Ways to Program

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 ways to program electric drums
Video: 10 ways to program electric drums


As technology becomes more and more accessible, the demand for programmers is also increasing. Programming is a skill that improves and improves over time. However, anyone must go through a certain beginning. There are countless languages ​​suitable for a beginner, regardless of the field of their choice (eg JavaScript, etc. JavaScript is relatively high, so start with HTML or CSS). Read on to get started with your programming lessons.


Method 1 of 2: Learn programming languages

  1. Don't worry too much about the language you choose. In the beginning, many people find it difficult to choose a language. However, the use of logic and data structures is almost the same, regardless of the language used. Those are the most important skills, and you can sharpen them in any language.
    • When choosing a language, focus on what kind of programming you want to get started with and, from there, choose the right basic language. For example, if you want to learn how to build the web, you can start with HTML5, then learn more CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. If you want to write desktop apps, start with C or another basic programming language.
    • If you pursue this career, you will find that you will probably never use the first programming language you learned. Instead, you will learn new languages ​​through research and experimentation.

  2. Find free online resources for the language of your choice. The Internet is a treasure trove of free tutorials, classes, and videos, tailored to the language of your choice. You can grasp the basics of nearly any introductory language in just one day.
    • Popular sites include Bento, CodeAcademy, Code.org, html.net, Khan Academy, Udacity, W3Schools, Code School, and more.
    • There are also plenty of beginner tutorials on wikiHow that are tailored for specific languages.
    • Documentation of nearly every programming situation can be found on YouTube.
    • Stack Exchange is one of the great answer sites for all your programming questions.

    Archana Ramamoorthy, MS
    Product management director

    Share of experts: "When I came to programming, I didn't know anything about computer design or programming. When I wanted to learn how to program, I started by reading Java books and using information on the Internet. Today, we have so many resources to learn, so it's easy to learn new skills! "

  3. Download a good editor. Many programming languages ​​allow the use of an external editor to write code. Look for the editor displaying indentation and programming code markup.
    • Some well-known programs include Notepad ++ (Windows), TextWrangler (OS X), and Edit (used for all machines).

  4. Download the required compiler. Some programming languages ​​need a compiler to run the code. The compiler converts the written code into a lower-level language so that the computer can handle it. Many compilers are open source and provided for free. Compiler languages ​​include:
    • C
    • C ++
    • C #
    • Java
    • BASIC
    • Fortran
  5. Get started with your first project. Choosing the right starting project will help you get acquainted with the programming language. Among the many online suggestions and tutorials, the basic HTML website, the template feature and the basic database with PHP or the simple program and any compiled language are the starting points. not bad for you.
  6. Note every piece of code. Annotation feature is available in all programming languages, allowing content to be entered that cannot be read by the compiler. Thanks to this feature, you can add notes to your code. These notes are very important. They not only allow others to understand how code works, but also help you remind yourself of what the code is intended for.
    • You can also use the annotation feature to quickly remove code from your program for testing purposes. Place flashcards around the code you want to remove and remove them for reuse.
  7. Refer to other web projects and programs. During the learning process, do not hesitate to look up and consult how to solve problems of others. Take the time to explore and understand why the code works.
    • See this guide for details on how to read the source code of web pages.

Method 2 of 2: Expand your knowledge

  1. Join the class. Community colleges, technical schools, and online programs offer certificates and classes that allow you to get a job and teach you programming. While not always necessary, an advanced certification like Computer Technology can help you find a full-time programming position.
    • There are many advantages to learning directly with a teacher or a programming expert. This is something that not all online resources can provide.
    • Taking classes can be very expensive. So, consider the benefits you get. If you only consider programming as a hobby, signing up for classes might not be worth the time or money. If you want to pursue this career, taking a class can be very beneficial (but not a must if you are talented).
  2. Expand your knowledge. Don't just learn programming languages, you will benefit greatly from math and logic classes: these are often essential for advanced programming. While it is not necessary to learn math and logic in school, the classroom environment can help.
    • Programming involves physical computation and many simulations requiring a deep understanding of algorithms and models.
    • Logic is the fundamental foundation of programming. Understanding logic and processes will help you solve problems when writing code.
    • Although most programming projects do not require the application of advanced math, this knowledge can bring many benefits and optimization in programming.
  3. Learn more languages. Once you master the first language, you can learn more. Find the complementary language for the first language, or choose the site specific language you're targeting. Add-on languages, such as HTML and CSS, are often the easiest choice to learn.
    • Java is one of the most popular languages, and often a Java developer has plenty of opportunities. Java can run on a wide variety of systems and has a multitude of applications. This language is used for Android apps, one of the fastest growing markets.
    • C ++ is recommended for potential video game developers. While not useful outside of the video game industry, learning how to program on Unity (widely used low-cost game consoles) and UDK (the programming code for the famous Unreal Engine) could open up a few muscles. certain assembly.
    • If you want to write iPhone apps, Xcode and Objective-C will be your primary tools. You also need a Mac, as Xcode can only be compiled on this one.
    • As a server programming language, Python is one of the easiest to learn. It's used for web services like Pinterest and Instagram and is simple enough that you can learn the basics in just a few days.
  4. Please be patient. During the programming process, you will often face challenges, especially when finding bugs and executing new ideas. You will have to learn to be satisfied with smaller accomplishments rather than solving whole puzzles at once. Patience will lead to more effective code, which will help you get the program to work better and your colleagues happier.
  5. Learn to work with others. When many people participate, the project will have many different views on its direction. Teamwork is almost inevitable in the business world. So, unless you plan to develop everything independently, get ready to collaborate with others.
  6. Finding a job allows you to practice your programming skills. Do a web design or write a volunteer computer application.Working part-time in a small company can give you the opportunity to code for websites and simple applications.
  7. Connect with other programmers. There are countless communities as well as developer gatherings. They can support and inspire you. Look for local programming seminars, participate in programming seminars or competitions and sign up for some programming forums to start expanding your network and presence.
  8. Practice, practice and practice. It takes about 15,000 hours to be considered a geek at a computer programmer. That was years of practice. Without spending time practicing and becoming proficient, you won't be able to master programming skills.
    • Try to spend time programming every day, even when not working. Programming in our spare time can make breakthroughs and bring many new ideas.