make you feel uncomfortable - just a little or two is fine. Continuing to look at the other person will affirm the positive effect from your hug and both of you will have a good feeling. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Know the Moment when Hugging

  1. Pay attention to open arms and body language. There is much debate about the moment between a handshake and a hug. One of the most recognizable signs is the person's hand. If they hold your right hand towards you, you can be pretty sure they just want to shake your hand. However, if their arms are extended and their upper body extended, that is a great sign that they are waiting for a hug.
  2. Switch to a simple handshake to fire your awkward hug. If you're stuck in a situation between shaking hands and hugging, put one hand on the other person's lower back to turn into a one-handed hug. Lean just enough for your shoulder to touch him, but don't show that you want to hug him if you don't want to. You can keep your distance, keep yourself just enough distance from him to feel more natural.
    • This is a very effective way of fighting fire for the "what should I do now" moment. Just put your arms around, hug quickly and straighten up.
  3. Adjust yourself if the guy feels surprised or unsure of what to do. If you want, there's no reason you can't let go of your hand or simply turn into a real hug. If successful, the person will be closer to you, so just start and move on in whatever way you feel comfortable. Make eye contact with the other person, and continue to maintain that kind of communication - many guys don't like being hugged by women. Therefore, there are times when you should switch to shaking hands, for example:
    • In business or work circumstances.
    • The first time you meet the other person.
    • When you're not sure what a limit he has set
    • If you don't know / feel insecure about local or international customs.
  4. Skip the streaks of hugging someone and move on to acting differently, like just saying hello. You will feel easier or more intimate. For example, you might start waving your hands, then bang your hands or punch your hands. Actions like this will create a feeling of calmness and clarity between you and the other party. You can also start with a bang at him then move on to a hug, or you can make fun of it by slapping or punching his hand on his shoulder.
    • If he smiles, make eye contact, and if all goes well you can give him a hug as you say goodbye.
    • Fast waving and smiling from a distance is often a good way to determine if the other person wants to hug you. If he responds amiably, go ahead.
  5. Avoid hugging if you don't want to hug with a smile and raise your hand firmly. If you know someone who is a "stalker", or you simply don't want to hug you don't have to force yourself, let go and let go of your hand. Make eye contact and smile, then shake hands sincerely. In rare cases if your partner refuses to let go, you can use your free hand to correct him, making it clear that you don't want to go beyond a handshake.
    • If you really, really don't want to hug them, give them a big smile and say something like "It's great to meet you, let me shake your hand".


  • Above all, be free. Just feel natural, your body will be able to respond to your intentions, and you'll have a better chance of conveying the true meaning of that hug.
  • If you don't feel comfortable hugging a guy or in a particular situation, don't force yourself to hug them.
  • If you feel the hug is coming to an end and you want to be close to him, put your arm around his waist. Turn so you can lean lightly against him and choose whether you want to touch his upper body or lower body. Glimpsed at him and smiled then dropped his head on him. Any man will fall because of that gesture and all think it is a very seductive gesture.


  • Understand that not everyone is good at hugging. If a male friend or relative feels uncomfortable hugging you, don't push yourself towards them. Respecting their wishes is the best way to show your charms than trying to plunge into his arms.
  • You also need to recognize when it's not right to hug a guy. In some cases, a guy might come from a culture that doesn't accept men and women and that you can embrace each other. Or if the male friend already has a lover, keep your hug as normal as possible.
  • If you know that he has feelings for you, but you don't feel the same, avoid hugging too much as it can give him hope.